Chapter 26


“Limma,” her mother spoke and handed her some fruits, noticed her daughter had been uncharacteristically quiet tonight. “I know what you are thinking. Like I have told you, Limma, he will go back to where he belongs, he will not stay here. I know you saw the diamond brush, he might be the important one, but that doesn’t mean he will be yours.”

Limma remained quiet, knowing it very well deep in her heart her mother was right. She looked down to her food, did not say a word during the dinner.

“Forget about him. He is already in love. Can’t you see from their eyes? That’s exactly how people in love are like,” her mother said in Harpra vernacular, gazing over to Gerome and Jade. Gerome was filling up Jade’s glass. They both made eye contacts and smiled at each other every so often. The radiance on their faces could shine the night. It caused a strange smarting to her heart.