Don't look a gift horse in the mouth

The female sales clerk saw that Leo was dressed shabbily, and the smile on her face quickly froze. 

"Are you here to look at cars? Our cars are quite expensive, generally above 20,000 dollars. You'd better check out the place next door. There's a second-hand car market there." She pointed to a second-hand car market outside the door, obviously trying to get rid of Leo.

This annoyed Leo a bit. Did he really look that poor? Indeed, Leo's outfit did make him look like a pauper.

Just then, a portly man with a gold necklace around his neck walked in, accompanied by a woman with heavy makeup. 

As soon as they entered, the man yelled, "Get a salesperson over here to introduce me to a good car!"

The female sales clerk's eyes lit up, and she immediately left Leo to attend to the nouveau riche man. 

"Sir, our cars have innovative designs and imposing exteriors, perfect for successful people like you."