Wind Joy Participating in the Martial Examination

After hearing Leo's words, Emperor murmured, "The basics... But Mentor, how can I strengthen my basic skills? I've studied Muay Thai and Karate in the real world, and I consider myself far better than the average person, but it seems to be of no use in the martial arts examination..."

Leo shook his head, "Whether it's Muay Thai or Karate, those are all fancy moves that might work in the real world, but they're useless in the game."

"Here's what you can do. Find a few Wind Wolves here. Take off all your equipment, don't use any skills, and just grab a tree branch. When you can defeat them quickly and without injury, you can consider yourself to have made some progress."

Emperor was taken aback, then said helplessly, "But Mentor, Wind Wolves are level 50 creatures. Even if I were to fight them bare-handed with my current attributes, I could basically kill them in an instant."

That was true, the huge level gap couldn't be made up for even without equipment.