Terror in Terrorist part 1: Chapter 34

Far in the distance, in a somber shade of a building stood a boy who wore a gray hood over his head along with a mask and a cap to cover his face.

He listens as the sounds of sirens from both the ambulance and police cars came rushing in to the front of a building. One by one, policemen came with pistols in arms as well as a fully suited team ready to handle an informed bomb. He could hear the gasping noise of the citizens as their curiosity teased them into watching what was happening by this particular building.

Soon after, the civilians gasped even more as they saw the reason for the caused drama on their busy streets. Four men walk out of the bar injured and silent, one was being escorted by a heavily armored officer while the others were escorted by the police. As they all got out of the building, another group that was heavily armored came out of the building carrying a special box that seemed to indicate that something was inside of it.

Looking from afar, the boy could tell that inside that special looking box was the bomb.

"....they're finally settling everything." he mumbled as hours passes by waiting and observing the movements of the police's progression over the investigation.

Right as he said that, a black car arrives into the scene of the building. As it stops right by the armored vehicle, two people came out of the car wearing a formal black suit. One person was a woman who had black-charcoal hair with a pair of black glasses that fitted well with her hair color, while another was a large build man who was nearly two meters long and wore an eyepatch on his left eye.

"..." the large-build man stood in a menacing way as he looked around the area that was surrounded by police and the ever so curious citizens.

"..." while the woman approached a police officer who carried a piece of file around his hand.

As she approached the police in charge of the scene, she casually pulled out a necklace that was covered underneath her suit to the policeman. She showed him the symbol of a certain emblem that necklace represented and in response, the police nervously handed over the file that had all the descriptions of what the scene foretold to the woman and she just casually accepted it.

"Okay, lets see here." She read through the written report of that file with a minute later to pass, her glare around that file made it cinder at the centre and causing it to casually burn out in just a second.

"Eh….my report." the policeman who handled the report was bewildered by what the woman just did. He was speechless because of her reckless action to just casually burn off a piece of paper with her glare.

"...Ronny contact the other knights and tell them to add additional security from today till on the day of the festival." said the woman as she tells the man with the large build her orders.

"We'll be following these men back for some interrogation." she said while turning to the policeman in look for compliance with her decision.

"ah..s-sure." He agreed knowing full well that he couldn't stop them if he tried since the emblem they showed him was high ranked.

"It says from the report that someone contacted the police, where is that person?" she asked the police.

"Well,When we arrive these four people were the only one's left unconscious inside the bar. We tried asking the manager of the bar if there were other people involved, they said they didn't notice anything particular with what happened inside the room 15." replied the police officer.

"Room 15?"

"...the scene of the crime."

"What about the footage? Any CCTV footage?"

"No, the only footage available was in the hallway and the entrance. We played it back at the moment where those men entered the bar and for 2 hours nothing came in or out of that room. One scene showed that they opened the door for only about ten seconds but after a while, they just closed it back shut."

"What else?" a

"It was determined that five minutes after the door was closed, a call was received in the department for the bomb information yet no footage was found of that person. The phone that the caller used was also traced to be one of the phones by those four men."

"Its strange, for an informant to be using a phone that wasn't even his...its truly a strange thing to do." said the woman as she found the action of the caller to be strange and it seemed to lead her to think that as if the caller was somehow connected to those men.

"Mana traces were also found in one of the areas of the bar." said the policeman as he tried to add information to the Woman.

"Mana huh..So it's probably a hunter. A mana gifted person could easily take on four people all on his own without any issue. Seeing that three of the men in cuffs were just normal people meant that it was possible to take down these people in just a couple of seconds tops." said the woman as she tried to explain the capabilities of what a mana gifted person had towards normal people to the police officer.

"Judging by how those men were injured, a fight must have broken down and some noise could have been heard by the manager. " said the policemen as he tried to assume what a fight could have lead to.

"Yet no suspicion was caught…No noise...The caller must have been an assassin type then, that could explain the fact that no footage was found in the cameras. Simply opening a door can be a chance for any assassin to take action and kill in silence." explained the woman as she looked towards the victims of the presumed assassin.

"..." she then looked towards the box that was carrying the bomb and smiled while a simple passing thought went through her head.

"Its strange isn't it? A bomb being made in a karaoke bar is insane and yet all the materials you'll need could easily be accessed in a school chemistry lab as well as a simple merchant shop along with the skills of a grad student who majored in the arts of chemistry…it makes you wonder if this was the only bomb made." her words were eye catching to most of the cops in the area.

"..." The policeman gave a worried look of expression

"Okay then. Let's go and interrogate these bastards. We have to make sure all information is brought out of these guys so that we can figure out what this is all about then we have to figure out the mysterious caller as well as the reason for the bomb." she said as she got in back into their black car and drove off along with the armored vehicle.

Meanwhile in the distance, the hooded boy starts to casually walk away as he was content with what he heard from those people with his extreme hearing.

'Those people seemed familiar…especially that half-moon necklace she showed to the police. They must have been...' as he was in deep of his thoughts, he realizes what that emblem was and who those people were.

