More than one Newbie Village?

After half an hour.

The riot near the auction house was finally suppressed by the joint efforts of several major guilds. All those who were incompetent or irrelevant were driven away by the members of the major guild, leaving only 300 representatives to enter the venue and sit down.

After all the bigwigs were seated, they waited for about half an hour. Just when everyone was a little impatient, Goldman walked out.

I have to say that Goldman on stage looked so noble and confident, which was completely different from when she was alone with Leo.

Goldman smiled at everyone, and then said: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time, I believe everyone is here for the previous news about 'Succubus Fruit'?"

"Goldman, you have put on airs, leaving so many of us waiting here. Do you know how precious our time is?" Someone was dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry," Goldman said, laughing. "I know you're all the best players in the game, and time is precious, but we need to prepare as well..."

"That guy over there, if you think we are wasting your time, the gate of the auction house is over there, so it's better for you to leave."

Before Goldman had finished speaking, Leo suddenly appeared on the field and interrupted her by saying these.

"Leo, you..." Upon hearing Leo's words, Goldman immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

Leo waved his hands with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Who is this kid?" The man who just complained about the long wait was named "Drinking with Wind". He frowned when he saw Leo talking to him like this, and he could see that he was very dissatisfied.

Since entering this game, with the name of the vice president of the top ten guilds, " Drinking with Wind " can be described as A man of great influence in the game, and no one dares to refute him face to face like this.

Now this "Leo" dares to let him go? !

Goldman quickly explained, "This is the player who knew the information about Succubus Fruit."

"Oh, that's right," laughed another player whose ID was "Quit Waves" sitting nearby. "Brother D, it looks like you've offended the Lord this time."

" Drinking with Wind" immediately felt a little embarrassed. His president very much value Succubus Fruit's information this time, let him be sure to take it. But he direct offended that guy who offered the information, that was really bad luck.

But this "quit waves" is hitting him when he is down, it seems that he has to show him the error of his ways

Leo didn't care about the feuds among the players below, he just wanted to sell his information for a higher price.

"Is anyone getting impatient now?" When Leo said this, he looked around. There was silence. No one said another word.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's start talking about 'Succubus Fruit'," Leo said with a slight smile, "I am Leo, the owner of the 'Leo Bar' in Newbie Village, and I am also an excellent intelligence master, if you have any information you want to know in the future, just come and buy it from me, of course, my price is not cheap..."

Goldman, who was standing beside him, rolled her eyes and thought, "Are you here to sell intelligence or advertise?"

After Leo finished speaking, someone below finally started to speak: "We only care about the origin of 'Succubus Fruit', please make a price."

"Of course, this is an auction house, so naturally we follow the auction rules," Leo said with a smile, "and I promise that I will only sell the news to the buyer with the highest bid, and never tell anyone else."

"What if you go to that place yourself?" Someone questioned.

"I am a reputable intelligence master," Leo replied. "Since I have sold intelligence to customers, I will not use the content of intelligence for profit."

"How much is the reserve price?" The "Quit Waves " just asked.

"This friend asked a very important question," Leo nodded. "Everyone has seen today's grand occasion of the auction house, everyone came because of Succubus Fruit, so the value of Succubus Fruit is so clear to see. It can be said that as long as you have this information, you have a cash cow."

Leo paused for a while. Seeing that there was no response in the field, he continued with a smile:

"...So, the reserve price I gave is the right price. I don't like to receive game gold coins, and 1 million dollars in cash is the reserve price."

"What, 1 million dollars in cash?!"

Off the field, everyone was stunned. Although they didn't say that they couldn't afford the money, it would be so weird to spend so much money on a game item...

"I know what you are worried about," Leo said with a smile, "but I can guarantee that as long as it works properly, the benefits you will get after getting the information on the 'Succubus Fruit' forest will definitely far exceed this number."

Off the field, someone couldn't help but retort: ​​"But the market isn't big enough, and all the powerful people in Newbie Village are here. Even if women love beauty, only a few of them can spend a few hundred gold coins to buy a 'Succubus Fruit'. It's a minority, what if we can't make a profit worth 1 million cash at all? Wouldn't it be worthless?"

After saying this, countless people at the scene began to nod in agreement.

"The market isn't big enough? Hey, don't you think... there is only one newbie village in Dragon Abyss Online?" When Leo finished saying this with a smile, the audience was extremely silent, and even a needle fell to the ground can be heard.

More than one newbie village?!

What does this mean?

Leo looked at the stunned audience below, and said, "Don't you think it's strange? This is a game all over the world on the same server, and why can't you meet foreigners in the game newbie village?"