200 000 Euros

My poker was successful, now, the only thing I was hoping was that this extraordinary phenomenon had taken away all desires to shatter my head because I know what I was lucky to get away with it with Only the broken nose, because with a little less luck I could have died.

While I could see, all were mouth bee see for some.

All but one.

The bartender, who understood her why I had done all this staging and why he had collapsed just after crushing my head.

He tried to reason those who began to get upset:

"That no one touch this child. The first one who touches him, I kill him without hesitation. »

A man I did not see answered him:

" Why ? He has just killed him without moving, that means he knows how to use the spells, you have to kill him as soon as possible. »

"Well, I see you have not understood anything. This small does not use any spell or anything at all. He just did apply the fourth rule announced by No. 1 which said that each offense committed before the war would be subject to immediate death. He just used his head, not like you strip of alcoholic stupid. »

A great background noise was heard, because everyone began to understand the situation and began to get up against the bartender's provocation.

The same man as earlier answered him:

"Oh, Duke. Insult me once and I promise you that I urge the mouth as soon as the war begins. »

| DUKE - Presentation |

- Sex: Man

- First name / Name: Duke (Unknown)

- Age: 25 years old (Yùichi estimate)

- Size: 1.85 meters (estimate of yùichi)

- Weight: 80 kg (Yùichi estimate)

- Hair / Color: military cut, shaved lessens and light brown colors.

- Eye color: black

- Physics: muscular, but nothing incredible at first sight.

- clothes: navy blue t-shirts

- Force: (Unknown)

- Capabilities: (Unknown)

"I'd like to see that, big bacon. Duke replied.

More and more voices rises against Duke and the other man, so much so that the bar was quickly divided into 2 opposing camps.

To prevent a riot illuminate and all die, I went up with a lot of difficulty and spoke to them:

"Nan, Sto ..."

"You have not finished your bullshit !!! "Hurling Duke and his opponent, in unison.

Duke to continue on that launched and nobody could say something:

"What are you doing here? I just told you that if you fight, you will die. So stop your bullshit and go for what to look after the kid. »

" What ? Treat this kid, and what else? It's because of him that Trick is dead, and you still want to help him? The man answered with his yellow shirt.

"Stop with your bullshit is because of his impatience that Trick and dead, if he does not know how to calm down when a kid caused it, it's wrong. The kid has just been much smarter than all of us and had the balls to use this fucking war on his advantage. »

Not knowing what to answer, the man left for care and out of the bar.

"Thank you for letting me alive, I thought I was going to die. I said, with respect to the bar.

Almost all eyes turned to me, with killers eyes.

"Stop immediately to thank me, if you leave you alive, it is only because this fucking chip in our wrist will kill us at any time if you put you one. Duke answered.

Man returned with bandages, water, dressings and scissors.

The seekers happen, I decided to thank them:

"Oh, that's nice. All I need is a couple of extra ice cubes and I'll be good.

The barman nodded and went to get me some.

"Here, take them and get on with it.

I started to take the bandages and every pair of eyes was immediately fixed on me as if waiting for something incredible.

I took some paper from the counter and began to wipe the blood from my face and blew my nose to get all the blood out of my nose.

To allow my nose to deflate a little, I placed the two ice cubes in my hands and placed them on both sides of my nose until they melted.

It took me five minutes for the ice cubes to melt and dry my nose so I could continue.

After doing all this, I started to touch my nose to see where it had moved.

Once I found the spot I took my nose in my hand and counted in my head to three "One, two, three" and with a sharp jerk I moved my nose to the left, a loud "CRAC" was heard, accompanied by a spurt of blood that landed on the floor with a disgusting noise.

At that moment, all without exception turned their heads to avoid seeing the terrifying scene.

Some men even fainted as the blood hit the ground.

Unfortunately for them, the blood was still flowing, and flowing fast.

I immediately took several handkerchiefs and made two compression points, one per nostril, but this did not prevent the blood from flowing through the handkerchiefs.

It took me almost ten minutes and a good twenty handkerchiefs for the blood to finally start to clot.

So I took a handkerchief and cut it in half, rolled it into sticks and stuck it up my nose to stop the blood flowing.

Then I took a compress and two bandages and stuck them against my nose to hold it in place as best I could.

Luckily, nothing had been broken, only moved.

Duke willingly took the bloody tissues and put them straight into the bin and asked me:

"It's okay kid, you're all healed up, you're going to get out of my bar now before someone else smashes your skull and finishes you off with the rest."

"Yes, good idea. It's better for me."

I started towards the door, but before I reached it, he called out to me.

"By the way, about your house, you'd better go and see the town hall tomorrow, there might be an advert that might interest you.

"Oh, thanks for the advice Duke and good luck with the war.

I opened the door and walked out of the bar.

As the door closed, many voices were heard in the bar. But I continued to walk on regardless of what they said.

After a few meters, a female voice from the bar called out to me:

"Hey, kid, is it true what you said?"

"What? What did I say?"

"Well, in the bar, you said something about a house you wanted to sell?"

"How do you know that, you weren't even in the bar?"

"Who said you had to be in the bar to hear what was said inside? Well, I happened to be walking by and I heard people laughing, so I was interested and wanted to know what they were laughing about and apparently it was you.

I turned to look at myself and saw the woman, who was talking to me, she was only a little bit shorter than me, but looked to be my age:

"Wow, you're pretty disfigured, did they do that to you?" She asked me.

"What's on my face is none of your business."

"That's a shame, I was interested in your house.

"What does that have to do with anything?

"Simple, if you tell me what happened to you, I'll buy your house?"

"So, you're trying to make me believe that you have enough money to buy a house, at your age?"

"What do you mean, "at my age?" she said, trying to imitate me.

"No girl your age could ever have earned enough money to buy a house.

"Hi hi, don't worry about that, money, I have more than enough. And if you want it, just tell me how you got that thing on your nose. She replied, touching my nose at the same time.

"Stop touching me."

"Oh no, gentlemen is sensitive?" She replied wryly.

"Well, do you have this money or not?

"Yes of course, look."

This sentence was not even finished when a huge bundle of several hundred 200 euro notes was already in her hands. It was more than I had thought and seen in my whole life:

"I imagine there is enough for your house, there are 1000 notes of 200 euros, that is 200,000 euros in total. I'll buy it directly from you, do you accept?

"How can I be sure that they are real notes?"

"Oh, are you so worried that you don't trust me?

"Well, that's okay, I'll accept your money."

"Hey. Did you forget something? First tell me what happened to your nose.

So I decide to tell him everything that has happened in the last twenty-five minutes of my day since I walked into the bar.