A new start: Chapter 1

As I woke up, the sun was shining right through the curtains and hitting my face, the Alarm clock buzzing on and on telling me that the time was 9:00 in the morning. I remembered bits and pieces of what happened. The Stagnant endless white room, the weary feeling of loneliness and the man who was supposed to me give a new start in life…a new life.

I looked around and noticed that I found myself laying donw in bed in small one-man apartment complex with only a pair of boxers to cover my body.

Unwashed dishes were found in the sink, the trash-bin was filled up to its brim along with other miscellaneous items and dirty clothes were piled up in one corner of the room, waiting to be washed.

Looking at this mess of a room, I couldn't help but be stricken in disgust. but before that, I was reminded of what was supposed to happen to me."Wait a minute, I'm definitely in a Human-sized room and not in a Glass encasing fit for a Stag-beetle. Wasn't reincarnation supposed to be a start on a new life? why am I in a dirty room and not in a delivery room being held by Doctors?"

I stood up from the bed and started walking around to find a mirror, the curiosity of me trying to figure out what I looked like came to my thought first. The first thing I went for was the bathroom. As I got there, I was taken by surprise that I looked much younger, like 10 years younger than what I used to look like. I wasn't good looking or anything but the fact that I was back to my teenage years felt surreal to me…but it begs the question, why do I look younger? Did I go back in time? No it couldn't be, in all my years this is the first time I've seen a room like this. I need to find more clues on what I'm doing here I need information.

I got out the bathroom and and tried to looked around the room for clues, the first thing I saw was a bunch of papers piled up in a messy manner. From the looks of it, the papers were for an exam for a school his trying to get into.

"...He seems like a studious kid, what else?"

I tried looking around and noticed bits of mail scattered in the floor, all leading to letters from a woman, probably his mother, some for the rent and such. It looks like he's a month behind paying the rent.

"Maybe there's more here."

I looked around again, this time focusing on one of the Drawers, I slowly dug through the clothes looking for something, maybe a picture album or a note of some kind. Nothing. The last thing I haven't looked unto yet was the study desk, maybe I have some student ID or a wallet put in there.

I slowly walked up to the desk and opened it, there I saw an ID but that wasn't the only thing I saw.

"A Gun?" I asked myself as I slowly went and grabbed it..

Now I was no expert in Guns, all I knew from this was that it could hurt somebody or worse yet, Kill somebody. Next to the gun was its Magazine case, I looked at the case and only saw one bullet. I put the magazine and gun down at the desk, and instead picks up the ID. I read through it.

Name: Hamil Crux

School: South Templar middle school

Student ID: 02-D-0050

Born: May 20, 2028

Judging from the looks of it, the picture placed in the ID looks like me when I was in the middle school. I put the ID in my pocket and noticed the clock ticking by the wall. Along the clock was a calender and on the the Calendar was the year 2045, which leads me to being 17 years old. This was all I could find in this room, nothing more.

"Maybe I can find more information outside this apartment."

So I decided to walk out the room, but before that I needed to wear some clothes. Looking around the drawer, I found a brown long-sleeve and a pair of jeans. As I wore the clothes, I tried summarizing the things I found in the room.

First off was the exam papers, looking on how it went, he was probably trying to get into a school, but all these papers all lead back to a year ago

"He must have failed the first exam."

Next is the mail scattered on the Floor, most of it came from a woman but with a different last name…. 'Clinton', so it wasn't from his family member.

Reading through it, all of the contents of the letters were the same old 'how are you doing?' contexts, all of which became more intense and worrying as the dates passes by. The Kid must have not replied to this woman. And the Bills are a month late, both the electric and water bill. Lastly is the Gun I found, the only thing that comes to mind is the kid being suicidal, with how everything looks here, with the dirty clothes, unwashed dishes and piled up letters, the boy must have thought of ending his life by some time. But looking at the exam papers he got, it looks like he was studying to get in, and if he failed, he would have….killed himself.

I wasn't sure if this was true or not, just some speculation on what information I have right now. Either way, I'm worried about the kid, about this body I was possessing.

~Sighing~ putting that aside, I started walking to the the door and reaching for the handle, a sudden Beep sound was heard.



[system update successful - new character profile needed.]


All of a sudden a 2D screen was floating right in front of me, telling me about a Character profile.


I Hesitated at first but my natural instinct was telling me to push the profile. I slowly push the screen and all of a sudden it became wider, showing me all sorts of content.



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: None


God's followed: None

Mana: 10

Strength: 5

Luck: 0.5

Agility: 5

Stamina: 5

Intelligence: 7

"What is this?"

The screen showed me numbers and what seemed like stats showing my capabilities. Like how you find in Games, the Screen right in front of me was showing my status, only that I don't know what any of these numbers tell. Is it good or is it bad? Or maybe just average.

I tried waving my hand through it and all it did was pass through like a hologram.

With the Idea of reincarnation coming to mind, the thought of me being reincarnated in a game was possible. With that in mind, I tried ignored the screen in front of me and walked pass through, soon after it faded away.

I needed more information on where I was and why I was here. And that screen that showed in front of me was a major clue…but it wasn't enough.

As I opened the Door, the shining light of the sun directly hits my eye, blocking my vision for a quick second. After a while my vision came back and what I saw right in front of me was surprising to say the least.

