The Resolute Ruler's Challenge Part 4 Chapter 17

As the 87th day passes, the doors open and what came out was a boy whose body was nearly describable as being alive. A torn arm, a mauled body and a look of disdain that rivaled a dying a man's pitiful look.

As his body was slowly fixing itself, he slowly approached the the observing watcher and gave him the head of a monster he fought almost a thousand times.

In return, Randull accepted the present and the Door closes.

An awkward silence came after that, but the boy just walked past Randull and sat by the side of the stone statue of a giant sword.

He sat there and rested. He closed his eyes and slept.

And Randull on one hand just stared at the Sword the boy was holding on to. A sword with a blue bladed edge, a cross guard that went to four directions and a grip whose design he remembered that to have resembled the very ruler who wielded a sword.

"Rondemince…what a unique name for a sword."

Just by the simple gaze of the weapon, he knew the very uniqueness of this item. It was named, not by the Ruler or by the maker but instead it was named by the wish of the wielder…a Salvation of a sword.

Like the Pillars the Resolute Ruler watches over, the very sword the boy held also tells of a story.

In the weakest moment of this boy's life came a weapon that guided him to salvation. A weapon he will come to rely on for the rest of his life, a Partner he will come to call upon when the situation calls for it. A Pillar that will support the very foundation he stands on.

"...Hmm, its been a thousand years since then…I wonder if they still remember me." said Randull to himself as he reminisce on the past…

As hours passes by, the boy finally awakes and Randull congratulates him for the success of his Challenge.

The boy woke up with a less disdainful look and more of that of an innocent boy…although not fully recovered, he stands to greet Randull in return.

"how long have I been out?"

"12 hours."

"I see…"

Looking by how his condition looked, his torn arm was back and most of his mauled flesh returned to normal.

"as per success of the challenges given by the rulers, I will now bring you back to where you originally were…is there anything you'd like to say before you return?"

"...I have a request."

"If it is something I grant then please state your request…"

"...There's a girl I want you to look out for…a person who is Fated for a future bigger than mine…"

"Oh? And who is this person?"

"Martha…Martha Deus Dottingham…"

"...Ah, her…I see. You don't have to worry, she is already written an Invitation…in a few years she will receive it…"

"Thank you."

"...Now then, off you go."

He walks up to the boy and raises his hand to the boy's forehead…


He gave the boy a flick to the Forehead. A Flick so strong that it echoed through out the Domain, as the boy was hit by this, his vision starts to fade out and not a second later he comes back to where it all started…

He awoke to the blistering sun's gaze, the scorching sand's touch and the shadow of the Pillars that stood way beyond him.

"...! ah fuck…the Sun is too strong."

".…looks like you're back."

"...!" to his surprise, he was greeted by the Resolute Ruler who stood beside him, under the shadows of the Pillars.

"...That Scabbard now holds a sword…wonderful, now then we will proceed with the making of your Pillar." said the ruler as he walks further unto the left side of the pillars.

The boy quickly stood up and followed him.

As they walk side by side, the Ruler suddenly spoke up to relish the time.

"so…how was the experience?"

"I…it was hard to explain, for some reason that challenge was rather specific. It had the same enemies I fought against when I was taking the Intrepid Ruler's challenge…"

"it is most likely a challenge picked by the Watcher to help you gain the Fate you will be handling in your future…No one know how he does it, but he knows better than anyone on how to handle a challenge that can aide you. A challenge that can make you grow."

"It probably was…And speaking of the Watcher, he knew you guys…he knew the Rulers…why?" asked the boy.

"...that is something that we as Rulers don't have the right to Answer…"

"I see…are we headed to the very edge of these pillars?"


As they walk through the scorching heat, it would take days before they would reach the very end of the Pillars.


As Arthur stands atop the heavens as he rides on the Flying Griffin, holding nothing but the determination of finally mastering the ability to hold wind, his eyes glows a simple green aura.

Readied his stance to swing an imaginary sword.


The glow in his eyes became more intense and the invisible object lying on his hand start to form into a stick of air….Raging like a Tornado, Arthur gave it his all to hold on to this stick of wind. His grip becomes more firm, his breathing becoming more still and his memory of his past challenges reminded him if the inner mindfulness he needed to attain the possibility to hold on to this wind. At the last moment, the wind started raging on like a fire hose, but he held on and strengthened his hold even more.

"Now!" shouted Emur.

"Haa!!" Arthur swings the wind through a giant cloud that blocked their way.

And as it flies through, silence followed it and a second later, the mountain of a cloud was cut in half, and followed by the cloud after that and the Cloud after that…until the slice of wind Arthur threw implodes and explodes far away from him and Emur.



The wind it brought back from the explosion was strong enough that it nearly pushed Arthur off Emur.

"Looks like you've made progress."

"yeah…I did."

"Now, a little bit more and you can finally master it. The Strength of your attack was in order but your ability to control it was far off."

"I know. "

"Don't worry, in time you will come to master it like a pet."

"thanks…we better land…the Mana I used nearly drained me out from that attack."


Emur started descending from the Clouds and into the island. They needed time to rest."

"...How many days have I lasted in here?" asked Arthur.

"...29 Days."


Almost a day has passed for Arthur staying here in Emur's Domain. And with it, Emur was amazed that Arthur gained this much progress in just a month's time. It was more faster than Emur himself when he trained for this ability.

