
All Might had arrived!

The students were relieved as they knew that everything would be fine now.

The students retreated, as they moved to All Might's side.

Shiro also went to greet his friend and as he approached the yellow haired man, he felt a tug on his coat.

"Thank you." Tsuyu said. If it weren't for him then she could have died...

Shiro smiled as a faint blush appeared on Tsuyu's cheeks. She hadn't realised it due to the lack of interaction, but Shiro was actually quite handsome. Especially in his current outfit. His strength was also something to marvel at...

"You can thank me by taking me out for some drinks." Shiro looked at Tsuyu, who was much shorter than him. He raised his hand and... Patted her head.

He then walked off to greet All Might.

Tsuyu stood still for a second, before retreating with the rest of the students.

"All Might! Good to see you." The students and villains watched as the interaction continued.

"Young Shiro... We need to stop those villains." All Might responded completely serious. All Might was Shiro's friend and he actually wanted to fight the nomu...

"Of course!" Shiro grinned as he stared at the abnormal monster.

"The monster is mine." Shiro flashed towards the monster as Tomura commanded it. "Kill him! Then kill All Might!"


Shiro and the nomu's fist collided intensely. As the two were fighting, All Might looked towards Tomura and Kurogiri.

But just as he was about to rush them, a purple mist covered them both and they disappeared.

"It... Didn't work... It didn't workItdidn'tworkItdidn'tworkItdidn'twork..." Tomura, who was now inside the league of villains hideout became more crazed as he muttered.


A tv screen flashed as a a sound only text appeared on it.

"How was it?" Dr. Kyudai said.

Kurogiri walked towards the tv and said, "The nomu's current state is unknown. Due to the intervention of Kuro we had to retreat..."

No sound came for a moment before Dr. Kyudai spoke with an annoyed tone. "You couldn't bring the nomu with you?"

"If I took the nomu It's likely Kuro would have come too..." Kurogiri sounded rather displeased. Kuro... Shiro could have been a good addition.

"I see... Ahh, that's unfortunate. Next time you spot Kuro bring him in. I want to test some experiments on him."

"Kurooo! That bastard!" Tomura felt hatred at the mention of his name. He had ruined the plan to destroy All Might!

"Although we didn't get much out of this It's fine. Gather the elite and take all the time you need."

"We cannot move freely, which is why we need a symbol, like you."

"Tomura Shigaraki!"

"Show the world that you are to be feared."

The sound transmission then cut off as the two villains stood in their bar.



Consecutive punches were being thrown out by Shiro and the nomu. It was following It's final command as it aimed to kill Shiro.

"Shiro..." Deku watched nervously, feeling the need to help.

"Everyone. Listen up!" All Might turned towards the students. He knew that they wanted to defeat the nomu and help Shiro, but he knew that Shiro could most likely defeat the nomu. And he would be... Annoyed, if anyone intervened.


Shiro preformed a spinning hook kick, which impacted the nomu's brain.


The nomu flew into a nearby wall as Shiro stood waiting.

"So is his quirk some kind of strength enhancer?" Momo looked at All Might waiting for her answer.

"I'm... Not sure. I never really asked." All Might in a rare moment of embarrassment looked towards his student.

Deku then spoke saying, "Have you checked his background?" He thought that is should be on some sort of document, as It is recorded when you go to the doctors for a quirk checkup.

"I'm quirkless." Shiro had noticed the chatter that occurred and announced something that shocked them all. Especially All Might and Deku.

"W-what!? Your joking right?" Kirishima said.

"He is obviously lying!" Bakugo shouted, "How can a quirkless be this strong!?" As he spoke he peeked at Deku.

"Then Shiro, how are you so strong?" Momo asked. To gain that level of strength was simply... Impossible.


The nomu stood up from the rubble and sped towards Shiro at an insane speed. As the nomu rushed. Shiro smiled, turning his head towards it.

"If you want to truly become strong..."


Shiro dodged a punch that was aimed towards his head.



Shiro kicked the nomu's chin so fast it couldn't react. As the nomu raised into the air Shiro reeled his fist.

'Void State'

An expulsion of air pulsed from his body and his eyes lit up a beautiful silver.

"100 pushups. 100 sit-ups. 100 squats. And a 10km run."

