
Chance Meeting

On the surface, Asura was well-behaved, charismatic, and did not appear to have any passion in life, a young man who seemed highly dedicated to something but did not appear visionary at all. He was a man of absolute beauty. Someone who is on the line between handsome and pretty. He couldn't be described in words alone. If someone had met him more than once, they would describe him as a beauty that wasn't part of this world, as if he were a flawless masterpiece of art.

From the looks of his, he can plunge anyone into a deadly charm, whether it's done intentionally or not.

Asura was over 190cm tall, pale skin with barely any pigmentation, and his hair, which was originally black, was now slightly reddish from being exposed to too much sun at his young age. His skin was smooth and soft, with less visible muscles beneath his clothes.

Asura's two eyes were bright blue. At first glance, it doesn't seem odd at all. However, no one noticed that his left eye was blind. His eyebrows were sharp and slightly thick, and his eyelashes were so thick like peacock feathers, that when he stood in the sun, there would be dark shadows under his eyes. Meanwhile, there is a small mole near his right chin and under his right eye. It became an important marker of his attractive appearance.

Despite his look, he stood so low in society. So that the higher up wouldn't notice him even a bit, and dragged him into the worst kind of situation.

Asura wore a white shirt paired with black pants and loafers. His hair was neatly combed, with a length that did not exceed the nape of his neck, revealing a charming sliver of skin beneath his collar. Asura slung his black coat over his sleeves while he walked through the town square humming a song. His voice was deep and soft. He stepped in calm and determined steps, full of inexplicable prestige and charisma. The few people he passed on the street couldn't take their eyes off him, like iron being attracted by a magnet.

This was the city of Aslaug which was as chilly as the Capital. Both are located adjacent to the mainstream boundary of the great Solace river. The town square is quite lively filled with various kinds of colorful knick-knacks, welcoming the winter festival at the end of the year. It is on the agenda of the Empire that at the end of the year, the Palace will hold a Divine Communion which can be enjoyed in the cities opposite. There will be much food stands opened, and the main thing is that the gates of the Capital will be opened to the public.

A boy plays the accordion. The song he plays is very mellow in contrast to the lively atmosphere that is owned by the city today. His face was very lethargic, and his appearance was dull. The song is so touching that everyone who is rejoicing will immediately feel sad when they hear it. But what was most interesting about him was that he tucked a rose in his front pocket.

Asura came to him without rushing. The man stood beside the boy until the boy finished the song. When the touching song finished, Asura clapped his hands gently and quietly. His smile seemed foreign, and true as people said, he looked like he was no part of this world. It's like he's from somewhere very far away, and the place he's standing on right now isn't his real place. Even his gaze was far and deep. It was as if he was looking right through someone. Stripped everyone he saw.

The little boy was unable to handle such gazes so he immediately averted his eyes. Looking down, he asked. "You wanna request something, sir?"


"What's dat?"

"Siren's Lullaby."

The boy seemed to think for a moment. He then lifted his accordion and played a tune, then looked up to peek at the Young Master next to him and asked, "This one?"


The boy shook his head. "Then I dunno." he sighed, looking down as he played another note on his accordion. "If I don't know about something, then it must be something unpopular."

Asura Laughed softly. When he does that, his pair of sharp canines can be seen. "It is indeed."

"Where It's From, Sir?"

"Some far far away land."

"Where's dat? I dunno."

Asura did not answer that question. He suddenly covered the boy's small body with the suit draped over his hands, and crouched down to match the boy's height. He said, "Then played me some popular song."

The little boy looked surprised by his kindness. He immediately got the warmth of the expensive-looking suit. Moreover, there was a sweet and manly smell emanating from the suit. Something that spoiled his senses so much that he was a little complacent. The boy immediately came back to his senses and absentmindedly replied, "I don't think the song this day matched you well, sir. They're just some lame song full of bullshit."

"But I can't agree when I don't even hear the song."

"Then I'll play it for you."

"How much It's cost?"

"Two copper coins."

The boy then played a song that was quite lively while dancing a little here and there. Although his gestures were very lively and in sync with the music he was playing, his face conveyed the opposite impression. He looked very uncomfortable and seemed to really hate that type of song.

He had finished his show in less than 3 minutes. And when he stopped, two gold coins were thrust in front of him. He was so shocked that his jaw almost popped out. He immediately moved back, and said frantically, "Sir, I said, two copper coins, not two gold coins!"

