The little Lily

After the auction ended, the crowd dispersed, and Leo was about to leave as well. However, an auction staff member stopped him, saying Goldman had something to discuss with him.

Meeting Goldman backstage, Leo sighed, "You guys made quite a fortune today, didn't you? Just from the Pegasus horn alone, you got a 700 gold coins commission, right? Impressive..."

Goldman smiled slightly without confirming or denying, tilting her head and asking, "During the auction, I noticed that your expressions were quite animated. What excited our esteemed information broker so much?"

What else could it be? Money, of course...

Of course, Leo would never say that outright, as it would be too vulgar.

"Of course, it's seeing the valiant figure of our Goldman goddess at the auction that made me so excited," Leo shamelessly replied.

Goldman laughed, "If you were really interested in me, your gaze wouldn't be like this."

"What should it be like?" Leo's gaze shifted towards Goldman's ample chest...

"You're not that kind of person, so there's no need to pretend to be a pervert. It's just ridiculous." Goldman deliberately crossed her arms, making her chest appear even more prominent... It seemed she didn't mind Leo looking at her body like that.

But if it were any other man looking at her like that, Goldman would have used a combo move to send him to death.

Leo coughed lightly, shifting his gaze away... How embarrassing, he intended to tease her, but ended up being teased himself.

"Seen enough?" Goldman laughed and lowered her arms, "I want to discuss something with you."

"What is it?" Leo immediately became cautious, "Let me be clear first, for the auction items, I only want cash! Don't think of giving me something else to deceive me!"

"Alright, alright, don't worry, I'll give you cash," Goldman replied, "I just have a friend who is being pursued by assassins from all sides, and I'd like you to help protect her."

Leo frowned, "I'm an information broker, not a bodyguard... Besides, you're one of the executives of the Spirit Fox Guild... With so many experts in the Spirit Fox Guild, can't you protect this person?"

"This friend is someone our Spirit Fox Guild would like to protect but is unable to," Goldman said helplessly, "Besides, all the experts in our guild are about to head out to conquer the Sandfall City, so we don't have the manpower to spare for her protection. Leo, this person is also entrusted to you by our guild leader..."

"Stop right there, just mentioning that woman makes me angry! Your guild leader still owes me ten gold coins!" Leo quickly interjected.

"Do you know how many people in this world would love to have our guild leader owe them a favor?" Goldman playfully said, her tone captivating.

As it turned out, the Spirit Fox Guild leader was recognized as the NO.1 beauty among the top ten beauties in the game. This list wasn't official but was ranked by players themselves.

Even the enchanting Goldman was only ranked sixth on the list. One could only imagine how beautiful the number one, Spirit Fox Guild leader, must be.

However, now many female players chose to wear masks or veils when they were out and about to avoid trouble, so this ranking might not be accurate. No one knew which undiscovered stunning beauty might still be out there.

Leo was unyielding, insisting, "I don't care, she must return those ten gold coins to me! Don't think that just because you're pretty, you can default on your debts!"

"Okay, if you're willing to help us protect this preson for a month, our guild is willing to pay you in cash... $300,000!" Goldman knew that talking about anything else with Leo would be useless; only money could make him willingly do the job.

Upon hearing that he could earn 300,000 in cash just by protecting someone for a month, Leo immediately wavered.

"Uh... let me think about it..."


"Actually, even though I'm an information broker, no one has ever said I can't do other businesses..."


"Deal! Where's the person? I won't let her lose a single hair within this month!" Leo looked at Goldman with bright eyes, his expression serious.

If someone didn't know him, they might think he was a very reliable person based on his appearance...

Goldman giggled and then said to the door, "Lily, you can come in now."

As soon as the words fell, the door was pushed open with a creak, and the little girl who had been holding the "Pegasus horn" on stage walked in obediently.

Leo was stunned.

"Your friend is this girl?" Leo asked Goldman, pointing at the girl.

"I'm Lily, not 'this girl'." The little girl said with a stern face, seemingly unhappy with Leo mispronouncing her name.

Leo squatted down and asked, "How old are you, little girl?"

"Fourteen, and I'm not called little girl, I'm called Lily!"

Leo smiled and patted her head, "Alright, little girl."

"You're the little girl!" Lily playfully stuck out her tongue at him, then dodged Leo's grasp and ran behind Goldman.

Goldman lovingly stroked her head, "Lily, this is the uncle I has asked to take care of you. You must be careful in the game this month and not run off by yourself, okay?"

"Uncle?" Leo was unhappy, "Why does she call you sister and call me uncle? I'm only ten years older than her..."

"Because you look like an uncle." Goldman laughed, covering her mouth.

Leo snorted, "I look mature, that's all. Where else can you find someone as rugged and manly as me?"

"Okay, okay, you're the handsomest, my information broker lord. Can I entrust Lily to you then?" Goldman asked.

"Alright," Leo assured, patting his chest, "I'll take people's money and eliminate their disasters. Lily will be fine with me."

Goldman seemed to trust Leo, nodding, "I'll transfer $100,000 to your card later. After this month, if Lily hasn't lost any levels and has leveled up normally, I'll transfer the remaining money to you."

"Can I ask one more question?" Leo looked up.

"Go ahead."

"Why is Lily targeted and pursued by so many people? And even if she gets killed in the game, it's just a loss of levels, right? Is it worth spending 500,000 in cash to protect her from losing levels?"

Goldman smiled mysteriously, "I'm sorry, I don't have the right to tell you about this... If Lily is willing, she'll tell you herself."