
John had just received the challenge when it was broadcast across the arena hall's holographic screen.

In an instant, the entire hall erupted into a cacophony of noise.

"Holy smokes, am I seeing this right? Someone's challenging Galewind?"

"For real? Which guy's got the guts?"

"Loving_Lollipop? That name seems kind of familiar..."

"Isn't that the mysterious player who recently shot up to the 5th rank on the leaderboard? Odd, I've never heard of them before, no idea where they sprang up from!"

"To climb to the 5th rank so swiftly means this guy must be pretty powerful, but to rashly challenge Galewind is, let's say, admirably courageous..."

"This name makes me think they're not that old..."

"You can tell you've never followed the arena's PvP battles. This Loving_Lollipop is actually a very young lad, and just like Galewind, an independent player not aligned with any guild..."