The strongest "Tank"

When Leo rejected Goldman, a faint sense of loss could be seen in her eyes. She had an indescribable feeling towards Leo, something she probably hadn't even noticed herself. It was only when Leo chose their guild leader over her that she felt a twinge of pain in her chest. But now was not the time to think about that.

Goldman steadied herself and stepped in front of Cassandra: "No, our Chairman can't..."

"It's okay, Goldman. I've agreed to his terms," Cassandra's voice cut her off, and Goldman froze mid-sentence.

"But, Cassandra..."

"It's fine. Without his help, we won't be able to leave, and our guild will be ruined. We won't be able to catch up," Cassandra said calmly. "In the global server of Dragon Abyss Online, there's no second chance. If we fail, we'll be left behind forever... As the guild leader who led everyone recklessly into this place, I bear an inescapable responsibility. I must face the consequences..."

At this point, Cassandra looked up at Leo, her beautiful eyes filled with determination: "Leo, I agree to your terms."

"No going back on your word," Leo said, though he couldn't see her stunning face behind the veil, he knew how beautiful Cassandra was.

"I won't."

"Alright," Leo said with a smile, "Let's go defeat the final boss."


"Are we enough, with just us?" After reaching the top floor of the Sandfall City castle, Goldman looked at the seven or eight guild members behind her, plus herself, Cassandra, and Leo, making a total of around ten people.

Leo replied, "Yeah, it's enough. It wouldn't make much difference whether you had more or fewer people."

As he spoke, Leo pulled open the stone door to the highest floor, and chilling winds immediately blew in from the hall.

The winds didn't affect Leo at all, but when they hit the others, each of them lost a few hundred health points.

"Quick, take your health potions," Cassandra ordered.

"No need for that."

With a wave of his hand, a green magic circle appeared beneath their feet, and then a green symbol indicating the addition of several hundred health points appeared above each person's head.

In an instant, everyone was at full health.

The priests in the Spirit Fox Guild were stunned. The most powerful priest among all players could heal a single person for two or three hundred health points at most. They hadn't expected this man to effortlessly restore everyone's health to full with just a wave of his hand?!

Leo didn't expect such a reaction, and thought to himself: It's a good thing my lousy healing skill can only restore health up to the character's maximum limit. Otherwise, if they knew this skill could heal 10,000 health points per second, how would I explain it...

"Once we go in, I'll grab the aggro, and you guys just focus on dealing damage. Killing this old monster should give us quite some experience," Leo said, looking at the panicked girls behind him, thinking they were afraid of the boss inside.

The girls nodded one after another, their eyes full of admiration as they looked at Leo.

After entering the hall, several streams of yellow sand converged from all directions, eventually forming a huge skeleton monster in the center of the hall. The skeleton monster floated in mid-air, dressed in a magnificent jeweled robe, and wore a crown on its head... Needless to say, this was the desert tyrant, the final boss of Sandfall City.

"Ignorant mortals, how dare you step into my domain!" roared the desert tyrant. Immediately after, the stone doors of the hall closed, and the ten of them seemed trapped inside the hall.

"Mortals, accept the judgment of death!"

In an instant, countless sand-formed blades appeared in the hall, rushing towards them.

Leo waved his hand, and a semi-transparent blue protective shield appeared around them. The sand blades shattered upon contact with the shield, causing no harm.

"I'll grab aggro, you guys go all out," Leo said to Cassandra and Goldman behind him, "Don't make me wait too long, or I'll die of boredom."

With that, amid the girls' exclamations, Leo charged forward.

"Old immortal, still clinging to your domain even as a skeleton," Leo mocked the desert tyrant as he stood before him, "Weren't you going to judge me? Come on, let me see what a dried-up skeleton like you can do!"

Before he finished speaking, the desert tyrant roared, and countless sandstorms inflicted...

1 point of damage on Leo.

"Amazing, you're truly a level 40 elite boss," Leo glanced at his own attribute panel and grinned at the desert tyrant, "Not bad, not bad at all. Being able to hurt me is quite impressive. Keep up the good work."

Leo purposely allowed the monster to damage him. According to the game mechanics, if a monster couldn't deal even 1 point of damage, it would assume that the player was invincible and target other players instead.

Now, losing health drop by drop, Leo could maintain aggro and ensure the safety of the Spirit Fox Guild members.

The scene left the women in the back speechless...

Although they couldn't see how much health Leo was losing, the sight of him standing in the boss's skill range without dodging, taking full damage and still casually cursing the monster terrified them.

"Goldman, is this guy a warrior?" someone couldn't help but ask.

"I don't think so," Goldman shook her head.

"Is he a knight, then? Only knights have such incredible defense, right?" another person suggested.

"I don't think he's either," Cassandra chimed in, "I guess he has a hidden class, but I don't know what it is..."


The women's discussion eventually reached Leo's ears, almost making him lose his temper.

"Hey, you guys! While I'm here taking on the boss, you're gossiping in the back? Start attacking already!" Leo complained.

If it weren't for the need to give the Spirit Fox Guild members experience, he would've flicked the boss away with one finger, instead of letting it recklessly unleash its skills in front of him.