23 Sisters

23 Sisters Novelization


My grandma is all-powerful. She is omnipotent. So is my grandfather. Well, at least in my eyes, they are. My grandfather Jack didn't start all that powerful. He was somewhat of a loser. Not that powerful at all. He did fuck his cousins quite a bit, though. That's pretty cool. He went to Harvard University but was dumb enough to get a degree in Gender Studies. With that information in mind, it shouldn't be too hard to guess where he ended up working. You got it! He worked at a fast-food joint, and his boss was a fifteen-year-old with down syndrome. He isn't too bright. How he got into Harvard, he had no idea. He would learn that later. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start our story on that faithful day. It was just after Christmas...

Jack wakes up to his fucking alarm going off.

"Damn! Time to get up. Time for another day working at my shitty job at a shitty fast-food joint. Where did my life go so wrong? What was the point of going to college if this was what was waiting for me?"

"Honey, are you up?" a female voice yells from outside Jack's room.

"Yeah, I'm up, mom," Jack yells back.

"You're gonna be late for work if you don't hurry up and get ready." Jack's mom reminds him.

Jack thinks to himself, "Fuck, I hate living with my mom. Where would I be without her, though."

"Honey, are you listening to me?" Jack's mom asks.

"Yeah, I hear you, mom."

"Okay, dear. Hurry up." She says.

Jack gets up and heads to the bathroom, ready to take a shower and start the day. The water gives his sleepy body a shock and jolts him awake.

After the shower, he eats his favorite cereal MooMix and heads to work afterward. Jack notices his cousin Abby standing outside her house. She lives next door to him with her mom and sister.

"Hey, cous." Abby gleefully greets her cousin.

"Hey, Abby." Jack returns the warm greeting.

"Last night was fucking wild. Mom almost caught us." Abby says with a smile on her face.

"I have a feeling that almost getting caught excites you." Jack teases her.

"Damn straight it does. It's fucking hot as hell! It's making me wet just thinking about it."

Abby puts her hand between her legs. She is wearing a short skirt and a pink top with a picture of a dabbing unicorn on it. She's weird; she likes wearing shit like that.

Jack can't help but get aroused by Abby's erotic public display. He looks at her lasciviously and swallows.

"Ugh, I've got to go, Abby. I'm gonna be late for work." Jack says, with sweat rolling down his head.

"Aww, are you sure you don't want to play with me?" She asks while licking her lips.

"I really would like to play with you and Alice, but I don't want to get fired." Jack runs off.

Jack hurries down the sidewalk, and the next thing he knows, he's at Boober Burger. He runs inside.

"I'm here." He yells as he walks into the back.

"Hey, Jack. How are you doing on this fine day?" asks a short girl with a face that's just a little down, if you know what I mean. Olivia is about five foot two inches. She has short hair and glassy eyes.

Sarcastically Jack says, "Terrific. I'm so happy to be here."

Olivia smiles and says, "Oh, cheer up. It's not that bad."

Looking at the ground, Jack woefully states, "It's horrible, Olivia. It is not the way I saw my life going after college."

"I know, but what can you do? Things will get better. God has a plan for you. You'll see." She says, smiling at Jack.

Jack sadly proclaims, "Well, if he planned to shit on my life, then mission accomplished."

Olivia looks away and says, "Oh hush, and get up to the register. You're working the front today."

The only reason Olivia ran this restaurant was nepotism. Everybody knew that her father was the rich motherfucker who owned the company.

"Lucky bitch." Jack thought. "I wish I had a rich daddy giving me everything I wanted."

After a few hours of working the register, Jack's next task was to mop the floor. While he was cleaning, a big man in a Hawaiian shirt walked in. This dude was fucking huge! Jack had never seen a guy like this in person. The man walked up to the register. He talked to Olivia for a second. Jack then noticed Olivia pointing at him. The man looked over and began walking over to him.

Jack was a little terrified. He thought to himself, "Please don't let this guy beat the crap out of me. Please don't let this guy beat the crap out of me."

The gigantic man stood in front of Jack; Jack couldn't help but feel completely mortified. This fucker was really huge!

"Are you Jack Banks?" He said in a somewhat effeminate voice.

"I think this guy is gay." Jack thinks to himself.

"Do I know you?" Jack asks the man.

"So, you are Jack Banks?" The man asks again.

"Yeah," Jack replies, a mixture of confusion and worry.

"Oh, thank God. My name is David Bleach. I'm your dad's lawyer." David says.

"My father? What does that old drunk even want? I've never even met him!" Jack responds angrily.

