As I went through the suffering in silence, where every night I cried myself to death, I even had no tears, I was so empty that not even chocolate could relieve me. I had no energy, I lived in darkness.
To end the semester the group decides to travel to the beach, it was not a bad idea. Why not go? The trip was on Saturday. A week before I told Alexander about traveling. I accept remembering that we were 7 months old. Yes, how time flies!
At night we pack our bags, checking to see if we have what we need, the same with Lenox. On Saturday we leave in the morning, we make sure that everything is in order. As we gathered at the terminal, Lenox was second to arrive, then Mike with Dennis, Nathan last. The six of us bought the tickets, heading to the beach. Two stops were made. One was to eat and buy some Adan. And the second to do a backpack, we did the Spundylus route.