Did you kidnap the wrong guy?

The leader of the Black Paradoxical Blade Guild listened to Morpheus's words, closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then said, "That 'Leo' seems to be a tough opponent. My intuition tells me that he might be a hidden expert in the game."

"Really?" Morpheus frowned and said, "He's just an information broker who somehow obtained valuable information from elsewhere. How could he be that strong? Our people were defeated by him last time, but it must be because he used some powerful item, which he won't be able to use multiple times. I think we should still…"

"No, we'd better be cautious," the leader said in a low voice. "You will handle this personally and bring him back to me."

Morpheus forced a smile and said, "Chairman, I've been trying to level up these days. I'm just a bit of experience away from level 28. It's not necessary for me to deal with an information broker who runs a tavern, is it? At most, we can send more people."

"No, we can't afford to make any more mistakes. You must go yourself," the leader stared at Morpheus.

Morpheus had no choice but to nod and say, "All right, since you've ordered it, I'll go."

With that, he turned around and ordered a few of his subordinates to follow him. They soon disappeared from the spot.

Leo had intended to go to the Forbidden Forest to find Lily, but his plan was disrupted by a drunkard.

"Boss, I want more booze!" The drunkard's ID was "Night Drunkard," and considering how drunk he was, it's no wonder he called himself that. Perhaps he couldn't handle alcohol during the day.

"Are you sure you can still drink?" Leo raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Of course, don't be fooled by my appearance. This is just an illusion caused by the machine in my brain. I'm not really drunk," the Night Drunkard waved his hand and said. "Just give me more booze."

Leo reminded him, "Just so you know, my alcohol isn't cheap."

"No problem, I have money," the Night Drunkard took out a large pile of silver and copper coins from his pocket. "I don't know what's going on in the newbie village, but there's no alcohol for sale anywhere else. I like to drink, and I finished the last of my stock in the game this morning. I had no choice but to come here and try my luck."

"Oh?" After hearing his words, Leo looked at him carefully and asked, "Is your profession 'Drunkard'?"

"Uh?" The Night Drunkard looked up at Leo and asked, "How did you know... how could you know? Isn't my profession hidden?"

Leo smiled and pointed to his eyes, saying, "I am the best information broker in the novice village. These eyes can see through anything."

"Really, an information broker?" The Night Drunkard looked up and asked, "Is that your profession? Information broker?"

"There isn't a profession called 'intelligence broker' in this game," Leo shook his head, "But the profession of 'drunkard' heavily relies on alcohol. Besides, how could the novice village be out of alcohol to sell?"

The Drunkard sighed, "I went to the general store, and the NPC told me that a large guild had spent a lot of gold coins to buy all the alcohol. The taverns in the novice village were also out of alcohol. I've been to several player-owned taverns, and none of them had any alcohol left. Yours is the last one. If you don't have any, I guess my account is doomed…"

"I do have quite a bit of alcohol here. If you pay enough, I'll sell it to you," Leo was not going to refuse business coming to his door, "But are you sure a large guild bought all the alcohol in the novice village?"

The Drunkard immediately took out a wine pouch and said, "Of course! Why would I lie to you? Just look at how much money I have here. Fill my wine pouch with as much as I can buy."

Leo took the wine pouch, smiling, "A Devouring Heaven Wine Pouch? A Drunkard's bound item… Tsk tsk, the quality of your wine pouch isn't great…"

"Ah, as long as it can hold alcohol, that's fine. I'm just a common player, why would I need fancy equipment? I don't have the money for that," the Drunkard waved his hand, swaying.

"Alright, wait here, and I'll fill your pouch," Leo counted the coins the Drunkard had placed on the counter, pocketed them all, and went to the back door to fill the wine.

In the tavern, only the tipsy Drunkard was left.

Soon after Leo left, the tavern door was kicked open by Morpheus and his men.

"Drunk?" Morpheus saw a man lying on the table, seemingly drunk. Without hesitation, he went up to check the man's information, but the Drunkard had hidden all his info, so he couldn't see anything.

"Never mind, my time is valuable… He's the only one in the tavern, so he must be 'Leo'," Morpheus stroked his chin and ordered his men, "Bind this drunkard and take him back!"

"Sir, your wine is ready."

After filling the wine, Leo shook the wine pouch in his hand. He had a good impression of the Drunkard because he knew that only honest and upright people could become "Drunkards" in the game. So, as a gesture of generosity, Leo added an extra spoonful of wine.

When he returned to the tavern, Leo found that the Drunkard had disappeared.

"What's going on? This Devouring Heaven Wine Pouch is the lifeblood of a Drunkard. Did he just leave without it?" Leo was puzzled. Suddenly, he turned his head and noticed something…

The tavern door was open, even though he clearly remembered closing it.

Judging from the shoe prints on the door, someone had kicked it open.

"Someone broke in and took him away? Was it his enemy?" Leo wondered.

Thinking too much wouldn't help, so Leo decided to follow the trail. Based on the timing, the people who took the Drunkard away shouldn't be too far.

At the territory of the Black Paradoxical Blade Guild.   

Morpheus threw Drunkard directly onto the ground, then bowed to the guild leader and said, "Boss, I've brought him back."   

The leader clearly didn't expect Morpheus to complete the task so quickly. He looked at Morpheus, then look at Drunkard on the ground, and said, "He didn't resist?"   

"No, this guy got himself drunk," Morpheus laughed, "I don't think he has any real skills. In this state, he'd be doomed if someone ambushed him."   

The leader ordered, "Find a bucket of water and splash it on him to wake him up."   

"Yes!" Immediately, a subordinate went to fetch water. A few minutes later, he returned with a bucket of water and poured it directly onto Drunkard's face.   

Drunkard coughed several times, choking on the water. When he saw where he was, his first reaction was... Wasn't I in a tavern? How did I end up here? And why are there so many fierce-looking people around?   

"Gentlemen, brothers, I know what you guys are doing," Drunkard immediately bowed and said, "It's just that I don't have any money on me right now, and I haven't made any enemies... Did you kidnap the wrong guy?"