The Assassin Guild

"Rumor has it that you are the best information master in the entire Newbie Village, is that true?"

The leader of the group asked in a deep voice.

Leo didn't have a good impression of people who spoke to him with that kind of tone, and frowned, "Yes, what kind of information do you want to buy?"

The man looked Leo up and down and then walked into the tavern with the other three behind him, asking, "What kind of information do you have here?"

Leo spread out his hands and said, "I have all kinds of information here, as long as it's related to this game, I know it."

"What's the most expensive information?" The man asked again.

"My information is divided into four categories: general information, which is cheap but not available online; rare information, which is slightly more expensive; first-hand information, which is sold for the first time and is more expensive than rare information; and lastly, exclusive information, which is only sold to one seller, and of course, it's the most expensive." Leo replied.

The man nodded and said, "Then I want to buy your information."


Leo shook his head, pointing to a small wooden sign hanging inside the tavern and said, "Sorry, it's our store's rule not to sell information related to players."

The man glanced at the sign and smiled, "You have a lot of rules here."

"Big brother, don't waste time with him, let's just tie him up and go." Another man who followed behind said.

Leo took a closer look and saw that all four of them had hidden their ID and level information, and their faces were also covered with masks, making it impossible to recognize who they were.

Of course, this level of hiding was only useful for ordinary players.

After Leo closed his eyes and opened them again, he could clearly see the faces, IDs, and attributes of the four people in front of him.

"Ink, Naka, Garo, Himekoi..." Leo silently repeated their IDs in his mind. Next to these IDs was a black title indicating that they were members of the Black Paradoxical Blade Guild, a notorious guild in the game world. Although the guild was ranked only eleventh in the game, nobody dared to underestimate them because these guys would stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

"The Black Paradoxical Blade 's people?" Leo furrowed his brows and asked directly.

Assassination was the hallmark of this guild. Players who were willing to pay could hire assassins to eliminate their enemies, and with enough money, the assassins could even reduce the target's level to one.

The leader of the group, Ink, was clearly surprised, and immediately asked Leo, "We all concealed our titles... How did you know?"

"If I couldn't figure this out, how could I be the best intelligence master?" Leo sneered.

Ink found this interesting and showed off his equipment, a level 25 dagger with an attack power of 210 and the additional effects of heavy injury and bleeding. It seemed that this guy was indeed a skilled player.

Pointing his dagger at Leo, Ink said with a smile, "I'll give you two options now. Either you tell us all the information you know, including that of the top ten guilds... Or we'll kill you until you're at level 1, and you'll never leave the novice village again in your life."

Leo smiled slightly and said, "I think I'll choose the third option... kill all four of you. It'll be simple that way."

The Black Paradoxical Blade Guild.

The game had only been open for a month, and although players could form guilds, none had their own stronghold yet. Players in the same guild usually gathered in a fixed location for activities and communication.

The Black Paradoxical Blade Guild 's meeting place was located on a mountain to the north of the Newbie Village, where Poisonous Fragrant Grass often spawned, making it convenient for the Black Paradoxical Blade members to collect and make poison.

The guild leader of the Black Paradoxical Blade was a high-level player at level 27 who always wore a black mask. Most guild members received tasks from him.

"Boss, those girls from the Spirit Fox Guild have ruined our plans again. The person we were supposed to assassinate was saved by them. What should we do now?" A bald male player named "Morpheus" asked. He was a core member of the Black Paradoxical Blade and the guild leader's trusted right-hand man.

The guild leader looked up at Morpheus and sighed, "This time the commission fee is not small. The task must be completed...How about the task that was given to Ink? Did that information master bring back what I need to know? I have a lot of things to ask him."

Morpheus grinned, "Don't worry, Boss. Ink is one of the top five players in our guild. That guy running a pub and selling information is nothing but a small fry. This task is as good as done."

As he finished speaking, a teleportation gate suddenly opened nearby, and Ink and his three companions walked out, their faces pale.

"Well, it's easier said than done," Morpheus turned around and asked the four, "So, how is that information master called 'Leo'?"

Ink's face became even uglier.

"That guy called 'Leo'... I don't know what kind of item he used, but he was able to kill all four of us in an instant..." Ink clenched his fists as he spoke.

In fact, Leo didn't use any item at all. Dealing with those four weaklings would have been a breeze for him.

But Ink couldn't believe that Leo had such strength, and was convinced that he must have used some kind of forbidden item.

Upon hearing that the guy had killed all four of his trusted subordinates in an instant, Morpheus was shocked and asked, "Does such a powerful item really exist?"

"Don't panic," the leader of the Black Paradoxical Blade spoke up. "Items with such tremendous power are generally disposable, or come with a huge cost, and can't be used multiple times."

Morpheus asked, "What should we do now?"

"The most important thing now is to complete the commission," the leader said in a low voice. "After all, as long as we can get this mother fxxker back to level 1, we will get a reward of three million dollars."