Chapter514-The World of Wind

Not far away, there was an incredibly desolate planet, completely detached from any star system—a lonely wanderer in the cosmos, no doubt about it...

This planet wasn't particularly large; from Wang Ling's perspective, it was about one-tenth the size of the moon—a small asteroid, to be exact.

However, at this moment, Wang Ling had a plan as he gazed at this solitary planet.

"You brainless monster! Come and chase me if you dare!" Wang Ling manipulated the wind, transmitting his taunting voice towards the alien.

Since Wang Ling wore a translation device, there was a good chance that the alien could understand his language.

But Wang Ling didn't really care at this point. In the current situation of fighting in space, neither side could do much harm to the other. It was essential to find a way to shift the battlefield.

After speaking, Wang Ling flew towards the solitary planet.