Chapter506-Endless Falling

Wang Ling couldn't tell how long he had been falling; he even managed to take a few naps during this endless descent, but there was still no sign of reaching a destination...

This made Wang Ling feel increasingly restless. "I can't believe this! Just like the giant eyeball space before, and now here too! Why does everything have to take so much time?" Wang Ling angrily exclaimed, venting his frustration.

However, as he spoke, Wang Ling was surprised to find that not only could he not move, but he couldn't even produce any sound. "What the heck? Is this some kind of vacuum environment?" he thought.

Fortunately, Wang Ling had already reached the realm of a Lesser God at level 1,200. This meant he could survive without eating, drinking, or breathing for a very long time. So, he didn't have to worry about passing out halfway through the fall.

Still, the monotonous fall was incredibly boring.