'it seems plausible that they'll be involved in this since it involves an explosive and the festival is also coming by, that means that the third Prince's guards…those guys will have to make the effort to double check every possible threat there will be in the upcoming festival.' he thought as he tried to summarize the reason for their unexpected visit in the crime scene.

'if they do get information on those terrorist then they have a chance to fully stop those terrorist…but the festival is only a matter of days. The captured terrorist could just keep their mouths shut and everything will still proceed as planned.'

' If I'm lucky and they do get information from those terrorist then I won't have to involve myself in this case. But if they don't…I already know their hideout…I'm the only certainty that can stop this…if I really too much on those guy's then the chances of the bombing goes down by a uncertain amount.' he tried rationalizing his next move in the story.

Will he try to involve himself in the story more or will he rely on the character's of this story and let them handle the bombing?

"...in the end I'm the only person I can fully rely on…nothing's changed…the plan will move on forward." he said to himself. Trying to convince himself that he was the only person he could rely on in this moment. He could never be sure of himself that they could stop the bombing in time because it was never written in the book, because it was never supposed to be stopped in the first place…he believed that if he trusted those people from the book…then the chances of the story ever changing was only so slim…it didn't change much that they captured some terrorist, there still was the three other bombs ready to blow up at a push of a single button.

In the end, the plan will still proceed as it should.

"haaaaa, this goddam pressure is killing me."

He rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to imply the heaviness of the burden he needed to carry for this mission. Ten thousand lives relied on him after all.

"...haaa…I'm inkling for a cola right about now."


It was two in the afternoon and beyond the dirty alleyway stood a simple shop that had been closed for the entire day. Outside it's porch was a drunk man who casually sleeping by a chair with a dagger on hand.

His snore would resonate in the dump filled floors and it would scare away the rats as they rumble around the trash bins. Clearly he was up all night guarding the front of his store with only a dagger and rum by his hands as he waited for any introduction of intruders in the area.

"...ZZZ…ZZZ…no…I don't…like…roasted…rats…ZZZ…no…ZZZ…no…cage…Nicolas…ZZZ…verity…give it…ZZZ"

His rumbling talk of words in his sleep made no sense as the time passes by.

"!!" suddenly his mind went alert and his position to battle and point the dagger up front was impulsively activated.

"Haa….haa…wha-!" he was still drowsy and confused from his sudden impulse to wake up and to act on defending himself. He tried looking around for any intruders that were nearby his shop, luckily no one was in the area. It was just your typical day to day rat neighbors juggling the trash.

"...must have been the rats that woke me up." his raspy and tense tone was clearly heard because of his intensive day drinking.

"..lets wash up." He decided to get inside his shop to wash his face down so that he could push away the headache. Slowly but surely, he started walking inside at a slow and unbalanced pace.

"..ughh…my head." his mind was now showing signs of a hangover from the typical headache that kept on beating down his brain like a wack-a-mole.

After a few seconds of sluggishly walking around like a drunk man, he finally made it to the sink.

There he started to rinse his dry hands in cold water and began dragging those cold wet hands across his face. Just from the sense of that cold water made him start to open up and wakong himself from the sluggish day he was having.

'I've finally found a place I can settle my items…if people do come for them, I doubt they find as easily as it should be…haaa…the only problem left is the verity cage. That bastard really took off with only that item, Damn it!' he slammed the sink with his bulky hands as the thought of that mysterious person ran through his head and took off with a precious item of his.

'Still…its weird for a person to leave with that item but still promises to return it…this is the first time I ever experienced something like this.' he turns his down to the floor and stared at a certain part of it where a note was left behind last night, thinking if any thief would ever do such a thing.

'Hmm…if he does keep his promise then I wonder how many decades will it take for it to return to my hands?' he smiled over the ridiculous assumption that his item was going to be returned, he even laughed a bit as this thought was the funniest thing he could ever think of at this day.

After washing his face, he decided to come back to the front of his porch and sit back down to guard his shop.

But as he slowly walk to the chair, he noticed that the dagger he left on that chair was missing.


He quickly responded by going back inside his shop and pulled out an axe that was displayed by his wall.

As he got back out, he quickly looked around the area and tried to see if someone was out there.

".…." yet all he could see was the same scenery as last time. No one was near his place.

~Swoosh~ *Thud!*

Suddenly all of a sudden a dagger flew and struck the column support of his porch.


He quickly turned to that dagger only to found that a pouch was hanging by the end of the handle of the dagger.

"...Its my dagger."

He slowly approached the dagger while cautiously minding the pouch that was strapped on it.

"..."it took him minutes before finally deciding to clinched his fist together and slowly reach for the pouch.

As he slowly opened it, he was shocked to find that a note was left inside it along with a precious Item that he assumed would return to him a decade later.

'The Verity Cage…what?'

Seeing that the verity cage was safely returned to his possession, he decided to read off the letter and figure out what was happening.

[ I don't have bad intentions and I kept my promise]

"..." it was just a short note. A straightforward but vague note.