Since he was little, his mom had told Jack many stories about his father. A drunk one-night stand that ended up with her pregnant. He cut off any communication with her as soon as he found out she was pregnant. That asshole was a monster, and Jack wanted nothing to do with him.

"He's not a drunk, and he'd like to meet you." David calmly explains to Jack.

"Big pass. Why would I want to meet the guys who just abandoned my mom when she was pregnant with me?" Jack asked, growing more frustrated.

"He'll give you $50,000 just to meet with him," David says.

"What?! You're fucking shitting with me?! $50,000 just to meet with him?!" Jack said excitedly; he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I could do a lot with that money! I mean a lot." Jack thought.

"Yep. Just meet your father and hear him out, and you will automatically get $50,000 deposited into your bank account." David explained.

"Well, shit. I guess it wouldn't hurt to meet him." Jack said, his mood clearly lifted at the idea of such a fortune.

"$50,000! Damn!" Jack thought to himself.

"Well, good. Let's go." David said.

"Right now?" Jack asked, perplexed.


"I can't leave right now. I've got to change clothes. I've got to tell my mom where I'm going. I've got shit to do."

"It's now or never," David tells Jack.

"Fine. Olivia!" Jack yells.

Olivia runs over.

"What's up?" she asks.

"I've got to go."

"What?!" She asks, oblivious as to what is going on.

"Just cover for me," Jack tells her.

"Fine, but you owe me." She begrudgingly accepts.

"Yeah, Yeah! Whatever. See ya."

"Wait, you're leaving work? I thought you just had to go to the bathroom or something! Dad is gonna fire you." She sternly tells Jack.

"Fine. Tell him I quit then." A smile across his face as he's finally able to quit the job he hated so much.

"Are you nuts?" She asked, shocked.

"See you, Olivia," Jack responds as he walks out the door with David.

"Wait!" Olivia yells as the door closes.

Jack turns around to take one last look at Olivia. For some reason, she's got a smile on her face. It was suspicious, but Jack was simply over the moon with the thought of the small fortune he was soon going to inherit.

"Something is up with her." Jack thinks to himself.

Outside, a town car is waiting for them. David held open the back door for Jack to get in. Jack thinks to himself: "I hope this isn't one of those 'windowless vans with the owner offering you candy' situations."

David walks around the car and gets into the driver's seat. He puts the keys into the ignition and starts the car up. Next thing Jack knows, they're off.

"Where is my dad?" Jack asks.

"Parsons City." David answers.

"That's like four fucking hours away!" Jack yells.

"Yep. Just sit back. Turn on the TV to kill some time if you want." David tells Jack.

"Holy shit! There is a TV." Jack is surprised to find out.

He looks to the left, and there's a TV remote on the car seat next to him. He turns on the TV.

"Hmm. News." Jack sees a woman with long blond hair sitting at the news desk.

"The zombie outbreak continues to rage in Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon; scientists are now saying it all started with a bad batch of heroin originating from Mexico. People claim to have seen a girl with wings flying through the air before the outbreak started. The crazy cult leader Uncle..."

Jack falls asleep.

"Mr. Banks." A voice rouses Jack from his slumber.

"Wake up. We're here."

"Huh?" Jack opens his eyes.

"There he is. Have a nice nap?" David asks.

"Yeah, great. I feel a little lightheaded." Jack replies groggily.

Jack looks outside the car.

"A hospital?" Jack asks.

"Yeah, your dad isn't doing too good," David says.

"Oh." Jack didn't know what else to say.

"Come on. Let's go." David tells Jack.

David and Jack walk into the hospital. There's barely anyone there. Jack notices a few nurses in skimpy outfits but no patients whatsoever. Jack and David walk down an empty hallway. Jack is starting to worry; the whole situation seems strangely suspicious. They come upon a random door in the hallway.

"Wait here." David orders Jack.


David walks into the room. Shortly afterward, a nurse with long blond hair and a sexy nurse outfit walks out of the room. She looks at Jack, smiles, and says, "Hey, cutie."

Jack returns the smile and says, "Hi."

She walks away sensuously; Jack can't help but stare at her ass as he watches her walk away.

"Very nice." Jack thinks to himself.

The door opens, and David says, "Okay. He'll see you now."

"Right," Jack says.

Jack walks into the room. He sees a sickly man with short gray hair and a wrinkled face laid up on a hospital bed. He definitely looks like he's dying; he's very skinny. All Jack knows is that his name is Grant. He looks at Jack with a smile on his face and yells, "My boy! We finally meet!"

He reaches over and grabs Jack and pulls him in closer.

"Let me take a good look at you." He says.

"Okay," Jack says, noticeably uncomfortable.

"You look like you turned out okay." He says with a smile on his face and a weak laugh.

