Boss Over Lv100

"Go to hell!!!"...

The moment the bandit leader noticed Inky Dragon, he shouted furiously. 

Inky Dragon felt his blood churn within him, and to his surprise, his health dropped by a tenth just from the angry roar. 

It's important to note that the Demon Dragon Guard, as one of the strongest defensive classes in the game, has a high total health and various resistances. 

However, the fact that this boss could reduce his health by so much with just a roar was astonishing. 

He couldn't help but wonder how a direct confrontation would fare...

At this moment, Leo also noticed the anomaly. 

According to his memory, the Greedy Cave's boss should have been a very weak boss. 

Why did the situation suddenly change? 

From the boss's appearance alone, Leo couldn't determine whether it had changed or not.