'Void Pierce'


The sound barrier was pierced as the students rushed to cover their ears. Shiro's skin on his arm peeled and his bone came into view. However the immense healing grew back all these parts within seconds.

The nomu instantly became a pile of tiny pieces of flesh as they flew into the sky.

Although it was a disgusting scene the students didn't seem affected. Their eyes lay upon the silver eyed Hanma standing in front of them. A combination of both ruthlessness and beauty.

Shiro watched as the students became dazed. Even the always angry Bakugo watched, stunned.

"If you do that everyday. You will become the strongest!" Shiro shared a serious glance as he said that.

"S-so... MANLY!" Kirishima's eyes gleamed at the spectacle.

The rest of the students and All Might snapped out of their daze at the words.

"100..." Momo noticed that it shouldn't be possible for that to happen. Such a simple training plan... Many of the other students were absorbed in the moment and completely believed in his words. They were definitely going to try this!

"Everyone leave. The hero's and I will take you out." Snipe said. He was a pro hero and the students followed his orders. They had enough for the day.

As the students were walking Deku looked towards Shiro, "Aren't you coming Shiro?"

"I'll catch up later. You go without me." Shiro said calmly.

"Hey Shiro! See ya later!" Kirishima shouted, he then looked towards Denki who was walking next to him, "So manly!"

As the students disappeared. Other hero's, including Midnight and Cementoss started to surround Shiro. If the behaviour of Shiro was anything to go off... It would be more like a villain. Although they respected him saving the students, they saw him killing...

"Stop!" All Might shouted. He could barely keep his form any longer and he needed to rest... But if these hero's attacked Shiro he would be afraid. For them...

Shiro's eyes turned from silver to black as he put his hands into his pockets.

"To challenge me to a fight..." A dreadful aura slammed onto the hero's.

An cold appearance expression flashed onto Shiro's face.

"Means to put your life on the line. Are you prepared for that?" The aura became suffocating as the hero's fell to their knees.

"Shiro! Let them go." All Might shouted. If Shiro went to far he would have to intervene.

Shiro released his aura, letting the hero's breathe. A foul killing intent like that was rare in this world. Therefore making these hero's more vulnerable towards it.

Shiro smirked slightly as he looked to All Might.

"See you soon... Toshi."

In a flash Shiro disappeared from everyone's view.


Shiro was now back in his apartment. His broken wall still present. He knew that the villains knew his apartment location. But if they tried anything then it would likely be their loss.

[Simulation Shop]

[One Piece - 10]

[Hunter x Hunter - 10]

[Jujutsu Kaisen - 10]

Shiro was currently looking at the simulation shop. He had already decided what world he wanted to go to.

'Buy Jujutsu Kaisen'

[Simulation System]

[Name: Shiro Yatogami]

[Simulations Avaliable: Baki, Jujutsu Kaisen]

[Simulation Shop]

'92 points left...'

[Do you want to enter?]




A familiar loud noise hit Shiro's ears as he was enveloped in a black empty space.

[Please choose your starting point]


[Gojo Family]

[One of the Big Three Sorcerer Families. Being part of this clan might give you tremendous talent...]

[Cost - 60]

'That seems rather ominous...'

[Zenin Family]

[Also one of the Big Three Sorcerer Families. A family that values cursed techniques. Being part of this family could provide big benefits.]

[Cost - 50]

[Kamo Family]

[Also part of the Big Three Sorcerer Families. They value blood ties and their passed down technique.]

[Cost - 50]

Including these options, there were actually many other options, including Itadori Yuji's family and others... However the ones that would clearly give most benefit would be the main sorcerer families.

However another option caught Shiro's eye.

[Cursed Spirit]

[Cost - 10]

'This should be interesting'

Shiro proceeded to click on 'Cursed Spirit'. However unlike last time, another interface popped up.

[Additional Purchases]

[Hybrid - 70]

[Higher Cursed Energy - 60]

The purchases provided much more options that could benefit Shiro's journey in Jujutsu Kaisen. Even the limitless technique and six eyes were there. However the cost...

The option of being a hybrid surprised Shiro. He knew that a hybrid had existed in the series before and he found it rather interesting.

Shiro clicked Hybrid and he was left with 12 points.

