Offering five hundred million

The next day, when Leo got up and was about to log in to the game, he glanced at the forum before the game loaded and found a pinned post...   

"Regarding Uniqueness and Rarity"   

The click and reply rates of this post were many times higher than those of the posts behind it, showing just how much attention it had attracted.   

After briefly browsing through it, Leo understood that Blue Water had indeed obtained the Black Cloud Cat.   

Leo was initially unaware that the Black Cloud Cat was a unique pet. 

After all, when he had accidentally discovered it, he didn't choose to capture it but only learned a little about it. 

He didn't expect the Black Cloud Cat to be so special.   

"Ah, I should have charged more for that information," Leo shook his head helplessly and closed the forum to enter the game.

It's worth noting that the value of a unique pet is far higher than that of a top-notch level 50 pet.