Blind Ruler's Challenge part 2 chapter 7

"Ok, lets do this."

With the bow on my hand, I started marching into the field.

I look through the red line. I could only see the warriors lifelessly standing in place. It was as if they were waiting for someone...


I readied my mind. This time my weapon was ready, the arrow was in place and I was ready to charge in.

As soon as I stepped in , I immediately aimed and fired the arrow.


It soared in the air and soon after it shot a mans chest. He stumbled back a bit but he was still standing.


Furious, he look to my direction.

"There he is!!"

'Oh fuck.' pulling out another arrow, I pulled it again and shot it. It soared into the sky. And hits one of the warriors running straight at me.


He fell down as I shot him by his left shoulder.


I stood in place, staring at the body of the life I just took. Not realizing the five men running straight at me.




I found myself sitting in under a tree again.

My body felt numb in three parts of my body. The Left shoulder, my right arm and my stomach.

"I died again…"

I took another man's life just now. The feeling of taking a life was a bit perplexing but it was doable. I don't know how long I'll be able to stay here but if time passes, I might just be able to get used to it

I stared into the field and noticed the man I killed was standing in place. there was no arrow sticking out of his body.

this event tells me that the field was reseting everytime I died. so the Number of the Warriors was constant until I kill all of them.

" it isn't going to be that easy."

Time moves differently in a Hero's gate. It was said in the novel that the Protagonist stayed for at least a month in the Hero's gate but only a day has passed…it meant that a ratio of 1 day in the real worlds was equivalent to 30 days in the hero's gate. I have a lot of time, the terrorist attack was going to happen in a months time, so I had around 900 days to complete the Hero's gate.

"Ok…lets think."



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: Warrior in Training


God's followed: None

Mana: 10

Strength: 5

Luck: 0.5

Agility: 5

Stamina: 5.5 (+0.5)

Intelligence: 7

[The Challenge of the Rulers: Become worthy to be another Ruler]

[Time Limit: 00000]

[Time Spent: 02:04:43:23]

New information was put in my profile. My occupation and a Timer.

"Warrior in training…and Two days. It must have counted my time spent in that void."

I still didn't have a strategy for this challenge. My aim was just like a beginner and my fire rate was slow as it could get, not to mention I was easily startled by the screams of those warriors. And Looking at the field, I could see that it was small. It was around a 50 square foot of land. The area was small, and worst of all, I was using a bow as a weapon. Not good for close range combat.

So I decided that I would train.

".….For now, I train."

It was like the saying goes, A man spending a whole day sharpening his axe was better than a man who swings his axe all day. I think that was how it goes…

It was better to train myself and improve than to spend almost a month just getting killed over and over again.

So I put down the bow and decided to work out.

"For now, I don't really know anything about training like a warrior but I do have a goal. to increase my strength and the Proficiency of my use on the Bow."

So my training begins.

At first, i just did the basic fitness exercise. Jogging in place, Push-ups, Curl-ups, jumping jacks, all sorts of exercise. Having to stretch first, I began warming up and did jumping jacks for about 100 times. Never did I thought of how weak this body was, just about halfway through jumping jacks, I began breathing like a dying animal. after finishing jumping jacks, I was sweaty all over. but I wasn't ending it yet. I proceeded to do curl ups, I did it until my body couldn't do it no more. gasping for air, my head was getting light headed. I did around 33 Curl ups until I couldn't do no more.

After laying on the ground for about 10 minutes, I was able to get back on my feet and decided to do push-ups. From the painful Curl-ups to Push-ups, I did around 20 push ups.

After a while, I did all possible fitness exercise I knew once in my past life. now my body was laying down on the grass.



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: Warrior in Training


God's followed: None

Mana: 10

Strength: 5.0

Luck: 0.5

Agility: 5

Stamina: 5.5 (+0.5)

Intelligence: 7

[The Challenge of the Rulers: Become worthy to be another Ruler]

[Time Limit: 00000]

[Time Spent: 02:06:58:23]

I did about 2 hours of exercise.

