"I've already told you that I am the best information master in the entire newbie village," Leo said, "Don't be so jumpy."

"I don't believe you know everything!" Lily said defiantly, "Then I'll ask you, do you know what's special about this staff I have?"

Leo glanced at it contemptuously, thinking it couldn't be anything extraordinary. But as he was about to make a sarcastic remark, he suddenly realized something was off...

Why did the gem embedded in the staff look so familiar?

"Mind Stone fragment? Damn..." Leo was so shocked that he even swore.

"How about that? Impressive, right?" Lily started showing off again.

The Mind Stone, a gem that can only be obtained by players above level 100, is said to be able to see through other people's minds. When embedded in equipment, it can even control others' actions!

Nowadays, players don't pay much attention to their own "mental resistance" attribute. When Mind Stones become widely available, they will realize how important "mental resistance" is.

As for Mind Stone fragments, they can only be obtained by players above level 50. The fact that Lily got one was undoubtedly due to that wasteful Azure.

Damn it, that dragon was usually stingier than himself, but so generous with Lily.

Leo shook his head and said, "You, Lily, don't you know what it means to not flaunt your wealth? And you actually embedded this gem in such an ordinary staff... Are you a fool?"

"Hmph, I know you're just jealous!" After showing off, the little girl put the staff back in her backpack, "And, don't call me little girl!"

"By the way, where did you meet the dragon that gave you this and the dragon breath?" Leo asked.

Lily pouted, "I'm not telling you."

"Fine," Leo said indifferently, "When you finish your juice, go wash the cup yourself."

"Why?!" Lily's eyes widened.

"I'm only protecting you, not hosting you as a guest. You should take care of your own things." Leo said.

"I won't..."

"Shut up." Leo suddenly interrupted her.

As soon as his words fell, Leo looked to the left. There was no one there, but Leo suddenly started laughing.

"You're quite bold, daring to sneak up on me."

After that, Leo disappeared from the chair.

Yes, he just vanished.

The next second, Leo appeared where he had just been looking. He seemed to be holding something in his hand... but Lily couldn't see anything after staring for a long time.

"What are you doing in the air?" Lily asked curiously.

"Just a little bug," Leo laughed, "Take out your staff and you'll see."

Hearing Leo's words, Lily took out her staff embedded with the Mind Stone fragment. Through the enhancement of the Mind Stone fragment, she saw that Leo was holding a stealthed thief in his hand. The thief was struggling, but his stealth technique remained intact even after being caught by Leo.

As if knowing what Lily was thinking, Leo said, "It's just a little trick. The stealth suit he's wearing is the best before level 30. Even if he's discovered or attacked, his invisibility won't be broken. But in my eyes, I can see everything he does."

"Let me go!" Seeing that both people in the room could see him, the thief gave up on his stealth and shouted.

Leo was unhappy, "You had the guts to break into my tavern, and now you're acting so cowardly? Were you planning to attack Lily? Tell me, who sent you?"

The thief was now sweating profusely. He had planned to rely on his stealth suit to suddenly appear and take out Lily since she was a priest with low health and armor. He was a level 23 player, so he thought it would be easy to kill her.

As for the tavern owner... the thief hadn't taken him seriously at all.

Who would have thought that the seemingly useless tavern owner could actually detect him and restrain him in an instant?

At this point, he decided to keep his mouth shut. The worst that could happen was losing a level.

"Not talking? You think I can't do anything to you?" Leo was about to use his "Eye of Truth" when Lily interrupted him.

"Uncle, this person's ID is 'Madly Slashing the Street,' and he's from the Black Paradoxical Blade Guild, currently at level 23!"

After Lily finished speaking, the thief looked at her as if she was a monster.

"Oh, I almost forgot, the Mind Stone fragment allows you to view information of players no more than 5 levels above you..." Leo nodded.

Although Lily's information viewing function was limited to game IDs, levels, and affiliations, unlike Leo's "Eye of Truth" which could see everything, it could still be useful sometimes.

"Wait, what did you just call me?" Leo frowned and asked.

"She just called you uncle." The thief chimed in.

"You shut up."

Leo struck the thief with one palm, instantly killing him. Only a cloak was left at the spot, the equipment that helped him with his stealth.

"Wow, uncle, you're amazing! You killed a level 23 expert with just one strike! But why isn't there a corpse..." Lily exclaimed.

Leo clapped his hands and proudly said, "People killed by me can only respawn at their starting point, with no chance to revive. Also, call me big brother."

"So you're the bane of priests!" Lily said.

"Wrong, I'm the bane of all classes, not just priests." Leo laughed.

Lily nodded with a vague understanding. Now she felt that the man in front of her really had the ability to protect her.

It seemed that Goldman's judgment was indeed correct.

"I didn't expect that the Black Paradoxical Blade Guild would really come to kill you..." Leo picked up the stealth cloak from the ground and threw it into his backpack, "Their fees are not low... What kind of person did you offend at such a young age that they want to kill you so badly?"