
Lily rode on Azure's head with excitement. When she met this big dragon before, she was filled with awe and did not dare to be disrespectful.

Azure, on the other hand, didn't seem so happy. He was ridden on the head by such a little girl. Although he liked this little girl, he was not happy in his heart. After all, the dragon clan has its pride.

"Why are you looking at me like this, this is punishment!" Leo looked at Azure and shouted, "I told you to hide here, and don't let anyone find you, then what have you done? This little girl's dragon breath is yours, right? You are so generous, giving such a rare dragon breath to people casually."

Azure opened his mouth and said, "Master, I follow the traditions of our clan..."

This voice made the little girl on his head almost fall off. She hurriedly asked Leo, "Can it still talk?"

"Of course, mythical creatures can speak. Although he can't transfer into human form yet, it's not a problem to speak human words," Leo said. "What traditions of your clan you can tell me about?"

Azure hesitated for a moment, then said, "As long as the human being that we meet when waking up has a chance, and there is no problem with his character, he will be given a dragon breath. This is a tradition of our clan..."

"Then let me ask you, which is more important between your clan's tradition and my order?" Leo raised his eyebrows and asked.

"This..." Azure hesitated for a while, "Of course, it's the master's order that matters."

Leo sneered: "My order for you is to hide in the cave and not be seen by any human beings. You are now disobeying my order, and do you know what will happen?"

As soon as these words came out, Azure stepped back several meters in fright.

"Don't panic," Leo smiled and took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket, "It's just to seal you in the talisman. It might be a little bit narrow, but you will be always by my side, which will make you feel safer, right?"

Azure immediately said excitedly: "Master, I know I was wrong! I don't want to be locked in the talisman... It's crowded and there is no freedom, it's just uncomfortable..."

"Look, you said the same a month ago, I kindly told you to hide in this place and wait, but what happened," Leo said, raising the talisman paper in his hand, "It's all your fault, why, you should blame yourself Come in or do I do it myself?"

Azure didn't dare to speak anymore, so he nodded silently, preparing to get into the talisman paper in Leo's hand.

The little girl who was sitting on the dragon's head said, "My kind brother, you should let it go. Look at how pitiful the dragon is. It is so big that it has to hide in this small cave. Now you let him get into a talisman paper. Isn't it even more uncomfortable?"

"Of course, you like him, he gave you the dragon breath." Leo said a little unhappily, "If I don't discipline it well, wouldn't it revolt someday?"

"Big brother, you are so nice, so just let him go," Lily said coquettishly.

"Well, although you call me brother, I have principles." Leo frowned.

"I'll give you 100,000 dollars so that big dragon doesn't have to work so hard to get into your talisman, how about that?" Lily said again.

"No problem, I've always been an easy-going man."

Leo completely forgot the principles he just said, took back the talisman paper without saying a word, and asked, "When will you give me the money?"

"When I get offline, I will ask Sister Goldman to transfer the money to you," Lily said sincerely.

"You didn't lie to me, did you? Where did you get 100,000 dollars as a little girl?" Leo suddenly realized that he seemed to be thinking a little bit. What if this girl was just talking casually, but there is no such thing at all?

Lily pouted: "It's only 100,000 dollars, how could I not be able to afford it, don't worry, I won't lie to you!"

"Anyway, if you can't come up with it, I'll ask Goldman for it myself. She has money." Leo thought about it for a while and then felt relieved. Since Goldman can pay 500,000 dollars to protect this girl, it means that the identity of this girl must be special. Normally, 100,000 dollars is probably not too much money for them.

Leo looked at Azure and said with a smile, "Ah Azure, this little girl is considerate in return. Since she has spoken, I will spare you this time..."

"Thank you, Master!" Azure said excitedly.

"Don't be so excited," Leo said. "Although I have spared you this time and won't imprison you in the talisman paper, the necessary punishment is still needed."

"Master, please tell me what the punishment is, Azure, is willing to claim it." The giant dragon lowered his head and said so.

"I will set up a magic circle around the cave," Leo said, digging out his ears, "without my permission, you are not allowed to go out in a short period... I don't want to see any post like 'The oriental giant dragon appears around the Newbie village' , please don't cause me trouble."

Azure nodded and said, "Yes! master."

For him, it is thousands of times better to stay in this cave than in the talisman paper. After all, there is a deep pool here where he can swim and catch fish.

"Well, little girl, have you had enough? We're leaving." Leo shouted.

Lily reluctantly slid down from the dragon's head, then waved her little hand and said, "Goodbye big dragon, thank you for your dragon breath!"


The two walked out of the waterfall and came to the lake. Leo turned around, waved his hand, and eight golden rays of light flew out from his sleeves, covering the top of the mountain at once.

"Is this the magic circle you just said?" Lily asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the Eight Desolate Divine Formation, a formation specially used to seal mythical creatures," Leo replied.

Lily looked at Leo with her eyes wide open and asked anxiously, "Will there be anything wrong with the dragon inside?"

Leo explained: "Don't worry, this formation can only cause damage to normal mythical creature. For a mythical creature like the Oriental Dragon, it doesn't do any harm, but just keeps it from coming out. This guy has rough skin. It's thick."

"That's good," Lily finally felt relieved, and then said, "Big brother, you are so powerful, you even have a mythical creature pets! Are you a player?"

"Of course, I am." Leo smiled and felt Lily's adoring eyesight.

"But isn't the most powerful player level 30?" Lily asked again, "You..."

Leo shook his hand and said, "As I said, it's not about the grades. Also, remember, you must not tell a third person about this, including your sister Goldman, otherwise... Don't blame me for turning your back on you."