Future Plans And Absurd Ideas

It had been a few days since the fight against Pickle and Shiro was still resting. During this time Katsumi Orochi had fought Pickle, achieving a punch that transcended sound... 55,000 Shinshinkai students watched the battle witnessing this grand event.

However the result was failure. His technique 'Mach Fist' had tore his arm into bone and ligaments. And it was in this battle that Pickle learned respect. He left this battle without a full stomach and felt a new sensation...

It was due to this that Katsumi was left alive and the only injury being a missing arm.

Baki had also noticed his overwhelming urge to fight against Pickle after realising his shadow boxing technique could barely conjure Pickle at his true strength. Kaiou Retsu who was speaking to Baki at the time had recognised Yujiro's trait of seeking violence within Baki.

Baki had changed. He was becoming more like his father...

Jack Hanma had also fought Pickle. The battle was immense and Jack had managed to rip Pickle's ear off his body, using his teeth.

Jack had previously gotten the skin of his lower jaw ripped off, revealing his teeth and gums, before taking the ear but he didn't give up.

The loss of a body part caused Pickle to... Rage.

Pickle smashed Jack's jaw and barrage him with attacks that completely pulverized his jaw, shattering the bone into into pieces. However Pickle saw the image of a wasp from Jack.

Pickle was scared of wasps from young as he had defeated and eaten one, but the poison scarred him as the wasp could still injure him after the battle.

This saved him from being eaten, but also saved Pickle from getting two middle fingers pounded into his ears...

But this was not the end. Jack's whole life was prided on taking revenge, and surpassing his limits constantly, over and over again and his cells reacted the same way. The Hanma blood helping him.

Jack raised from his slumber with great determination and went to fight Pickle once again.

Pickle saw the image of the wasp behind Jack... But he overcame the fear and blitzed Jack so hard, he rotated 7 times in the air and leaving him smushed into the ground unconscious.

A crushing defeat.

Following this was Baki's battle against Pickle. A Hanma vs a 190million year old man. Baki decided to let Pickle learn about how to fight for glory and pride. The modern way was something that Pickle needed to learn.

Baki sustained a serious injury at the beginning of the fight, that had caused Pickle to... Pray for him.

The immense shame fuelled Baki to overcome the immense pain and continue fighting. He punched Pickle furiously, but no damage...

And Pickle returned a punch that did.

Nothing. He was playing with Baki. A harmless punch because there was no danger at all.

This caused Baki's body to reach a critical point and his inner strength activated. This is usually activated when his body had reached a critical point. But this time his pride took the damage, reaching the upmost limit.

3 punches...

3 punches was all it took for Pickle's face to hit the ground. Of course the damage was minimal, but it continued.

Baki sent punches with unseen preciseness and skimmed Pickle's jaw rattling his brain. For Pickle who has not been attacked like this before. It was a dangerous way of attacking, and suprised him greatly.

Baki was a true genius.

He then used his body to act like a whip and palm areas around Pickle's body. This was because by doing this he could cause mass amounts of pain to Pickle, and it injured his pride.

Money fist.

Mantis fist.

Hawk claw fist...

Baki demonstrated his fighting styles of imitated animals. And he then moved to his next one.

The Triceratops fist.

Only Baki could pull this off. A hardworking and talented genius with the Hanma blood flowing through him.

But this was not all. Baki changed his stance once again...

T-Rex fist!

Pickle's face gaped in surprise and the rapid changes from beast to beast left him traumatized. All Pickle could see was a large amalgamation of the different arts Baki had. An invincible monster.

The battle concluded soon after resulting in Baki's win. However Baki decided to fight Pickle in a contest of strength after. This resulted in Pickle's win, but it didn't feel like one.

A battle to death. A battle of life and death. That was all that mattered. And Baki would have won that.

He had lost and that was final. Skill had overcome strength...

After the battle was concluded Baki was taken to a hospital and treated by Kureha Shinogi. And at this point a brain scan was conducted on Baki.

His brain was shaped in the face of a demon. This was a feat even Shiro had not achieved. Although Shiro's projection of his bloodline was much different...


'All healed up now it seems.'

Another day passed and Shiro was healed. His mangled hand had now returned, but not without leaving it's mark. Scars were plastered across it. A memory of his battle against Pickle.

Shiro dressed up in a red hoodie, that covered his muscles and some normal blue jeans. He walked towards the door, but before he could open it...



The door opened to reveal an old man.

"Mr. Kuriyagawa?"

Hitoshi Kuriyagawa was the personal assistant of Shiro's mother. He usually set up the fights for Baki. And Shiro had barely interacted with him, after the death of his mother.

"Hello Shiro, I hope you have been doing well. Now... Let's go get Baki."

Although Shiro was confused, he wouldn't refuse the request of this old man, and decided to go with him to see what he wanted.

The two walked out and found Baki, who was about to cripple some thugs that were picking on him. The 3 greeted each other and were soon seated inside a small restaurant.

"Finally we can do this... To cover the history of two of the strongest creatures alive, and of course the fight of the strongest brothers and father alive."