The moving cars, the chattering kids by the sidewalk, a woman walking her Dog, a business man running late for job, a railway over my apartment, the sounds of a train grinding against the train tracks.

It was noisy, but all the noise was being ignored by what I was seeing right in front of me.

"What is that?"

Right in front of my eyes I saw a structure, a tower-like structure that went pass the height of the Clouds. A tower that could span like a wall covering a side not visible to me and the top that could hardly be seen by its pointy end. The clouds covering half it's body was Dark and Gloomy, it seemed like not just that but something was circling around the tower, showing orange glows as it flies around the tower.

Unconsciously I took 5 steps forward, trying to get a wide view of things. Only realizing now how far it was from my apartment. It even stood in its own island, completely separate from the country that I don't know the name of.

That view was the main clue for me to guarantee that I wasn't in my world anymore. I felt sure...I wasn't dreaming…and for some reason I felt happy…I felt relieved and ecstatic. If something of that unrealistic degree was introduced to me, not only does it felt like a new experience was waiting for me but a new opportunity to actually live life…. Like those novels I always read about.

Confuse…but delighted on where I was, I walked a bit further in the area. As I walked through some houses and stores, the Image of the tower never left my head, it somehow felt familiar to me.

~Sigh~ "Why does it feel so familiar to me?" having sighed on the first thing that I saw, it already gave me a mysteries i needed to solve.

I decided to leave it be and walk to find more information on where I was.

Not long after, I arrived at a small park. A few kids were playing by the sandbox and Seesaws. Nothing out of the Ordinary.

I walked pass through the park and then met a board that showed some activities and events happening in this area.

It was a good chance for me to get Info on.

After reading a bit…

"Okay, so this place seem to be called Fester Town…why do I feel like I heard of this place before."

And again another familiar feeling came to mind, somehow it was like a Deja-vu moment.

I looked at the Board again and read through its contents.

"A festival is being held in a few Months and an Important guest is coming to visit.

Avelor Winstone, the 3rd Prince of the Kastelyst Kingdom."

"Wait, A kingdom?...Kastelyst?...Winstone?…Fester…the Tower ,It can't be."

A slight headache came bumping in my head.

"It can't be!?….can it?"

With all the information I gathered in such a short amount of time, all being things that I find more suspicious but likely to be a coincidence. These Coincidences might be what I think it is. But I gotta make sure.

'I'm in a town called Fester, if I'm here then…that place should be here too.'

I quickly ran back to the park, looking for some people to talk to and ask for Directions, luckily I met a Woman, watching her kids play by the slide.

"Um, can I ask a Question?"


"Is there a small chapel here in this town?"

"Chapel?…Oh you can find one just a few blocks from here. If you walk straight this path and follow it until you find a cross section, you can find a sign that leads to a chapel. "

"Thank you ma'am."

"You're welcome."

As I thank her, I began to follow her directions, sooner on I found the cross section. I tried looking for a sign with the word Chapel on it and to my surprise, there it was.

"St. Cathelyn Chapel."

Just by reading the signs I suddenly felt lively, I was excited.

A ran through the streets with the adrenaline pumping me up from the excitement, immediately saw a cross by the top of a building, indicating that it was, the Cathelyn chapel.

~huff~ ~Huff~ I was excruciatingly exhausted.

(How is this kid so Unhealthy?!) I thought as I was having a hard time catching my breath.

A few minutes later, I was regaining my stamina. In front of me was the entrance to the Chapel, with its decorative carvings and a encryptic language written just above the door,everything about it was welcoming.

*Knock* *Knock*

I knocked at the door and was met with footsteps

As the door opened, I was met with a nun.

With her Golden hair, Golden eyes, pale skin which match with her white habit. She was the very definition of an angel.

Set adazed by her beauty, I was met with a curious look be her.

"Can I help you?" she said.

"Um, hi, are you sister Catherine?"

"Yes I am."

"Great!" ecstatic by her affirmation, I was finally able to affirm my thought.

'I really am inside a novel!…I'm inside a novel!…not just any novel, but the novel called

" The Royal Mystic life". just the the tower itself confirms it…but if that's true…Oh no!'

My face began to pale as thought after thought came rolling inside me, just the basic synopsis of the novel was giving me an extreme 180 turn on how this new life was going to be.

Synopsis : 'A mystical story of a hero who joins hand in hand with his comrades as they fight evil, clash with towering villains, Survive unpredictable Disasters, live a Systematic Hierarchy, a life never thought out of to be normal in the first place. A life that is Royally Mystical.'

'Ah shit…I won't last a year in this world…' was my thought.

Although this novel was my number 1 favorite book of all time, with it's adventurous stories, simple but enticing plot, and lovable characters, it would be my favorite novel….NOVEL! It was entirely different if it was an actually real life event. Unpredictable disasters…things like level 7 earthquakes and flash floods were nothing compared to the Disasters this world brings to its characters, with mountains falling from the sky and country sized meteorites harrowing through space and even the impostor from AMONG US were one of the main but memorable event's of the novel. And then there were the Villains of the story, not only were they OP as heck but some even came to a form of enlightenment and almost burned half a country just by its most basic attack.

'Ah shit, I wont last a month in this world.'