As I look through my status for a bit of progress, I was stunned. my Strength stat was added a .0 (point zero). it meant progress was underway.

"Ok, progress. despite it being zero, the system recognizes it as Progress nonetheless."

After admiring my bits of progress, I decided to move on to training with the Bow.

I was quite amazed by the Gate's capabilities. despite training for 2 hours with this body, I expected myself to have muscle strain but I didn't. My exhuastion wasn't heavy as it would normally be on the real world. it was as if this place was constantly healing me throguh bits and bits. Just breathing the air around this place was calming. I would describe the Gate as the perfect training place for any person ever.

anyway, after admiring the Environment. I decided to pickup the Bow. I carved a small target practice on the tree and began my training. I was about 10 meters away from the tree and as I pulled and shot, my chances of hitting the tree was slim.

~Swoosh~ *Thud*

The arrow landed on the ground.


It didn't make it to the tree so I pulled again and shot it. but this time I pulled the string way pass my head. it was heacy and the tension between me and the string was strong. my hand was shaking and without aiming properly, i let go and shot it.


It went pass the tree and into the Cliff.

"Ok, that was a bad idea. maybe I should loosen up."

This time I pulled the string just up to my head. it wasn't tense or anything just the right amount of tension. and shot it again.

~Swoosh~ *Thud*


this time it landed on the tree, but it was nowhere near the target practice.

Something was wrong. usually in sword novels, training a sword would usually consist of the Character swinging a sword for about a hundred times a day at the same swing at the same strength, it was all about the Consistency of a swing, but what about an Archer? is it the same?

So I tried being consistent with my shot, as I pulled the string all up to my face, I focused on my target and let go.

~Swoosh~ *Thud*


I hit the target, but it wasn't a bull's eye.

".....Ok, adjust and do it again."

Pulling the string up to my face, I let go of it after adjusting it and it shot the arrow.

~Swoosh~ *Thud*

"OH!! Nice."

I actually got it.


*Tick* *Tick* *Tick* *Tick*

It was Midnight and raining, Arthur was just standing outside the Theme park with an Umbrella on hand.


Closing his eyes, he focused on listening to that voice again.


it was faint, but he could hear it. he decided to tresspass the theme park and search for the voice.

Jumping over the gate, he began his search.

After 30 minutes of looking all over the place. he sat down on one of the benches on the park and tried to listen to it again.


"....its over there."

He could hear it at the west side of the Theme park.

So he made his way into the Gate's direction

but as he got there, he heard the voice again.



The direction was different this time.

It was on the East side.

So he went back. but as he got back to the entrance...









From minutes to hours, the Voice was calling to him in all directions.

"What is going on!?"

"This isn't right."

So he stood in place and focused. looking at his fingers, he stared at the black bracelet of his.

He thought of bringing out his weapon, as he did so, a white sword came out of it with its white scabbard.

The bracelet acted as a Storage item. it was a common thing for Adventurers to use with it, it can store almost anything.

Arthur brought out his weapon cause he thought that he was being lured in by a trap.

He pulled out the sword from his scabbard and walked to one of the directions of the voice. as he did so, the voice began to diminish. little by little some of the voices began to fade. after a while, he found himself back in place, at the front of the entrance but what he found was a Portal.

"Oh God."


Twenty days...its been twenty days since I was stuck here in a Hero's gate. another great thing about here in this place was that I wasn't getting hungry.



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: Warrior in Training


God's followed: None

Mana: 10

Strength: 8

Luck: 0.5

Agility: 7

Stamina: 7.5 (+0.5)

Intelligence: 7


Bow Profenciency: 25%


[The Challenge of the Rulers: Become worthy to be another Ruler]

[Time Limit: 00000]

[Time Spent: 20:01:18:27]

a new Category was added in my status. Bow Profeciency. I thought of it as the degree of me mastering the bow and I was quite amazed by my progress, 25% of it alone just by self teaching myself was pretty fun. I was now capable of shooting 4 arrows out of 5 from 10 meters away and hit the bull's eye at a high fire rate at that. I could fire 1 arrow in 2.5 seconds, from quiver to bow.

