The highly anticipated auction

"Emperor, the guild leader? It's a pleasure to meet you in person." In the auction house, Inky Serpent, the vice-leader of the Ink Dragon Guild, greeted Emperor, who was seated in the center.  

Emperor, holding his sword, sat in his seat without even glancing at Inky Serpent.

This made Inky Serpent feel somewhat awkward. After all, with so many people watching, he, as the vice-leader of the second-largest guild, took the initiative to greet Emperor, only to be completely ignored, as if he was just air.

Inky Serpent glanced around, seeing people staring at him, snorted, and left.

After Inky Serpent left, Mirror Elements, sitting beside Emperor, said, "Leader, you should have at least acknowledged the person who greeted you."

"Ah? That person?" Emperor frowned, "He has a sinister aura... I don't like it, so I don't bother with him."

Mirror Elements smiled helplessly, "That's the vice-leader of the second-largest guild, and you speak so poorly of him."

"We're here to buy stuff, aren't we? Don't meddle in other matters," Emperor said.

"Alright, you're the boss, your word is final," Mirror Elements laughed and said.

At this time, everyone in the auction house was greeting each other, exchanging looks with those with similar plans, and each major guild occupied a large area of seats.

Goldman was preparing backstage, and even she couldn't help feeling a bit nervous...

It was her first time auctioning such an important item. Although there were level 50 NPCs guarding the auction house, there were so many people in the novice village today, and no one knew how many people outside had designs on the guild token.

She hoped everything would go smoothly.


"Can you do it or not?" Leo looked at the worker installing the wireless network box. A young man was scratching his head and looking at the box, and Leo couldn't help but ask.

More than ten minutes had passed, and it seemed that he had no intention of starting.

The worker smiled at Leo and said, "Sir, I'm still an intern, and it's my first time installing for someone. The network port in your house is a bit old, and I've never seen it before, so I need to ask my colleagues how to deal with it..."

"An intern? Hey, I'm a VIP, and you sent an intern? Can you do this?" Leo asked, as the auction was about to start.

The intern immediately reassured him, "I'm sorry, sir, we're really short on staff, please understand. As for fixing it, it shouldn't be a problem. Although the port model is old, we have a converter here, I just don't know how to configure it. Once I know, it will be installed quickly."

While speaking, the intern's phone rang. He checked the message and immediately said, "Alright, I know how to configure it now. Please wait for half an hour, and it will be installed right away!"

Leo looked at the time on the wall, it was already 1:30 pm, and it would take until 2 pm to finish the installation.

"Hurry up," he sighed helplessly.

Half an hour later.

The intern clapped his hands and smiled, "All done, sir. Everything is set up, and you can connect to the internet now."

"Thanks." Leo handed him a cold drink from the fridge and then sent him out the door.

After the intern left, Leo couldn't wait to run upstairs, enter his study, and start downloading Dragon Abyss Online on the hologram cabin.

"Download time: 50 minutes? This internet speed is really fast... It used to take two or three days with the old internet, but now it can be downloaded in 50 minutes." Leo nodded, satisfied with the speed, worthy of the most expensive package.

For the 50 minutes, Leo decided to go downstairs and watch TV to see how the auction was going.


2:20 PM.

Goldman Auction House.

The atmosphere at the auction was heating up, with each auction item causing a heated bidding war.

However, the major guilds remained calm and composed. They only made appropriate bids for the previous auction items, knowing that they needed to conserve energy and focus on the final auction item.

Finally, all the previous auction items were sold. Goldman looked at the audience and smiled, "Now, we come to the last item of this auction. I believe many of you have come for this item, right?"

The auction house suddenly quieted down, with everyone's attention focused on the stage.

"The Guild Establishment Order is an essential item for establishing a guild base. Guilds holding this token can apply for a base near the Heaven Kings through the novice village chief," Goldman introduced with a smile, "The last item of this auction is - the first 'Guild Establishment Order' discovered among players so far!"

An etiquette lady walked up with an exquisite wooden box. The lid was opened, revealing the "Guild Establishment Order" that made the bidders' eyes widen.

"I don't need to elaborate on the value of this token, do I?" Goldman took the token out of the box and showed it to the players, the delicate hands holding the token made everyone's heart race.

Especially those major guilds determined to win, they all became restless.

"Well, I won't keep you all in suspense," Goldman put the token back in the box, "The starting bid for the 'Guild Establishment Order' is 5 million in cash, and each bid increase must be no less than 500,000... Ladies and gentlemen, please place your bids."