The Army of the Night Dragon City

Mirror Elements looked at Emperor, who was fighting the Moon Beast up ahead, and felt somewhat frustrated.

At this rate, it was practically impossible to accumulate 500 Easter badges within three days.


Why not collaborate with another guild? Mirror Elements thought of this idea.

Just then, a group of Heaven Kings cavalry suddenly rushed over.

Heaven Kings cavalry were all NPCs, so they couldn't accept the task of exterminating Moon Beasts.

The members of the Emperor Guild didn't worry about these cavalry stealing monsters, but they were curious about why the Heaven Kings cavalry suddenly came here.

"Hey, you NPCs, why didn't you stay in the city? Why are you here?" A curious member of the Emperor Guild asked.

The leading knight glanced at the player coldly, "Commoner, that's not for you to ask."

Hearing this, the player helplessly waved his hand and stopped inquiring.