The sensation in the Novice Village

"Three days? Alright, you decide. Just call me over on the day of the auction," Leo said.

Goldman glanced at Leo and suddenly laughed, "Aren't you afraid I'll pocket the token for myself or give it directly to our Guild?"

"First, you wouldn't jeopardize your auction house's reputation for something like this. This auction house is a major source of income for your guild, and even for the Guild Establishment Order, it's not worth the risk," Leo said calmly. "Secondly, you don't have the guts. Lily is still with me, right?"

Goldman asked, "How has Lily been these past few days?"

"Don't worry, she's very safe," Leo said. "Haven't you noticed she's been leveling up quickly?"

Goldman nodded, "Yes, that's a good thing. However, the higher Lily's level, the more dangerous it is for her... The other party may spare no expense to target her. Be extra careful."

Leo looked at him and said, "Now, I feel more and more that initially agreeing to protect this girl for a month for only 500,000 was a loss. I heard someone offered 10 million to kill her back to level one?"

Hearing Leo's words, Goldman lowered his head, "Yes, so I said you need to be extremely careful in the coming days. The other party will do anything in the game world to achieve this..."

"I mean, who exactly did you guys provoke? Why would someone spend so much just to target Lily and prevent her from leveling up?" Leo asked, puzzled.

"I can't say..."

"If you don't say, I'm not doing this job," Leo shook his head. "I'm both a bodyguard and a babysitter for this price, 500,000 a month is too cheap... No, at least another 500,000!"

Goldman looked up and said, "How about this: the Guild Establishment Order's auction price should not be less than 20 million. As long as you protect Lily well, we won't take a single penny of the original 10% commission fee!"

"Wait, how much did you say?" Leo was shocked after hearing this, "20 million?!"

"Yes, this is just my conservative estimate," Goldman said calmly. "Don't underestimate people's spending power in this game. The whole society is paying attention to it, and it's not just media hype that it's called humanity's 'second world'... With such a large player base, there are always wealthy people willing to spend money to reach the peak in the game."

Hearing Goldman's words, Leo suddenly fell silent.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Goldman asked.

"In this game, reaching the peak isn't something that can be achieved by just spending money..." Leo seemed to recall some unpleasant memories, then shook his head vigorously and said, "If it can really be auctioned for that price, I'll treat Lily's life as my own. Within this month, I guarantee that anyone who dares to touch her will regret ever entering this game!"

"Deal!" Goldman laughed.


That night.

Inside a cave in the Dragon Abyss.

"Bro, have you seen this news?" Blue Water pulled Pale Blue aside, pointing at the forum page he had just pulled up.

Pale Blue, while drinking a recovery potion, asked, "What news?"

It was a pinned post that had been up for only a few hours but had already attracted tens of thousands of replies, with players discussing it fervently!

When he saw the post title, the potion he was drinking sprayed out of his mouth.

"Goldman Auction House Special News: The first 'Guild Establishment Order' in the entire server has appeared! It will be auctioned at our auction house in three days!"

"Guild Establishment Order!" Pale Blue trembled with excitement, his eyes fixed on the floating forum page, unwilling to look away for a moment.

Blue Water asked, "Bro, do you think this news is true?"

"Of course it's TRUE. Didn't you see the signature? It's from Goldman's Auction House!" Pale Blue gritted his teeth, feeling that he couldn't speak clearly otherwise. "Goldman Auction House is the most reputable auction house in the entire Novice Village!"

"Then this is very important to us!" Blue Water also understood what this meant for their guild.

Pale Blue nodded vigorously, "We must get it! With this, we can become the NO.1 guild!"

Becoming the top guild in the Dragon Abyss Online has always been Pale Blue's dream, otherwise, he wouldn't have spent so much money on buying Dark Knight equipment and gathering information on the Dragon Abyss.

"But, bro," Blue Water hesitated, "our progress in the Dragon Abyss hasn't even reached one-third... Do we just give up like this? Once we leave, the progress in the Dragon Abyss will be reset."

Pale Blue glanced into the cave and then look at the forum post. After pondering for a while, he said, "We can't give up on the Dragon Abyss, but we absolutely cannot miss the first 'Guild Establishment Order.' Sis, I don't trust anyone else with this. I'll leave it to you to get the token at the auction. No matter how much it costs!"

Blue Water nodded, knowing that she wouldn't be able to continue raiding with the guild members once she left. She said, "Don't worry, bro. I'll do my best."


On the other side, at the Starry Sky Pavilion guild.

This was a peculiar guild with only fourteen members: one guild leader, one deputy leader, and twelve elite core members, with no ordinary members.

But such a small guild had become the third-ranked guild among the top ten guilds.

In the Starry Sky Pavilion's council hall, there was a large round table where the fourteen members sat during meetings. At this moment, all fourteen members were present, as a major event had occurred in the Novice Village.

Guild leader Polaris looked around and then said solemnly, "Everyone, I believe you have all seen the pinned post on the forum today, right?"