Asura was still calm when he said "Oh, My bad. I didn't hear the 'copper' part clearly. It's okay, I'm rich. Keep it."

The child was so happy and immediately accepted it. When the weight of the two gold pieces touched his hands, he felt such an immeasurable joy that his face broke into an uncontrollable grin. He muttered to himself in a low tone, "You sure look so rich, sir."

Asura gave little response other than his usual calmness. When he was about to leave, the boy stopped him by tugging at his sleeve and said, "Sir, can I give you something?"


The little boy let go of his grip on Asura's sleeve, instead he reached into a red rose that was stuck in the front pocket of his shabby shirt, and handed the flower to Asura with a beaming face. He said, honestly, "Someone handed me this rose because he liked my performance, and I'll give this to you because I liked your kindness. Please accept this. I can't afford something more luxurious than this, nor can I keep this. Giving this to you is the best way."

Asura accepted it without hesitation. However, instead of thanking him, he said something else instead. "Don't ever think that someone like me will come to you all the time. In fact, you are also not allowed to assume that I am a good person just by a small thing like those two gold coins. The price of kindness is not cheap. Remember that kindness will not come every day, so you have to work hard." Asura's smile did not reach his eyes, only a meaningless arc as he left the boy who didn't quite understand what he was saying.

Asura walked again in the town square. He took the same steps as before, full of charisma and conviction. He even mumbled the same song as before. When he came to a fork in the road, he stopped and all the fake smiles he had been putting on disappeared in an instant.

Asura crushed the flower in a single squeeze. The red petals of the rose instantly withered in his hand. Among the fallen rose petals, Asura found a scroll of letters as small as the tip of his little finger. He immediately opened it and read the short sentence listed.

[She knows]

This time, Asura laughed with all his heart. His voice was cold and deep.

The sky darkens. The edge of the horizon was purplish, dusk was already on the edge of time when he arrived at a classic building that was quite tall. The front door is made of teak wood with intricate carvings in the form of beautiful flowers that fill it. There was a small bronze iron hanging in the middle of the door. Asura grabbed it and knocked on the door with it.

It didn't take long for someone to rush over and open the door for him. That person was a woman in her mid-40s who was still able to maintain her beauty. Her hair was rolled up and tied high, while her beautiful and smooth neck was exposed, part of the half of her chest and along her thighs also appeared so beautiful. Asura greeted the woman very politely. His gaze was guarded above and did not wander to the charming places below.

"Madam. Good afternoon." While speaking, Asura looked at Madam Greta right into her brown eyes.

Madam Greta smiled. "Come in, Yesfir. It's cold outside." This beautiful woman's hand reached out and grabbed Asura's sleeve. Even though she was a prostitute who was used to being touched and do the touching, the situation seemed different when it came to this one boy.

If every man came to this little funhouse with sexual desire filling their bodies until it appeared in their eyes, then Yesfir—she knew this wasn't his real name—wasn't like that. This boy is different. He would order one or two woman every time he stopped by, and whatever they did, every woman who came out of his room would talk about Yesfir's goodness for a whole day. They will say how lucky they are to have such a customer.

But, from their information too, Madam Greta knew that all Yesfir was doing with the girls was talking. As if the boy was quite lonely and needed someone to listen to his story.

Madam Greta hugged one of Asura's arms to her chest. Felt the arm that seemed small it turned out to be so strong and filled with tough muscles. Both of them go inside. The inside is quite luxurious and the lighting is dim. There was a sweet smell wafting up everywhere. It smelled like incense that could ignite one's desire to dust.

"Wait here. "


Asura was left sitting alone on the lazy sofa in the living room. Several people who were also present tried to ignore his existence which was hard to ignore. Before long, two small girls came up to him and sat on either side of him. They were so polite and seemed shy. Their clothes weren't that revealing either. Both said,

"This way, sir."

The room provided is one of the best rooms. The room was quite spacious and the windows looked right into the heady night view of the city. Dusk was over and the sky plunged into darkness. Residents' houses around this funhouse have started to turn on their lights.