Shiro and Baki stared at Hitoshi calmly. Shiro knew what was coming next and let the two speak for a while, sipping on a coffee.

"Our father is Yujiro Hanma and our mother is Emi Akezawa. But to call ou-" Baki paused midway, looking at his brother.

Shiro didn't know what to feel about his mother's death. Of course he felt extreme fury at the time, but that was purely momentary. Emi Akezawa hadn't been a good mother at all, but she deserved that anger against Yujiro, for her realisation and stand against Yujiro.

Shiro nodded at Baki and he continued.

"As I was saying. To call our motivation revenge wouldn't be the truth."

Hitoshi looked at the two brothers and asked a simple question, being perplexed by their 'coldness'. "What would bring you to say such a cold statement?"

Baki responded, talking about the odd relationship between both brothers and parent. He concluded by saying, "My father Yujiro hugged my mother..."

"But he hugged her with too much strength..."

"And my mother who embraced him back..."

"She was crying..."

Shiro at this point was listening seriously. He had seen similar words in the manga and had experienced it clearly. Remembering this event he was reminded of his, hesitation to change the plot. Although 'plot' was a good cheat itself, being heavily involved with the main characters and storyline could cause the pain of events to be linked towards himself.

"Those tears. Why do you think they were?" Hitoshi sipped his coffee slowly and waited for the response.

Baki with the same calm face replied, "To ask me such a cruel thing..."

His eyes squinted and he continued.

"It's cruel..."

"Because her efforts paid off."

Hitoshi's face widened in surprise and sweat dripped from his forehead.

Even though Shiro was seriously listening and this was an important moment, he couldn't help but question how this old man had produced sweat instantly...

"As a woman and as a mother her most earnest wish had been fulfilled at that very moment."

The conversation continued as Baki soon reached his final words.

"To declare that you want to fight Yujiro Hanma do you know what that means?"

'In exchange for her own life, she saved mine.'

Tears dripped from Baki's eyes.

"Baki you have really grown." Shiro smiled at Baki's heartfelt words, he knew the sacrifice their mother had made and he respected it. Although he wasn't originally from this wor- simulation. He felt and experienced everything, and had truly been touched by it.

Shiro stood up, "Mr. Kuriyagawa. Stay safe, and goodbye Baki."

A smile bloomed on Shiro's face and he walked out. His resolve was steeled and he decided that it may be time for his journey in this simulation to end. The Baki world had many more opponents like the legendary samurai Musashi Miyamoto, or Sukune Nomi who had once transformed coal into diamond with his grip strength.

But the outcome of Shiro's resolve would determine his future. He was going to train one last time before challenging his father Yujiro Hanma. If he survived he would continue. Continue getting stronger and fighting more and more, until he was strong enough.

Strong enough to defeat Yujiro.

If he lost, and survived he would do the same. He didn't have the imagination like Baki so that he could create imaginary miso soup and winning against Yujiro in the contest of mind. He couldn't be on the same level as Yujiro unless he pushed his body and technique to the upmost maximum. And that's what he was going to do.

Although the chances of Yujiro killing him weren't high, they weren't low either...

Shiro walked over to Baki's house and placed a letter on his table. A letter that would explain when he would challenge his father. A battle between the strongest father and strongest son. This would be the start of a new journey, or the end of an ongoing one.

Shiro made his plan. It was very absurd, but with his pure Hanma bloodline and his will to become stronger, he would achieve it.

The first thing he was going to do was descend to the bottom of the ocean. Enduring the enormous pressure and training inside the dark zone of the ocean, and even further below. There might even be some monsters down there that humanity has failed to reveal, just like how Bigfoot existed in this world.

Doppo Orochi could hold his breath for 3 weeks, and Shiro could hold it for a little less than a month. He would swim upwards to gain air and descend for more training when needed.

This was only the first plan.

The second and his backup plan consisted of an absolutely irrational idea that could easily get him killed.

Training in space...


Training in space...

The cosmic radiation would seer his skin, although not to a massive degree. And he would first test weather his durability and healing could actually survive in space.

His technique would rapidly progress, and he aimed to overcome space. Just like how Jack had overcome his steroids. While the two things were completely different, Jack wasn't even a pure Hanma, and Shiro was the purest of them all. He would believe in his blood, and if it didn't work out...

But this absurd idea was not something he would actually do. Maybe if he had gotten to a point like Yujiro he would conduct this training. As he believed only Yujiro could actually survive in space. Maybe if he ever came to this simulation again...

While space was an option. One that he most likely wouldn't do, his second phase of the main plan would be to conduct pp training...


Pp training. While it may sound stupid, Baki gained a tremendous amount of power after pp training with his girlfriend. And Yujiro conducted a mass amount of this particular training.

He hadn't actually done the deed since he came to this world. His mind was occupied by fighting and exploring what it had to offer and he had relatively good looks... Right?

And the third and final phase of his plan would be to, train under every fighter he could find. Refining their techniques and honing his own.

Shiro lifted his head and looked at the blue sky with a smile.

'It's time...'