Gourmet Pets!

"This is certainly unique, with its 'yiyiyi' sounds," Chubby thought to himself. "Never mind that for now, Chubby, you take it first. We need to leave before it keeps making this noise. It's quite troublesome." Leo handed the Bibi Grass to Chubby, who hastily took it. He quickly took out the grass seeds he had prepared earlier. Seeing the seeds, Bibi Grass instantly stopped its yiyiyi sounds and began eating.

As he watched Bibi Grass's loyalty to him steadily increase, Chubby wiped off some sweat. Finally, he managed to tame this weird creature. "Alright, let's head back first," Leo immediately initiated long-distance teleportation.

After several long-distance teleportations, they arrived back at Leo's tavern. Having experienced this before, Chubby and the others still felt a bit queasy, but they didn't vomit this time.