Chapter610-Emergency Case

As Wang Ling observed the group of people charging toward him with murderous intent, a cold and icy demeanor settled over his face, as if it were an ancient glacier...

Wang Ling's mood was already quite sour, having been thoroughly disgusted by these societal misfits, and he was on the verge of losing his temper.

"Brothers, let's finish him off! There must be something valuable on him, and after this job, we can head overseas!" Snake Bro roared angrily. He now understood that Wang Ling was no ordinary person, but since the arrow was already on the string, he had to let it fly. At this point, he could only kill Wang Ling and make a quick escape to a foreign country.

A massive fist shot directly towards Wang Ling's temple. This punch was fierce, delivered with all the strength they could muster. If it were an ordinary person standing here instead of Wang Ling, this punch alone might have been fatal.