Lesser Curse

Jiang Ze looked at these drawings and said, "You have learned a lot from these trips. These drawings are what our guild lacks."

Lu Yang said: "The bloodthirsty tyrants and male tyrants had previously taken advantage of them, now it is our turn, brother, don't look at these drawings because they are not dazzling, but they are the key to our guild. With him, We are not afraid of the loss of people, you know? "

Jiang Ze nodded solemnly and said, "Rest assured, I know how to do it."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "I went on drawing, right, don't forget to let my brothers jewel, this thing is too scarce."

Jiang Ze also now understands the importance of gems. When he returned to the guild, he immediately arranged more than 10,000 trumpet collectives to play Level 5 copies to obtain gems. At the same time, he ordered his men to collect a large amount of constant gold ore and various high-level ore.

When the men asked for the reason, Jiang Ze shook his head and did not speak. After secretly telling Tu Feng the reason, he ran to the red fortress and upgraded.

On the other side.

Lu Yang just came out of the mage tower.

"Meowing a microphone, the skill of meteor fire rain actually needs 100 gold coins, planning is really stealing money." Lu Yang said.

He just returned to the mage tower to hand in the task, and learned the secondary forbidden spell, but the money spent was exciting enough.

Shaking his head, Lu Yang came to the portal and flew to Baiguang Town.

Unlike in the past, many players in Baiguang Town have explored here and are teaming up at the door.

Lu Yanggang was about to go out and found that Qingtian Yijian and his sister Zimo Fanchen came over.

"Boss Lu Yang, congratulations." Qingtian Yijian said.

"Congratulations on winning the Bloodthirsty Domineering." Zi Mo Fanchen said.

Lu Yang said, "Fortunately."

Qingtian Yijian said: "It is indeed a fluke, but your strength is very strong, and I agree."

Lu Yang laughed. For such a mindless martial artist, you told him that the strategy and strategy are superfluous. However, Qingtian's position in the national service is unshakable. Lu Yang still has a trick. Accept the heart.

"Well, if you want to join my guild, I will treat you better than you are now." Lu Yang said.

Qingtian smirked and turned and said, "No, these presidents of more than a dozen guilds, such as Domineering, Twilight, and Bloodthirsty, have all mentioned to me. I still feel free and free to chat with you. My brothers are waiting for me. "

Zimo Fanchen rushed to the ground and smiled, and turned and followed Qingtian to leave.

Just two steps later, Qingtian Yijian suddenly turned back and said to Lu Yang: "Forget to tell you, don't call the sword of eternal crime, it has already been summoned away."

Lu Yang smiled and didn't reply. He didn't summon Eternal Sword Guard this time, but wanted to fight a baby.

The forest on the south side of Baiguang Town was once polluted by the blood of the ancient demons, and the trees that absorbed the blood of the ancient demons have become fierce tree demons. They attacked human villages and used human blood as nutrients.

Baiguang Town has been plagued by these tree demon, the mayor issued a reward order, killing the tree demon can get rich rewards.

Lu Yang came to the square and said to the mayor who personally recruited the warriors: "I am willing to accept the task of killing the tree demon."

When 100 level 25 players enter the town of White Light, the mayor will start the task of killing the tree demon.

The bald middle-aged mayor said excitedly: "Thank you my warrior, may the gods protect you."

System prompt: You have accepted the task of killing the tree demon

You turn on the reputation of White Light Town

Your reputation in Baiguang is friendly

Qingtian Yijian saw Lu Yang received the task of killing the tree demon, cut off, and led the team into the forest of eternal sin.

"Boss, would you like to have a look with Landing Yang? Maybe he has a special style of play." Studio member Yu Luo said silently.

"Don't go, our group of 28 players have no way to open up wasteland. What can a 30-level player do? If you go, you will be difficult and retire." Qingtian Yijian said with a grin.

Yu Luo was silent and did not speak. He always felt that the chairman of a 100,000-member guild like Lu Yang would never come here for nothing.

He guessed right, how could Lu Yang not be here to come here. As a fire mage, he likes to play strange monsters. Don't guess that he is a wooden monster.

Just as players can't use fire magic in water, fire spells have a natural 100% damage bonus to wood.

Lu Yang walked into the forest on the south side, in a straight forest avenue, almost 200 tree demon patrolled back and forth.

Tree demon

Level: 30

Qi and blood: 17000/17000

Of all the level 30 monsters, the health of the tree demon is in the top three, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the tree demon's armor is very thick. It is difficult to say. Each tree demon also knows Entangling skills.

In each close-range battle with the tree demon, once caught by the instant magic entanglement released by the opponent, the skills cannot be released, and the attack cannot be done. Unless there is a dispel skill, the price of the dispersal at the auction house has been fried to 20 gold coins. Only rich people will buy.

If it is normal, the tree demon is hiding in the woods in the form of a big tree. When the player passes by, they will be resurrected. Now there are more than 200 resurrected. It should be a player who came in before, but watching the ground scattered The potion should be killed.

Lu Yang looked at the strange group in front of him, and murmured to himself, "I can just try the meteor fire rain I just learned."

Raising the staff in his hand, Lu Yang read an obscure spell in his mouth, which is the same as Meteor Fall. The normal casting time of Meteor Fire and Rain is about 1 minute, but Lu Yang knows to simplify the spell, 10 seconds. After that, the spell was completed.

In the sky within 100 yards, there are overcast clouds, and even Qingtian Sword and others in the Eternal Sin Forest on the north side can see. "Strange, where is such a large cloud. "Yu Luo frowned silently.

Qingtian Yijian also curiously looked at the black cloud. Suddenly, the positive black cloud appeared red, and countless fire meteors fell from the sky and smashed into the forest.

"It is a curse." Zi Mo Fanchen said in surprise.

"It's the first time I've seen such a large-scale curse, and it will not be released by Lu Yang." Yu Luo said silently.

Qingtian Yijian shook his head indifferently and said, "Don't watch, we'll make our own."

The weapon glowed in his hand, and Qingtian Yijian easily killed a half-blooded Sirius Spider. Obviously, Qingtian Yijian also transferred to a Berserker and learned advanced skills.

On the other side.

Lu Yang was staring at the countless tree demon in front of him. He didn't learn meteor fire rain in the last life, but just watched it in the video. I didn't think the actual power of this skill was so high. There are more than 500 tree demon within a 100 yard radius He was all killed.