'Let's see what this world has to offer'


In a small village in the mountains surrounded by many trees many people were surrounding a single person.

"Please! D-Don't do this!" A woman was carrying a baby was surrounded by many villagers, each carrying variations of weapons.

"You fiend! You hold a demon! That demon must be killed, or this village will suffer!" A tall burly man stood forward as the crowd roared in response.

"You B**ch!"

"Kill her!"

The crowd stepped closer in as they approached the mother. As the crowd made it close, they raised their weapons.

The lone mother closed her eyes in response...


The villagers had stopped. Their mouths hung open as they looked at the baby, who's eyes were now wide open.

The eyes were silver, but what really surprised them was the intense aura surrounding it.

"It's true!! Kill them now!"

The villagers plunged their weapons through both the baby and the mother.



Blood splashed as they continued with their demented act.

Seconds passed and the villagers stepped back examining what they accomplished. Two mutilated bodies. One that was a child and the other was a mother.

The tall burly man stood forward again taking charge of the situation.


He raised his weapon revelling in his victory...



As he was shouting, he paused... The villagers watched as his head slowly slipped off his neck and descended onto the floor.

"It- It's still alive!"

The mutilated baby stood, blood encompassing it's whole body. It was a very odd sight.

'My body isn't strong...' Shiro had taken damage from a normal weapon... It seemed that his strength does not carry over through simulations. However he sensed his Hanma bloodline still present.

However he still felt quite strong as he was a hybrid and the disadvantage of a baby did not hinder Shiro, much like it didn't to Yujiro Hanma.

A villager rushed towards the new born and plunged his weapon deep into the babies stomach.


The villagers stepped back as they watched something impossible.

The baby grabbed the weapon that was stuck through it's stomach, and threw it towards the ground. The gaping hole that was present healed at an unimaginable pace...

'What the fu** is this?' Shiro had finally come to realisation of the situation. As soon as he woke up he sensed danger and proceeded to enter his void state.

But to witness this as soon as he started...

Shiro turned his small head to the mutilated corpse that lay on the ground.

'An orphan once again.'

A small rage built up from within Shiro. This was his mother... And she was just murdered by some delusional fu**s.

Even though he was not fully used to killing, a massacre would happen tonight. And strangely he didn't feel any negative emotions concerning the fact...

"CHARGE!!! Kill the demon!"

The villagers surrounded Shiro in a circle as they moved to kill him.

The villages slammed their weapons down onto the small figure. However Shiro swiftly dashed underneath someone's leg.

'Void Pierce'

He had been in this form the moment he opened his eyes. He quickly smashed his punch towards an unlucky villagers...


An oval shockwave zoomed into his body and nearly split him in half. His insides spilt out as the villagers gasped.

"It killed him..."

Shiro ignored the surprise that he caused the villagers as he continued his massacre.

One by one villagers were decimated...

Shiro killed them swiftly and cleanly, looking like a dancing baby...

Each attack that hit Shiro healed back up. For the villagers that were normal humans, this was a nightmare. An odd nightmare... But still one nonetheless.

As Shiro finished killing most of the villagers he moved towards one of the final people left.

A tall burly man laying on the ground. Shiro had left this man without his legs. This was the main preparator.

Shiro raised his hand and...


Shiro's baby hand smashed into the man's head, exploding it like a watermelon.

As the onslaught came to an end, Shiro stood in a bloody mist, the scent of iron mixed into the air. As he walked off he grabbed his mothers corpse and started to move towards the trees.

He walked for minutes as he came to an open space. He buried the corpse in the ground and looked at the grave.

'Thank you.'

Shiro then sat down as he looked at the night sky. The feats he had achieved only possible due to his hybrid body and Hanma bloodline.

A fact that he confirmed a moment ago. It was too bad that his bodies attributes did not follow, but he kept the benefits that his bloodline granted him, like his healing factor.

A baby had just killed at least 60 people... His stubby legs and arms piercing flesh and shattering bones.

Shiro took a deep breath as he focused his current chaotic mind. Even though he was rather indifferent to killing. Such a massacre had affected him.

He had never participated in such acts of killing... He even felt slightly sick.

The thick scent of blood trickled into his nose once again. He looked at his hands and naked body splattered in red liquid.

'I need to clean myself...'