To train for 20 days was something I've never done before. and I was able to increase a lot of my status. My strength, my Stamina and evn my Agility. I was now fit enough to fight them without worrying of dying immediately due to exhuastion and My strength helps in the Profeciency of shooting the Arrow without much trouble.

Now, I only need to see if I could fight the Warriors more fairly now. So I picked up the Bow and went to the field.

Fun fact, whenever I would lose an Arrow, it would magically replenish itself in a quiver. but I still haven't tested it yet on the Battlefield.

I walk to the line and stared at the lifeless warriors. Their very existence was screaming of bloodlust.

"(Inhale) hooo...(Exhale) haaaa...ok, lets do this."

Stepping in, the Red Line i immidiately pulled an Arrow and shot it through the nearest warrior.

~Swoosh~ *Thud*

Struck by the head, Immidiately he fell down.


The Wariors notice this and saaw me, readying another arrow. They glared into my direction and screamed in a ravish manner.


'Keep calm and Focus.'

I pulled the string and started shooting the warriors nearest to me.

~Swoosh~ *Thud*

~Swoosh~ *Thud*

~Swoosh~ *Thud*

~Swoosh~ *Thud*

I shot four arrow, it shot four of them but only two fell to the ground.

"!? Shit, their tougher than I thought."

I stopped shooting as soon as they were near me and started runnig away.

"Take this you Mongrel!" shouted one of the warriors as they swing a sword to my back.

I rolled to the side and dodged the swing and continued running. I started grabbing an arrow in my quiver while I was running away. it was hard but as soon as I turned around, I immidiately fired the arrow point blank at the guy. shoot him by the chest.

he fell to the Ground and Immediately I started running away.

I pulled another and started shooting the warriors coming my way. one warrior was carrying a shield while the other carried a spear.

~Swoosh~ *Thud*

~Swoosh~ *Thud*

both shots hit the target but none fell to the ground.

The one blocked my shot while the other took it but didn't fell down.

The one with a spear charge straight at me and immediately thrusted his spear.

"!?" I barely dodge the attack and tried to pull out another arrow, but the man with the shield came forward and blocked the Arrow.

~Swoosh~ *Thud*


Immediately after, the man with the spear push through and stabs me at my stomach.


I died again.


I kept dying over and over again for over 30 tries.

Despite any tactics I could think of, nothing would effeciently work. they would always kill me in one way or another, their numbers would always regenerate after I die. and if I try to take them one on one, they would form themselves in groups. the always troublesome one was the shielders.

Killing one shielder point blank was hard becuase they were always accompanied by other attacking warriors. and the Field was flat, there was nothing I could hide on. and If I try holding another weapon, it wouldn't let me. it would crumble as soon as I tried to use it.

I needed something that would help me break through those shields, something that could take on a group...

So I laid under the tree. staring at the blue sky and breathing in the calming air.



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: Warrior in Training


God's followed: None

Mana: 10

Strength: 9.2

Luck: 0.5

Agility: 9

Stamina: 8.3 (+0.5)

Intelligence: 7


Bow Profenciency: 30%


[The Challenge of the Rulers: Become worthy to be another Ruler]

[Time Limit: 00000]

[Time Spent: 27:08:56:20]

My stats grew....for seven days, I fought while thinking up of tactics. my strength, stamina, agility, and bow profeciency grew faster than it did on my basic exercise.

"Hmmm...what do I do...hmmm if it weren't for the calming winds and blue sky, I would have lost my mind right about now."

Staring at the blue sky, I would always tried to remember the events of what happened at the novels, or what type of situation the protagonist was in and how they would get out.

"Hmmm, normally they would use flashy a Sword slash or a fucking mana blast to get out of a problem but I don't have that...or maybe I do"

Immediately, I got up and opened my Character Profile.

"...!! mana...I could use that."