The Auction Continues

Facing 45's ferocious and sudden attack, John merely sidestepped effortlessly, dissipating all danger into nothingness. 

At this moment, 45 had employed all his assassin skills, his swift movements and sharp attacks astonishing the surrounding players.

Every strike he made was filled with lethal threat, sending shivers down the spines of onlookers. 

However, no matter how hard 45 tried, his attacks were easily evaded by John. 

It seemed as if John had anticipated each of his moves, always countering at the critical moment, rendering 45's efforts futile.

45 felt exhausted both physically and mentally, but he still refused to accept defeat. 

This battle was not just a fight for survival for him, but also a battle for honor.

45 swiftly blended into the shadows, becoming a ghost in the darkness. 

He used his skilled shadow control techniques to move silently around John, almost imperceptible.