Chapter 625 - Rumors

"Luoxia, what's going on with you!?" After dialing the phone in a special way, Wang Ling couldn't help but express his anger...

Just a moment ago, Wang Ling received a text message with a brief content, containing only a string of special coded phone numbers, but with a name at the end that made Wang Ling unable to stay calm.

Yes, it was Luoxia.

On the other end of the phone, there was only the sound of steady breathing. After Wang Ling's voice rang out, it took a while before there was a response.

"Wang Ling, your temperament hasn't changed." It was Luoxia's voice.

Hearing this, Wang Ling couldn't help but furrow his brows, and he said with a hint of anger, "Luoxia, what's going on with you? Are you out of your mind? How could you suddenly commit treason?"

Wang Ling couldn't understand why Luoxia would choose to commit treason, as it seemed to have no benefits for him whatsoever.