Once inside, Asura went straight to the front of the window and opened it without difficulty. While he was enjoying the breeze on a cold winter night, the two girls who came in with him immediately opened a small screen the size of half a grown man's body on the right side of the room. From the bulkhead, it looks like someone is sitting with minimal lighting. It was not clear who he was, his face and entire body blurred behind a thin layer of rice paper. The person seemed to be smoking and puffing the smoke in the air, before he spoke in a low voice.

"The Emperor is looking for you."

Asura did not answer.

The man continued. "Are you sure this place is safe?"


"Where have you been? It's so hard to find you. You're already like a fugitive."

Without much ado, Asura slammed his hands on the window sill. The sound of the blow was not so loud, but it was able to startle the three people in the room. Everyone was silent waiting for the answer.

"I'll be back Dawn later."

"…Okay." The man cleared his throat for a bit, then said, "There's a message from the Regalia Commander."

"Say. "

"He said, 'She knows. But she doesn't know it's you. The way she knows it is exactly the same way you know it'. "

"Right. You can go."


The man stood up and left his place. The slightly translucent barrier screen was then closed again by the two girls. Silence returned.

"Ruanina," Asura called out to one of them. Immediately, the girl whose name was called looked up and replied "Yes sir." subtly.

Asura turned his head from the window frame and smiled at her. "Follow him."

"Yes, sir." Ruanina bowed and hurriedly left the place.

Now, only one girl remains. Asura said to her, "Sit on the bed."

"Ah, yes sir." the girl squeaked and sat down on the edge. She looked down and was a little nervous.

Not knowing when, Asura was already right in front of her. The man knelt down to equalize their height. The girl was surprised. "Ah, sir, stand up—" however her words were soon cut short by Asura's actions.

There was a sad expression on the boy's face as his two big soft hands cupped the girl's face. For a moment, the girl was stunned and speechless.

Asura said, "How is your mother doing?"

Ledelina immediately felt her nose and throat sting. The corners of her eyes reddened, and she almost burst into tears. "It turns out that you still remember my story, sir."

Asura smiled. Ledelina immediately burst into tears, unable to bear it any longer, she began to sob. Asura's fingertips gently wiped away her tears.

"Yes, sir. That old lady is still so pathetic. I still have to sell myself for her treatment cost, and she still beats me every morning for not having time to make her breakfast."

Asura pulled the girl into his arms. He stroked the back of her head gently, and said, "We are in trouble and the world will pretend not to know. When the world is in trouble, then you just have to do the same. When you are asked to do something, you have to demand it back. "

Asura paused for a moment, and continued, "Ledelina, I have never wondered about the reason why I was born. But I have always wondered about the reason why most people are born. Are they born to harm others? Or are they born to be a burden for other people? Haven't you ever thought that… 'Ah, not at all. It wasn't other people who determined my purpose in life, but me myself."

Ledelina was still sobbing in her sobs, but she listened to all of Asura's words with all her heart.

"Ledelina, your life is completely in your hands from the start. Don't let other people bother you and act like they are in control of your life."

"Yes sir... "

"When with life, one brings badness to others, then when he dies, of course he will bring happiness, right?"


It would take him half a day to get to the Capital. He departed from dawn and arrived at the outskirts of the Capital at noon. As soon as he arrived, he rushed towards the Imperial palace and entered through the back door.

It's noon, and this morning's trial has just finished. People seemed to be scattered out in an orderly fashion from the Morning Court Hall. Asura was standing not far from them. He noticed a young girl who was in the crowd. Her posture is very firm and full of authority. The way she walked really showed how well she had lived all this time. Her chin was held high and every step she took was so orderly.

Unlike some people who walked in groups, the girl walked alone. She wasn't even accompanied by any servant.

Didn't realized since when, Asura was already walking behind her. It didn't take long for the girl to notice it right away, and she turned her head somewhat surprised. "What do you need, sir...? "


Now, the surprised expression on the girl's face was even more pronounced. Obviously she knew who Asura was.

"Your Majesty, sorry for my impoliteness. Do you need anything from me?" The girl wore a formal smile and didn't want to make small talk at all.

Asura was silent for a moment. His gaze from that beautiful face then down to her feet which were clad by the pants of her morning court uniform. It was very unusual to see a girl wearing pants in this empire. It's not that it's forbidden, but based on the norm, it's a bad thing. But this was how this girl was, resolutely and boldly breaking it and walking with her chin raised in the Imperial Palace.

Asura replied, "Your leg is injured."