

The current Emperor's initial name consists of only 2 digits because he is the son of the old Emperor's concubine. During the reign of the old Emperor, Tara Galandra, he had 7 children. His first child was a Princess, who later married the Grand Marshal, my grandfather, and gave birth to a son, who was my father.

His second child was a man who was the Crown Prince of his time, but died in a skirmish at the border. These two were born by the Empress. His third child, a Princess, fourth, also Princess, and fifth, was a Son, namely the current Emperor, born of a side concubine. His former position was very low compared to the other Emperor's child. It's amazing to be able to see him climb to such a high position now. Even then, he was often compared to his younger brother, the Emperor's 7th son, who was much younger than him.

But, well, that's fate.

The new Emperor looked younger, because he was only 9 years older than my father.

His first son, Alarik Kai Snezana Senka, who is currently only 6 years old, is standing next to him. And his eyes met mine.

The boy already looks very handsome even at a young age. He looked graceful and gentle, looked easily hurt, but actually, was very sharp and strong. He had always been playing a fool in front of Vaishravana.


Do you think the current Vaishravana will fall in love with you again?

In your dream.

"Well-being and long life to our Emperor." both my father and grandfather, issued their formal greetings to the Emperor, bowing so deeply that his head was almost at his knees, while I played a fool for not wanting to do the same for the two people in front of me. I don't like neither the Emperor nor the First Prince. The two of them were the same people who led the owner of this body to death in a cruel way. Even though Vaishravana was also at fault, still, I couldn't help but sympathize and share the same hatred with her.

"Ah, my nephew and brother-in-law, come, have a seat." My father and grandfather bowed to the Emperor, and the Emperor immediately asked them to get up and sit with him. Since this was not an official state visit, we did not meet the Emperor in his workspace, but rather in his dining room.

The current emperor was also very handsome. He passed down all his beauty to his eldest son. After his eyes fell on both my grandfather and my father, now his eyes roamed over to me.

"Alright, is this the little one Sahar was about to introduce to me?"

"That's right, Your Majesty, this is my daughter, Kaia Illyascha Vaishravana." Daddy pulled me forward with him and faced the Emperor.

I was still quite nervous, at least pretending to be nervous, so I didn't say anything. However, I gave him the best gesture of respect.

The Emperor waved his hand so I approached him. His strong and soft hands, just like someone used to working indoors and being pampered, stroked my head. His caresses were far different from those of the two men in the Vaishravana family. The hands of the two men, however, were extremely rough and calloused. They really work hard in battle. Inevitably, this difference made me compare them to the Emperor.

He did it for quite a while before letting me go back to where I was.

For a slave like me, in the past life, the political machinations of the empire were not something I was aware of. It's just, that I understand more or less that during the reign of this Emperor, the Zehra family that controlled the entire military power of the State was completely suppressed under him. Therefore, he was not very close to the old Vaishravana nor her father and grandfather.

That's right, he was afraid of them. Afraid with us, the Zehras.

Because no matter how bad and petty Vaishravana was during her plotting of revenge against the refusal of the Crown Prince, Vaishravana was just like her father and grandfather, she never lost a battle.

Honestly, the me in the past life, really admired her.

Even if the flower has withered, the rest of its beauty will still be visible.

And now, for the sake of Vaishravana who is behind that golden cage, I will do everything for her, who has given me a new body and opportunity.

We sat at a giant dining table with dozens types of dishes provided. This much food, should have been served for more than 20 people, but now, there were only 5 people at this table. If the Emperor received 5 guests in a day, one can imagine how much food was wasted during one day.

Now I know where the always-dragging-state-treasury has gone.

My grandfather with a stiff and stern face, sat next to the Emperor, while my father sat on the other side. I, on the other hand, sit face to face with the little Crown Prince. Well, now that he's still not the Crown Prince yet, then I'd better call him Prince Kai. Currently, he is still the only Son of the Emperor.

The main eunuch was the first one to try all kinds of served food. After confirming that everything was safe without poison, only then did the Emperor open his banquet. I ate the way Mama Erliza taught me, and apparently, that was enough to impress the Emperor.

"Has Kaia started her ethics class yet?" The emperor opened his voice. The two quiet people by his side immediately raised their heads and one of them replied,

"Not yet, Your Majesty."

"When will it start?"

"As soon as possible. "

The emperor smiled, raising his wine glass. "Go to school with Alarik. My son is quite smart."

"It is an honor for us, Your Majesty." My father smiled politely, and the Emperor looked satisfied.

Oh, but sorry, Emperor, even though you wanted to make us close as a friend in childhood and match us up as a couple in the future, your son still doesn't like your choice. He did not love Vaishravana who was fierce and strong on the battlefield. His love could only be anchored in someone as graceful and gentle as Princess Dayana, the daughter of Duke Duncan.

