Dark gold weapon

A burst of white light flashed through the teleportation burst.

The leaders of the army, such as Zhuo Jiu Qing, Xia Yuwei, Sun Yu, bitter love half-life, appeared from the teleportation.

"Boss, what do you do?" Asked bitterly for half a life.

Lu Yang beckoned at them, and when everyone came over, he pointed at the orange long knife around him and said, "This is Xiao Liang and Han Fei. I will take them to open the Pandora's Box."

Everyone looked sideways, and hundreds of Pandora's boxes were randomly stacked near the crater.

"Boss, so many magic boxes, how long have you been choking?" Bailang asked.

Pandora's Box In the level 30 map, only lord-level monsters have a chance to drop, which is very rare.

Lu Yang said, "2 days."

Everyone followed.


Lu Yang took out more than 300 transfer certificates from his backpack and 10 secondary injunctions "Space Cut" and handed them over to the crowd. The ordinary boss will fall out. "

Mao Qiu looked at a lot of transfer certificates in front of him and said excitedly: "Boss, you really go to the level 60 map. Isn't that place a player who can reach level 30 in one second?"

Not to mention level 60 monsters, even level 50 monsters are not easily killed by players at level 30, let alone level 60 bosses.

Han Fei said excitedly: "We not only killed the boss at level 60, but also killed a lord at level 80."

When mentioning this, Han Fei was so excited that he couldn't help telling the context of these days.

"So boss, you are holding a staff of level 80 now?" Mao Qiu said.

Lu Yang smiled and shared the staff attributes to everyone and said, "How about."

"The magic damage is 569 points, intelligence +97 points, and 3 gems with +80 intelligence have been hit. This staff has more than 900 points of damage." Mao Qiu said in admiration.

Han Liu said coquettishly, "Boss, I want it too."

Lu Yang smiled and handed the staff to Han Liu, and said, "In two days, I will raise the level to 50. This staff will be lent to you for a few days.

Who asked me madly in my life and asked, "Boss, how old are you?"

"Just 40." Lu Yang said.

"Just 40?" Mao Qiu rolled his eyes and said, "Boss, I'm only 32, this is just my leveling day and night."

"I'm 32."

"We have just reached level 32." Bai Lang stared at Lu Yang gazing at him.

Lu Yang laughed and said, "I'm nothing, they are all 44 in Red Night."

Everyone silently looked at Han Ying's three siblings and Mu Yu. A strong sense of jealousy sprang up, and they were also upgraded. They only got 2 grades in 4 days, and Han Ying got 14 grades. This gap Even the muddy wine poured out an envious expression.

"Boss, I also ask for special treatment." Yeyue heard the wind.

The dumb and handsome guy sells cute and said: "Same as."

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Rest assured, you will be here in the past few days. I guess the Bloodthirsty Batian is about to launch an attack, and I will reconfigure you before the battle."

Tu Feng frowned and said, "It's really something extraordinary today. A lot of people came from the Bloodthirsty Domination's headquarters, all carrying big bags. I don't know if it contains materials or what."

"No matter what is not good for us, tell me how many people are in the level 30 or above in the guild." Lu Yang asked.

Tu Feng said: "More than 20,000 people have been equipped with 30-level gold equipment. At present, there are not many materials in the warehouse. It is estimated that the guild can generate 30,000 more 30-level players in 5 days. The materials are not enough, should I buy some. "

Lu Yang said, "Purchase, buy more. To be honest, at the beginning we had 13 thousand people left in the guild. However, for more than a month before, many people followed us for a long time. I was bullied many times by the bloodthirsty bully during this time, but they didn't persist until the end. In any case, they also paid a lot for this guild. Now we have the ability and can't be worse for these people. "

Everyone nodded.

Lu Yang went on to say: "Furthermore, the price of materials is now rising one by one, and the price is almost boundless. We should also purchase some in advance. If more people are recruited in the future, we are also prepared."

As more and more players reach level 30, the price of materials for gold equipment is constantly artificially raised by material dealers in various main cities. Players do not want to buy, but the materials are almost in their hands. It is not possible to buy or not.

Tu Feng said, "I will contact the material merchant tomorrow."

After talking about the guild, everyone did not leave but sat beside Lu Yang.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yang asked.

"We'll wait to see the box open," Lan Yu said with a raised hand.

"Look at the same," Han Liu said.

"Look at +1."


Lu Yang laughed and said, "Okay, if you drive the lord again, you can help fight too."

Han Fei said, "The three of us are down."

In order to speed things up, Han Fei, Xiao Liang, and Han Yu decided to open the boxes together, which can improve a lot of speed.

System prompt: Your attributes are reduced by 10%

System prompt: you are dead


When it reached 100, another lord, Queen Naga, the Lord of Poison Water Temple at level 50, dropped a purple gold bow on the ground.

High Elf Bow · Shooting Star (Dark Gold)

Level: 50

Damage: 397—426

Dexterity: +80

Strength: +75

Additional attack damage: +88 points

Physical Penetration: +110 points

Han Yu said excitedly holding the bow and arrow: "I didn't die for nothing baby."

This bow and arrow is much better than the legendary 30-level equipment, but Han Yu can't help but be excited, and he can wear it in 6 levels, which is the day after tomorrow.

The Lord Demon Soul appeared at 200 times, and a skill book was obtained after being killed.

Demon Seed

Type: Shadow

Cost: 300 magic

Description: Add a shadow seed to the target, drop blood 200 + spell damage / 10 points per second, duration 20 seconds, if the target dies within the duration, the shadow seed explodes, causing 1000 + spells to the target within 30 yards The amount of damage.

Lu Yang handed this skill book to Han Ying. Whoever looked at me turned green all the time.

When the number reaches 300, the Lord Abyss Leader appears, and after the death, a lightning rod is dropped.

Thunderfury Scepter (Dark Gold)

Level: 50

Attack: 88—166

Intelligence: +82

Stamina: +80

Spell Damage: +368

Additional lightning spell damage: +78

Lu Yang gave the staff to Mu Yu.

When the number reaches 400, the night demon appears, and a black book is dropped after being killed.

Book of Dark Words (Dark Gold)

Level: 50

Attack: 66—66

Intelligence: +100

Stamina: +80

Spell Damage: 366

Additional Shadow Damage: +67

"My sister took this book to output higher than Lu Yang brother." Han Fei said.