Blue Water with unrealistic ideas

What do you mean?" Blue Water asked immediately.

Leo smiled, "Don't you understand? Those are all level 30 elite cavalry of Night Dragon City, and their equipment is all level 30 rare items. If you try to get a set of equipment on your own, you won't know how long it will take."

Back in the day, he had faced twelve Dark Knights alone in the novice village and defeated them all. It was with the help of these drops that he established himself in the area.Those twelve Dark Knights were like a "BOSS" for dropping equipment.

"So, you mean we should treat them like a BOSS?" Blue Water finally understood, "But they are all level 30 cavalry. According to the players who were killed last night, these guys can instantly kill players without even using a second move... how can we possibly defeat them?"

"I didn't ask the Blue Water Guild to face them alone. With your strength, you won't be able to handle them," Leo said, "We need to team up with several big guilds to take them down."

"And then divide the gear among us?" Blue Water hesitated, "Isn't that too cheap for others?"

Leo replied, "One must have self-awareness. You see, this information is my gift to you. You can contact other guilds yourself to go after these twelve Dark Knights. After all, your guild has spent $6,000,000 and still hasn't seen the Succubus Fruit Forest. This time, getting a few sets of equipment can help you reach the level required to enter the forest as soon as possible. Additionally, these twelve Dark Knights are very powerful. You can't underestimate them. Your guild probably can't retain any strength this time. If you underestimate them, I'm afraid you'll end up empty-handed."

"You still have a conscience," Blue Water said. "Okay, I will make sure the guild members are careful... Also, will you tell others about this information?"

"You don't know me well enough," Leo replied. "My information isn't something anyone can buy. This information is too important, so of course, I will only tell you."

After receiving exclusive information, Blue Water left the tavern to contact the guild.

"Big broski, you gave her such important information for free?" Lily asked, confused, after Blue Water had left.

"Of course not," Leo laughed. "But... I want to make a big profit."

"What do you mean?" Lily scratched her head, puzzled.

Leo said, "That information was just a tease. Just watch, after seeing the power of those twelve dark riders and their top-tier equipment tonight, she'll come looking for me again tomorrow, and she won't be the only one."


Early the next morning, Leo's tavern door was knocked with a loud "thud".

Leo was online early today, and he used teleportation magic to send Lily to the Forbidden Forest to level up, then teleported back himself.

As expected, Blue Water came with a large group of people to find him.

As the group entered the tavern, some of them grumbled and complained, seeming very angry.

When Blue Water saw Leo, her expression was very unhappy, and she asked Leo, "What did you tell me yesterday?"

"What?" Leo said, as he pulled on his ear and smiled brightly. "Didn't I give you a big tip yesterday? Why, are you here to thank me today?"

When Blue Water heard Leo's shameless words, she was so angry that she almost slammed the table, but before she could, someone else did it for her.

"Kid, someone from the Pale Blue Guild contacted us and said they wanted to team up and take down those cavalrymen who are slaughtering the newbies in the village. We thought that although it was dangerous, it was a good thing to do for the village, so we agreed. And what happened?" A fat man with bulging muscles slapped the table heavily and said, "We all lost our levels! You liar! You said we could kill those cavalrymen? We players aren't even a match for them!"

Leo looked coldly at the fat man and said, "This is oak wood. If you break it, you'll have to pay for it."

"Pay? Bullshit!"

The fat man seemed so angry that he punched the table, shattering it into pieces.

Even Blue Water couldn't stop the sudden attack.

"A level 26 warrior? Your strength attribute is not bad, but you can only smash tables with it," said Leo as he walked up to the fat man. He looked him over and said, "Your armor is not bad. I'll use it to pay for the table."

"What are you talking about?" The fat man shouted angrily. "I spent over $700 on this armor. You can't just take it. Do you know what will happen if you die...?"

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a loud bang, and Leo punched the fat man's head, knocking it to the ground and leaving a large hole in the wooden floor.

The fat man didn't even have time to scream before his body disappeared and he was sent back to the respawn point.

Only the armor that Leo had mentioned before was left on the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the floor is broken again. I don't even know how much this crappy armor is worth. What a blood loss," said Leo as he casually threw the armor to Blue Water and said, "I'll sell it to you for $1,000. No bargaining."

Blue Water protested indignantly, "Why should I...?"

"Why should you?" Leo chuckled and then pointed to the other people in the tavern, "Just because you're stupid, you think you can defeat the Twelve Dark Knights with this bunch of useless people? Why not join forces with the top guilds? Where did you pick up these losers? Do you think everyone in Night Dragon City is garbage like them?"

Leo's punch just now shook everyone present, and they all looked at each other, but no one dared to stand up and refute him.

"I ask you, how are the Dark Knights' equipment?" Leo asked again when Blue Water didn't answer.

Blue Water lowered his head and said, "Very good... excellent..."

"Well, you're too greedy. You thought that by teaming up with these guys, as the largest guild, you could get the biggest share if you could take down the Dark Knights," Leo guessed what Blue Water was thinking, "You are so naive. I asked you to contact other guilds, not this bunch of people, but the top ten guilds in the newbie village! Do you think you have a chance to defeat those guys without the top guilds working together?"