The banquet did not last that long, and the remaining time was used by the 3 adults as a political arena. They discussed many things, especially about security at the border. Everyone knows who the borders in our empire are held by.

To the Emperor, both Grandfather and Father were both a threat and a protector. He cherished both of them very much, but on the other hand, he was also afraid of them.

I understand that.

Military coup.

Because the old Emperor, long before his father ascended, fell in that way.

While the 3 adults were discussing serious matters, Kai and I were left alone. The boy looked calm. His demeanor for a 6-year-old is very good and orderly. It was as if I was sitting with an adult one.

"Hi, I'm Alarik." He smiled sweetly and spoke to me.

"Yes, I know." perhaps still carried away with the sentiments of the old life, I reflexively answered dryly. He and I were both taken aback by that reaction. I immediately corrected my attitude. "Greetings, Prince Alarik. I am Vaishravana."

Kai introduced himself by his first name, which in our empire, a person's first name can only be called by those who are close enough to him. Meanwhile, I introduced myself by my last name, implying that I felt that he and I were still not close enough to call each other by our first name. Because of that, Kai was still a bit surprised. His little self-esteem must have been badly scratched.

"Want me to show you around?"

"Yes, of course. "

From there, we said goodbye to our parents, then retreated to go around. Kai stood in front of me, while I followed behind him. Whenever we passed something pretty he would patiently explain everything. I'm a 4-year-old kid who doesn't really like to talk, so my only response was a short mumble.

We passed through the majestic palace halls, several beautiful flower gardens, the assembly hall, the Emperor's morning court hall, and even his study which was located not too far from him now. As we passed by, Kai also told me about his morning class at the imperial academy. He said he was looking forward to having me there. I nodded, knowing that he was lying.

Somehow, I know that when Kai is lying, he will play with his earlobe.

I don't know why I could know, but I believe, these are some of the memories passed down by the original Vaishravana.

As if she was telling me to be careful.

Because this guy... is terrible.


After we returned from the imperial palace, we decided to stop at the residence of Grand Mentor Alarik Richthofen. But unfortunately, he was not at home just now. From the information provided by the head of his housekeeper, the Grand Mentor was visiting his brother, the Great General Sade Richthofen, at the Maxima naval military base, and would not be returning for the time being.

These two people came from simple families, in fact, came from the common people. Most of the important people in the empire came from hereditary noble families, just like the Zehra family which since centuries ago, has always been a family that inherited various high positions in the military. While the two Richthofen brothers were different.

Both of them rose from the bottom. They took the small exam from a slum village on the outskirts of Suerius, then passed and went to take the exam at the municipal level then the provincial level, and even passed at the imperial level. Grand Mentor Alarik was the best graduate of his time, while his younger brother was in the top 10.

He then continued his studies as a student who mastered the 4 basic arts, which then made a boom in popularity with his military script. He is a very observant and great political observer. His first career began as a leftist judge under the Imperial Regalia, dealing with crimes against officials, especially those from the military realm. He was promoted several times, until finally, during the reign of the current Emperor's grandfather, he became the youngest Grand Chancellor to ever serve. During the reign of the current Emperor's father, he retired and was appointed as a Grand Mentor for the Crown Prince back then, the currents Emperor's older brother.

From what I know, Grand Mentor Alarik also became the Grand Mentor to Crown Prince Kai —they share the same name, So the real Vaishravana changed his nickname of Prince Alarik to Prince Kai—However, I was quite surprised when this person also had a relationship with Prince Livia.

I thought that, since the Grand Mentor was not at home, then, it was time for me to return to my isolated residence with Eliana and Mama Erliza. But, who would have thought that, that wouldn't happen now?

My grandfather, who served as a Grand Marshal holding half of the military insignia, the Eagle Badge, brought me back to the residence of Lord Zehra in the Capital's elite estate, which was even larger than the private residence of Prince Livia which I recently visited. While he was taking me home, we also had a sudden farewell to my father, who had to return to his assignment post in Livia this very afternoon.

At this time, he was only one of the top 5 commanders in the west border garrison. Just a general in charge of the Livia Armored Cavalry, the strongest army on this land. But soon, he will be the chairman. It was only a matter of time, before the entire military power fell into his hands. He was so terrifying, was truly feared by the Emperor, and considered as the greatest threat, along with his little Princess, Vaishravana.

With my father left for the battlefield, welcoming his summer battles with the tribes of barbarians along the border, showed me that I, after all, could not return to the place where I spent my 4 years.

I can no longer go back to that place of my birth, which I don't even know where it is.

Now I understand why my two nannies cried so hard when they let me go.

That's because they know, that the farewell on that day, is our last meeting.

When dad left on his Akhal-teke horse that has the color of bean paste, I burst into tears. My stern grandfather thought that I was saddened by my father's abandonment, and began to scold me. He said that I have to become a strong person.