Unexpected Reinforcements

The transformation from a typically arrogant robber to a sudden victim of robbery was something Kingserp found difficult to adapt to. 

His visage, concealed within the black mist, displayed a chilling and unsettled look, his eyes sharp and sinister.

"So, you're determined to take the Key of the Saint from me today?" Kingserp asked.

Adam, planting his massive silver sword into the ground, replied with a light chuckle, "As I said earlier, just hand over the Key of the Saint, and we'll let you return to the Dark Realm unharmed."

Kingserp sneered, "You two really surprised me. But where do you get the confidence that I'll just give in?"

He abruptly lifted his right hand, revealing the Key of the Saint clutched tightly. 

His eyes glinted ominously.