Do you dare to make it public?

"Wow, sister, look! That person has a snow-white bird on his shoulder, it's so beautiful!"…

Leo turned around at the sound and saw a group of four people, two men and two women. It was a young-looking girl who spoke. 

"Good taste. Naturally, my pet has high appearance value," Leo said without modesty. 

The girl, whose ID was "lime" and looked about sixteen or seventeen, walked up to Leo and asked with her hands behind her back, "Can I touch it?" 

"Sure," Leo smiled brightly. "Ten gold coins for one touch." Leo didn't really plan to let her touch it, saying ten gold coins just to scare her off. 

This was a newbie area and ten gold coins were a huge sum for them. 

"Okay, here are ten gold coins." Unexpectedly, the girl really opened the trade interface and entered ten gold coins for Leo...