"I guess I did. Why haven't we heard from you before? You just abandoned my mom and me?" Jack yells, years of frustration seeping into his words.

Grant answers, "Well, to tell you the truth, I kind of hate kids, but boy do I like to make them!"

"What?!" Jack is at a loss for words in how to respond to that.

"I like to impregnate women. I just don't like what happens after. You know, the raising the kids and caring for them."

"Are you fucking crazy?!" Jack starts to wonder if this is some sick hidden camera prank show.

"Well, yeah. Kind of. Knowing you knocked up a girl when she didn't want it is the best feeling you'll ever feel. Another great feeling is when you cum inside a woman, and she yells, "I'm not on birth control, you dick!" Ahh, what a feeling. I always go after those crazy Christian women who don't believe in abortion or birth control. That way, you know that they're screwed." Grant says, clearly very proud of his little rant.

"Oh my God. You really are insane." Jack says shockingly.

"I've got to get the fuck out of here. This guy is totally nuts." Jack thinks to himself.

"I'm sorry, but I've got to go. I've kept up my end of the deal. Can I just get my $50,000 now?" Jack just wants to get his money and get out of there.

"What if I offered you twelve billion dollars?" Grant asks, eagerly awaiting his son's reaction to such an outlandish proposal.

"Wait, what? Twelve billion dollars?!" Jack's mind almost shuts off; this must be some sort of prank.

"Yep. Twelve billion dollars." Grant says gleefully.

"You're just going to give me twelve billion dollars?!" Jack is still trying to come to terms with what is going on.

Grant says, "Not exactly."

"What do you mean, 'Not exactly?'" asks Jack, finally coming back to his senses.

"You've got to do twenty-three little things for me. Also, they're not all going to be that simple. The first one is, but the rest will be tricky." Grant tells the still slightly perplexed Jack.

"What do I've got to do?" Jack was already here, so he figured he might as well hear what crazy plan Grant had in mind.

"You've got to do something I know you won't want to do," Grant explains.

"And what's that?" Jack asks worryingly.

"First off, you're not my only child." Grant drops another bombshell on poor Jack.


"It's true. You have twenty-three siblings. All sisters. Well, half-sisters, to be exact." Grant says with a smile on his face.

"Wow, I had no idea," Jack says surprisingly: mostly surprised that anything else about this strange conversation can still catch him off-guard.

"Why would you? Let me just tell you a little bit about myself." Grant says to Jack. "Growing up, I was an only child. No sisters, no aunts, no uncles, and no cousins. I had a grandmother, but we weren't that close. So, why am I telling you all this? It's quite simple, I have a major incest fetish, but I never got to act on it! I always wanted a sister to impregnate."

"You're kidding?! Wait, are you seriously suggesting what I think you are?!" Jack asks with disgust and a mild hint of curiosity.

"If what you're thinking is that I want you to impregnate all twenty-three of your sisters. Then yes, you are right." Grant said joyfully.

"Ah, come on, man! That's sick!" Jack yells.

"DON'T KINK SHAME ME, BOY!" Grant yells angrily at Jack.

"They're your daughters!" Jack tries to be the voice of reason in the situation.

"So what? You're their brother, and they're your sisters. I've got a twisted mind and an even more twisted fetish! I'm gonna live my sick fetish vicariously through you. Remember, twelve billion dollars, boy." Grant sternly tells Jack.

"Damn it! You're really gonna make me do this, aren't you?" Jack asks, defeated.

"Fuck yeah, I am," Grant says joyfully.

Jack asks, "If I do this, I get twelve billion dollars?"

"Yes. Well, kind of." Grant says.

"Kind of?"

"You get it after I die, and let me tell you, that won't be that long from now. I got a month or two left at most. Even if I die in the next few weeks, you still have to finish my mission to get the money. To that end, you'll have to sign a contract." Grant says.

"A contract?" Jack asks, starting to get worried again.

"Yep. DAVID, GET IN HERE!" Grant yells for his lawyer.

David walks in. Jack hadn't even noticed that he'd left.

"Yes, sir?" David asks Grant.

"Do you have the contract?" Grant asks.

"Right here, sir." David pulls out a tablet. There's a lot of really small print and what looks like a fingerprint reader at the bottom.

"Thumbprint at the bottom," David tells Jack.

Jack looks at Grant and asks, "So, all I have to do is impregnate all twenty-three of my sisters, and I'll get twelve billion dollars?"

"Yes; after I die, it'll all be yours," Grant assures Jack.

"Okay, sounds good enough to me, even if it is a bit creepy," Jack says, his mind made up.

Jack presses his thumb onto the tablet. It feels sticky, almost as if someone had spilled soda on it.