Chapter560-Struggling Amid Despair

With his spiritual sense scanning the city, Wang Ling found numerous secret caves deep underground. These caves were brimming with life force, indicating they were where most of the slaves were held.

"You can continue waiting here. I'll go down and take a look." Wang Ling's voice had just faded when he disappeared on the spot.

To the onlookers, this scene only confirmed that Wang Ling was undoubtedly an immensely powerful deity. After all, they had never encountered a human with such astounding abilities.

Appearing in one of the underground caves, Wang Ling was immediately met by a group of demon lackeys.

"What the hell? How did a slave escape?!" Seeing Wang Ling suddenly appear, the demons assumed he was a slave who had escaped using some special method.

Facing the demons, Wang Ling had almost no patience left. Without saying a word, he shattered their weapons in an instant with a wave of his hand.