Let her accompany me for one night.

"Alright," Mirror Elements suggested, "let's make a deal. We won't cheat each other. We'll pay you $100,000 for each Dark Knight Rider we kill. How about that?"

Leo thought for a moment and then said, "That's not bad. But I have a request too."

"What request?" Polaris asked suspiciously. "You're not going to ask for a share of the equipment, are you?"

"I'm just a tavern owner selling information," Leo shook his head. "I don't need those equipment. Uh, Pale Blue, can you send Blue Water to keep me company tonight while you guys go hunting Dark Knight?"

"What did you say?!"

The Blue siblings frowned simultaneously.

Leo said, "What? We're just in a game. I can't really do anything to your sister."

"The feelings in the game are still processed in the brain," Pale Blue stood up. "I can't let my sister stay with you all night."

"Yeah, you're a beast!" Blue Water chimed in.

Mirror Elements and Polaris looked up at the ceiling and the other side, pretending they hadn't heard anything.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you thinking?" Leo became impatient. "You guys have dirty minds, right? Who said she had to do that kind of thing if she came to accompany me for a night?"

Blue Water covered her chest with her hands and didn't believe Leo's words at all. "What else can you do?"

Leo smiled and said, "Can't I just ask you to drink with me? You'll find out when the time comes."

Leo then turned to Pale Blue and asked, "So do you agree or not? Come on, I'll give you the information. All the weaknesses of the Dark Knights. Use my information well, and I guarantee you'll have a big harvest tonight."

Pale Blue was very hesitant when Leo asked, "Are you sure you won't do anything strange to my sister?"

"Brother!" Blue Water was angry when she saw Pale Blue being shaken.

"It's impossible. I'm not that desperate, although your sister has a good figure, I prefer the gentle type," Leo said disdainfully, looking at Blue Water, "In my eyes, she's not even a woman."

"You..." Blue Water was so angry she couldn't even speak.

Pale Blue got Leo's promise and nodded in agreement, "Okay, I trust you this time since you've never lied to me before."

"Brother, no way!" Blue Water immediately protested.

Pale Blue glanced at Blue Water and sighed, "Sister, tonight's mission is too dangerous. You dropped a level last night, and you can't take any more risks tonight. I was already planning to ask Leo to protect you, and now his request coincides with my thoughts, which is quite coincidental."

"What are you saying, brother? Do you trust me to be alone with him?" Blue Water couldn't believe it.

"He has already promised me that he won't do anything to you. He has never lied to me before," Pale Blue said, looking at Leo and lowering his voice to Blue Water, "If he really dares to do anything to you, just force quit the game. I promise I will find out his real identity and teach him a lesson."

The Blue family was very wealthy and powerful, so Pale Blue spoke with great confidence.

Blue Water was also hesitant when Pale Blue said this. Indeed, although Leo was greedy, he had never really cheated anyone...and when her brother reminded her, she remembered that there was a "Force Quit" function in the game, which was designed to protect female players. So as long as she didn't want it, Leo couldn't do anything to her.

"Okay then..." Blue Water reluctantly agreed, "but if there are any equipment suitable for me, you have to arrange them for me first!"

"Okay, okay," Pale Blue smiled and reassured his little sister, "I promise to give you any equipment suitable for you first!"

After that, Pale Blue turned around and said to Leo, "Leo, I entrust the safety of my sister to you tonight. Don't let me down."

"Hey, come on, I'm not some kind of monster. You guys come over here, and I'll explain the weaknesses of each dark knight to you in detail," Leo waved his hand and said.

As soon as Mirror Elements and Polaris heard Leo's words, they immediately approached and listened attentively.


That night, Leo and Blue Water sat alone in the tavern. In the distance, there were screams of slaughter coming from the streets of the newbie village.

Leo glanced at his friend list. Lily had already been arranged to log off, and Goldman's name was still lit up.

It seems this woman and the Spirit Fox Guild are determined to take down the Sandfall City at all costs...

At this moment, a terrifying low growl came from outside, accompanied by the howling of shadow horses and the cries of players, which frightened Blue Water.

Leo asked Blue Water with a smile after closing his friend list, "What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Blue Water didn't deny it and said, "The dark knights of Night Dragon City...are too terrifying. Only by facing them can you know their horror..."

Leo looked outside the window and said, "Darkness inherently carries the color of fear. The dark knights of Night Dragon City are particularly adept at using fear to cause trouble for their opponents... But you're too timid. With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Blue Water clenched her lips and trembled as she listened to the low growls of the dark knights in the distance. It seemed that Leo's comfort didn't have a good effect.

Leo looked at the time and then stood up, grabbing Blue Water's wrist.

"What...what are you going to do?" Blue Water asked anxiously, "I...I want to log out of the game!"

Leo shook his head and said, "It's almost time...Don't be afraid. Come with me, I'll take you somewhere."