Chapter 16

Green Sand Air Force Training Week

Mount Beruang and its surrounding area was no-man’s-land. Neither Monad or Velvet took the land for some reasons. The hilly area and cold weather were one of the main reasons it remained uninhabited. Mount Beruang is not the only mountain, but it is the highest mountain in that area accompanied with many unnamed mountains of various sizes. The top of the mountains are usually coated in ice, but you can still see beautiful silk-like green grass covering all over the land.

Gerome wanted to get this (Air Force training) over quickly. He kept checking the time, hoping the clock to whirl quicker. Luckily his team was scheduled to fly on the first day of the week. They were seven batches to be on for training for the day. Too bad he was slotted into the sixth team, the second last team. He could have sneaked out earlier if he was in the first or second team.

The excitement over winning SOAR still clouded his head, looking forward for another celebration with his best friends in Seven. Seven is a remarkable place to visit. Gerome had been there about fifteen times or so for several classes and trainings. Aamali bought a pricey new penthouse there because he didn’t want to live in the military residential area. He preferred to have his own property. The guy was into investments. Gerome envisaged the guys and girls swigging wines, munching bite-sized food, and yakking as loud as they can in Aamali’s swanky apartment. He knew the apartment was going to be swanky because Aamali was a person with great sense of style.

Every pilot had to get their jets to the aviation maintenance technicians to perform a final checking before taking off. Gerome had a quick look at his jet, which was a glossy silver military aircraft in a shape of a tear drop with a tail (engine) at the rear.

“Don’t beg me for mercy.”

That irritating, unfriendly voice came from behind, the most detestable voice in the world. Infuriated, Gerome spun and looked at Spence Cartell straight in the eyes. That seed of fundamental abhorrence Cartell had planted in him for years was about to sprout, and ruptures like a deadly slug. An impulsive decision to give Cartell a nice blow in the face was terminated by the sudden thought of his family.

Think about your family, everyone will be upset. Think about your career. Don’t let Cartell ruin your career for just a few words of his, a voice slunk into his head just in time to stop him from doing a mistake. He loosen his fists, guzzled down the raging anger that was about to lead into a graphic fracas between them.

“I won’t. You don’t even exist to me,” he spoke brusquely, marched off and put on his helmet.

The aviators had to be trained in different places every time, in order to help new pilots to adapt themselves in battlefields with different geographical locations. This was the first time in Mount Beruang for Gerome. He wasn’t entirely familiar with the place, only knew there were mountains clad in snow. Training week was actually quite a fun for him. You get to shoot your friends without involving injury and death.

“Team six, get ready. Three. Two. One. Go,” the staff sergeant spoke in a raspy voice, and they all took off from the opposite directions.

To Seven

“I don’t remember the last time I took the underwater train,” Lukah said, swayed his way past the congested train station. Peak hour, as usual, was cramped with working men and women in suits and SOAR fans, returning homes after the final game.

The cronies were at the Green Sand Underwater Train Station. They were taking the train that travels under the sea to Seven. They had their bikes deposited in the vehicle carriage so that they would have their own transportation in Seven. The air coaches (planes) and the underground trains were full, they had no other choice but to take the underwater train to Seven. Jade purchased the tickets just before they leave home, they will be reaching Seven before half past five in the afternoon. They could have gone earlier, but the guys were zonked by alcohol overdrive and slept until afternoon. Aamali and Xara had gone back to their homes respectively after the party last night, thrown by Green Sand SOAR crew. “Let me know when you have departed from Green Sand,” he said, and had shared his address via Eli.

“I have totally forgotten that everyone is going back to their nests after SOAR tournament. We should have bought the tickets earlier. We would probably be sitting in the air coach (plane) by now,” Aisha said.

They had purchased a four-seat compartment, a tad more expensive but it was worth the cozy little room with adequate space and privacy. The seats were rather comfy, with a portable table in the middle, and there were some sweets and free drinks in a compartment next to the window. The train was caved in a glass tunnel. Passengers were allowed to enjoy a nice underwater view from the windows.

“Tell you something, this is my first time taking the underwater train,” Jade told Aisha.

“Enjoy the first ride,” Aisha sang in a cheerful tune.

“My dad is always been busy. We don’t get to travel much, except to grandma’s place during school breaks.”

“I’ve been in this thing once, with the school trip to Jumberack. I was like thirteen or fourteen… that would be more than ten years ago,” Judah said.

“It’s not that bad. Takes a bit longer than the air coach, but definitely faster than our bikes,” Lukah said, slouching comfortably in his seat.

Aisha discovered the table had a built in screens just like the ones in restaurants. Other than food menu, they had other features like games, music and movies. “Hey look, we can play games here,” Aisha said, like an exciting little girl.

“You guys go ahead. I would like to have a quick nap,” Lukah said, and adjusted his seat so that he could lie comfortably.

“Me too. I think I can sleep for a week to replace the all the effort I’ve put in SOAR,” Judah said, lower down the back of his seat and reclined in a recumbent posture, ready to hibernate for another hour. The cabin was big enough for the guys to stretch their legs for a comfortable nap.

Aisha looked at Jade. “Do you want to sleep too?” She asked.

“Do I look like I need a sleep? I wasn’t even invited to the party,” Jade said wryly. “Come on. Let’s play some games, shall we?”

Aisha wasn’t being too honest herself. She said she didn’t want to sleep but was beginning to drowse in her seat and ended up in a zizz. Jade forgave her. She probably had her night shift, poor lass, she thought and smiled as Aisha made a sudden jerk in her sleep when Lukah snored loudly for a second.

Jade stared at the glass window, capturing every sea creatures as the train passes by with her eyes. It was moving quickly, which made it quite impossible to see the fishes clearly. But she managed to catch a glimpse of an orange octopus which had its tentacles attached firmly on the glass.

Jade checked on her Eli, they still have thirty minutes before arriving Seven. She saw a message from her mom, with a picture of a red velvet cake and some strawberries on top. She read the message her mom had sent. “Ira stopped by with a cake. She said it is for Gerome and Judah for winning SOAR. Too bad you guys aren’t her. It looks like I’ll have to share the cake with dad. Enjoy your time in Seven!”

Ira, Ira, Ira! Jade screamed in her head. The thought of Ira and Gerome dancing the other night irked her so much that she imagined herself with that red velvet cake on her hand, and slapped it on Ira’s face. She even began to think her mom actually fancy Ira to be her future daughter in law. Well, it is true that Ira is a great cook, a meek lady, perfect for a housewife-to-be for Gerome. But…

But I’m in love with Romey, mom…

Jade wished she had the pluck she needed to just say that to mom and dad.

And Gerome.

Between Ira and herself, who would Gerome choose? Jade pondered with an uneasy doubt. Gerome was a quiet, reserved person. How on earth would she know what kind of woman he’d prefer. She had never seen him hanging out with girl, not in school, not even now. When Marteena asked him about it, he always gave her the same answer: I don’t have time. Come to think of it, he was genuinely honest about it. His life is work and training and workout. Even on Sundays, he’d wake up late, and then go out for a workout or fight training.

As long as they are still staying under one roof, there is still hope for her to win his heart. She perched her chin on her palm. Learn baking… why not? She was snapped out of her depressing mood. Perhaps it’s time for her to start a baking course. She was sure Marteena would be happy to finance her if she tells her she wants to enroll in a baking or cooking class. Basically Marteena would be happy to support her in anything that engages the preparation of perfect housewife. She browsed her Eli, hunting for baking and cooking courses in no time.