Rare Ents Spirits

"One silver coin and thirty-two coppers coins. Why, do you want them?"

Leo asked, smiling as they walked into the valley and handed the coin to Lily.

Lily hurriedly waved her hands: "No."

"So generous? I'll take it, ha." Leo smiled more broadly.

"The Forbidden Forest is in front of us," Lily reminded him. "Do you have a good way to protect us from anything?"

Leo picked up the money, looked ahead, and stopped her. "Wait a minute," he said. "I think there's someone in front of us."

Lily immediately took out the wand and asked warily: "what person? Come to trouble me?"

"Probably not... Come with me," Leo said with a wave of his hand. "Let's take a closer look at the nearby woods."

Lily saw Leo say so, hurriedly nodded, followed him into the woods.

A few hundred meters further on, they saw a male and female player performing their magic at the entrance to " the Forbidden Forest."

The male player is a knight and the female player is a mage. Right now, the female player's hands spread out a piece of magic scroll and her mouth is chanting something.

"Oh, Pyroblast, now they even have a scroll of this level, the players nowadays are really refreshing ."Leo sighed in a low voice when he saw this.

Lily turns her head and asked: "How do you know that is Pyroblast? And...I've never heard of this kind of magic, I've only heard of fireball..."

"Just look at the scroll and the spell that the woman chanted," Leo said coolly. "Pyroblast is a powerful fire spell that mages at level 50 can learn from their master tutors in The City of Heavenly Kings. It looks like these two are trying to frame monsters bypassing their levels."

"Level 50 spells?!"The Lily exclaimed, "That two..."

"Don't worry, they are only no more than level 20," Leo interrupted her. "That woman was able to use the Pyroblast because she spent a lot of money on that scroll, which is consumable and can only be used five times."

Lily now understood and came over: "Can be used 5 times only?"

Leo nodded and said: "Yes, I guess they have received a hidden task. The blacksmith in the newbie village has a hidden task, as long as you help him to forge Iron for a whole day, he will require players to find two [Rare Ents Spirits] in the Forbidden Forest, and then the blacksmith will help players made two high defensive equipment by these two rare ents. Rare ents spirits have a chance to drop on the corpses of monsters outside of the Forbidden Forest."

"But isn't it reluctant to come here at the level around 20?" Lily worried.

Leo looked relieved. "As long as the knight plays well, a spell of this level will kill the monsters outside the Forbidden Forest in a second. There is a total of 5 chances of Pyroblast, and the monsters have a 1/2 chance of dropping rare ents Spirits...If they're not too unlucky, they should be able to get two or three."

"Well, what about us, will we keep on watching?" Asked Lily.

Leo said, "It's nothing to look at. Let's go. Our goal is not the periphery of 'the Forbidden Forest', but the central area."

"The central area?!" Lily took a deep breath and said, "The monsters there are said to be at least level50! We are going to kill ourselves!"

"Ha, you'll see when you get there." Leo stood up and was about to leave when he stretched out his hand. "Wait a minute," he said. "I think a good show is about to start..."

Lily was confused about Leo's words: "what did you mean?"

"Don't talk. Let's see what happens." With that, Leo pulled Lily back to squat.

The male knight successfully pulled out an lv30 ent from the forbidden forest. Ents are the monsters with extremely high blood, and the knight used the [Charge] skill which only dropped 1% of its blood. It is estimated that it will take a whole team of more than 20 knights to cut it down.

The only drawback of the ent was its slow movement, and the knight took advantage of this. He kept weaving and weaving, and it took him ten minutes to attract it to where the mage was.

The slow-moving half-tree couldn't hide when Pyroblast was released. The blood ran to the bottom, and a bright green ball of light fell out of its body.

Seeing this, Leo said: "These two people are lucky, the first ent dropped the 'rare ent spirit'."

After a while, a second ent was pulled out, and another Pyroblast is released. but this time, the rare ent spirit was not dropped.

Then a third, then a fourth...

Finally, after killing the fourth ent, the second rare ent spirit dropped out.

Those two players cheered excitedly, being busy for so long and finally done, they are going to be so rich!

Unfortunately, they had no time to be happy. Just for a few seconds, a black wind blew, and around them appeared four men in black robes with sinister smiles.

Leo had been aware of these guys, and he had stayed to see what they were up to.

Among the four people who appeared suddenly, the bald man in the lead laughed lewdly: "Hey, you two ran to such a remote place to do what ah?"

"Who are you? It's none of your business why we're here!" The knight, sensing the danger, snapped.

The bald man said, "Hem, we four brothers are the first players to discover the entrance to the Forbidden Forest, so if you farm monsters here, shouldn't you give us brothers some benefits? Tell you what, keep the rare ent spirits, and give our brothers ten gold coins each, and we will let you go."

The mage said angrily, "Shame on you! 'The Forbidden Forest' is marked on the beginner's village map. How dare you say you are the first to find it?"

"Hey, I can't tell you're a nice little girl with a good figure and a bad temper, and I adore that..."The bald man said to the mage with a wretched look.


"These guys are all warlocks," said Lily with her eyes wide open. "Four against two...Those two people they're in danger! Are we going to rescue them?"

Leo turned to look at her and asked, "If they're not related, why to save them?"

"But then we stayed for..."

"I'm not a virgin. It's not my style to help others for a just cause when there is no money," Leo said with a smile. "It's quite my character to be the oriole in the post. Did you see, those warlocks' equipment is worth, heh."

Lily suddenly discovers that Leo smiled even more sinister than that baldheaded man.