Chapter417-Dragon Bloodline

Looking at the additional item in his backpack, Leo found it amusing...

The final pure blood of Miradil.

Miradil, the primeval dragon of fire, had strong essence of fire in its bloodline. Consuming it could make the user as powerful as a dragon, possessing the dragon's unique reproductive abilities. (After consuming Miradil's final pure blood, the desire for reproduction will be enhanced, please use with discretion.)

Looking at the item description, Leo was speechless. If this thing existed in the real world, it would undoubtedly be a priceless treasure. After all, which man wouldn't want to become more virile? But what's the use of having such an item in a game?

Besides this effect, using Miradil's final pure blood could significantly increase the upper limit of health, which could be pretty useful. Regardless of the profession, having a higher health limit always improved the margin for error.