Emur believed that in due time, Arthur will be the one to carry the Legacy Emur failed to carry on his own.


After 5 days of continues walking, we were finally able to reach the very edge of the Pillars.

What stood beyond them was mind numbing.

What I saw before me was a group of swords embedded to the Ground, although far, I could easily count it from where I was…

"15 swords…'

Compared to a raining weather of swords from before, this was different, as if it was purposefully placed there.

Curious to why this was, I asked the Ruler himself what this was.

"What is this?" I asked him.

"...The Incomplete warriors...people who fail to place the Pillars I trust them to put…warriors who weren't ready to hold unto the country…and protect it


"...yes…they left me their weapon and left the country…afraid of bearing the responsibility of carrying the country…Afraid for many reasons."


"Are you ready?"

"...I am."

"When placing your weapon to the ground, you will vow yourself to carry on the legacy of protecting your Country…by no matter what enemies you will face, by whatever danger that comes your way, you are a Ruler, you will carry this responsibility even at the cost of your life."


"And so, I will ask again…Are you ready to place your Pillar?"

"Yes…yes I am."

"Wield your Weapon."

And so I brought out my weapon.

"Raise your Weapon."

And so I raised my sword.

"Repeat after me."


"By the Will of the Country."

"By the Will of the Country."

"I am a Weapon that carries my Country."

"I am a Weapon that carries my Country."

"Cares for my Country."

"Cares for my Country."

"Lives for my Country."

"Lives for my Country."

"And as a Ruler."

"And as a Ruler."

"I will Guide my Country."

"I will Guide my Country."

"In the Vow of My Weapon"

"In the Vow of my Weapon."

As I said these vows, I pointed my sword downwards and Buried it until the blade was no longer seen except the Grip.

After that, the Ruler raised his hands up and did the final say.

"Rise Pillar, A new Warrior has been made."

All of a sudden, the place where I buried my sword, starts to shake and the sword goes deeper into the sand.



Beneath the Ground erupts a pillar.

Rising into the Sky.

Until it reached an unknown land above.

I could hear a thud from the clouds as it stops rising.

And my sword fell from the Sky. Landing only about a feet away from my feet. I picked up the sword and stored it in my Scabbard.


"It is Done.

"Thank you." I said as I bowed before the Ruler.

And soon after, I checked my Character profile to see how much I grew by.

"Character Profile."



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: Trained Warrior


God's followed: The Rulers (3/4)

-Blind Ruler

-Intrepid Ruler

-Resolute Ruler

Mana: 10

Strength: 80

Luck: 0.8

Agility: 90

Stamina: 83

Intelligence: 50


Bow Proficiency: 50%

Spear Proficiency: 55%

Sword Proficiency: 55%


[The Challenge of the Rulers: Become worthy to be another Ruler (3/4)]

[Blind Ruler's Challenge - Acknowledge]

[Intrepid Ruler's Challenge - Acknowledge]

[Resolute Ruler's Challenge - Acknowledge]

[Time Limit: 00000]

[Time Spent: 696:20:38:07]

I was surprised.

My occupation was now different..last time I saw it, it was Warrior in training, and now it was a Trained Warrior. And aside from my growth in Strength, Agility and Stamina. My Sword Proficiency was the same as the Spear's Proficiency.

I still had a lot to learn…

Lastly I had to deal with the Shield user.

I looked to the Ruler and gave him another bow for my respect. In acknowledgement, he raises his Hand and a Portal then came out of nowhere.

"...We will come to meet again after you complete the last Challenge. Be ready when you meet us all then."

I gave him a nod and then went through the Portal.

As I went through the Portal, the moment my weapon passed through. It had the same effect as all of the weapons I got from the Rulers.

My weapon completely disappeared and I was left with nothing in the Dark void.

But I didn't worry, Although it wasn't here, I could feel connection somewhere that It was still there. And I could only gain it after passing all the Challenges.


After the Boy left, The Ruler stared into the part of the land where the 15 swords stand…despite the country already gone from history, he could feel it….the blood of his Citizens still lived on…the people who abandoned the country still lives…even when the Country fell years ago, his eyes glows as an Ember of Hope lights up…

A hope where the Country he lead long ago with the other three Rulers would once again stand…And the new Ruler would lead them…A New Generation to rise

"Maybe…maybe our Legacy has hope, maybe Randull's Prophecy was false…"

With thoughts of hope lingering in his mind. He starts to walk away and prepare for what was to come for the new Ruler.


After three days of continues training, he was finally able to tame it….and Emur was amaze. To see the Talent this boy was giving off,

The air was calm and obeying.

Just by a simple swing of the compressed air no longer felt Forced.

Hes conservation towards the Mana usage also went down and the ability to manipulate air gave new capabilities to fight and use.

Like the ability to Fly, the ability create Whirlwinds, Air Bullets and so much more. This gave Arthur the opportunity to be better and more powerful.

Now what was left to do was to gain the Mark of acknowledgement from Emurteus. And he would finish the Hero's gate.


As soon as I passed through the Portal, I was meet yet again with darkness. And after that came my mark of Acknowledgement. I thought it would come out in my stomach but the Burning feeling I felt suddenly emerged from the back.

But instead of a small circled Mark, I felt a long stick of a tattoo was being pressed against my back…

If Hamil knew what it was behind his back, it was the Mark of a Sword and a Scabbard completely put in his Back.

A Tattoo of a Sword was what anyone would say if it was seen in public.