The Day of the Festival: Chapter 36


Everything hurts.

Everything fucking hurts…

Just by simply breathing, my lungs feels like its inhaling a steam of hot air, my skin would feel like it was being stabbed by tiny needles every time I take a step and at each step I would leave a trail of blood…I couldn't tell though because of how numbing it would feel at every step.

My face…I can't even tell if I even have one at this rate.


I can't mutter a word, just a simple agonizing moan would come out every now and then.

But I still have to keep on moving.

Even if it hurts.

This predicament…I was not ready for this kind of situation to happen. For him to actually trigger those bombs on the spot…what a maniac.

Right now, I was walking slowly in the middle of the night in the middle of the streets. I can't really tell where I was going but I can for sure tell that not a single person was near here…so I was safe from being found out by some passerby.

I could see some palm trees swaying by the winds, the ocean waves hitting the shore, and even a few helicopters making their way to a pier that was burning at the other side.

I was lucky enough to live because of how I piled up 15 layers of the shield copy skill in to a giant wall, it wasn't strong enough to keep me safe but it was enough to keep me alive…

The moment those bombs exploded, I turned back apolo into my mark and jump as far as I could. A single leap back took me away about 10 meters from the leader but it wasn't enough to escape the explosion, it resulted in burning my skin as well as throwing me out of the warehouse and straight into the ocean. I wasn't far from a shore at that time so I struggled to go to land and now here I am, barely alive…but alive nonetheless.

From the explosion, it didn't just burned my whole body but it also took a part of my flesh from my arms, I can hardly raise them or move them at all.

My potions are gone and my clothes are burned. If you could see me in the open day, you would probably describe me as a burned zombie…

The only thing I could probably do right about now is ask for help but I can't.

The bombing incident is going to be all over the news by morning and if I go to a hospital, I'm worried if I'll be asked for questions later on…the coincidence for my burned body and a bomb exploding isn't hard to connect the dots with.

I don't need some curious cops on my tail. What I need is a potion…or maybe a healer...someone I know who can keep their mouths shut.


Sister Catherine, a worshipper of the moon goddess. If she was here right about now, I can guarantee my safety…my health…but the church…its to goddam far…

I'm losing blood…too much blood…I can't walk forever…my body is itching to sit down…but the blood wont stop…

As each step I took, I could feel my body getting colder.

It's too goddam cold…

I really wanna rest now…

I really wanna sleep now…

I can't.

At each step I took, my tired body could no longer hold on…my vision was already starting to get blurry…my mouth…I really wanna drink some water before I sleep…


I could feel the cold concrete floor…my face itself was touching it…


I could see the full moon glistening over the sky…it was beautiful…

That moon was the final view I saw before everything turned dark and gloomy…

God, I don't wanna die.

*Step* *Step* *Step* *Step*

My vision was left dark but I was certain that I could hear something tapping in the streets…not a minute later, I was left deaf to everything…my body completely shut itself down.



"Oh my!?" said over a delicate tone as it found itself a body that was completely burned down.

The delicate voice smiles in worry as it watches the body lay lifelessly on the streets.

"...You know it's not good for you if you sleep in the streets like this."



"Hmm." she curiously reached out for the body and tried pocking it at every sides, hoping for a reaction to come along. But nothing came out of it.

"Hmm, he's alive…at least." as she said this, she looked over the moon and smiles at the fortunate encounter.

She clasp her two hands together in an act of prayer and knelled beside the body.

'In desperate times, you call for mercy, you asked for guidance,

In return your heart was kind, your soul was true.

As the moon watches over you, our saint has heard you

And in her place, I will help you and guide you'

"Blessing of full Heal: Cathelyne's Call"

She opened her palm towards the body and gave her blessing.

That night, the boy who was at deaths door was fatefully saved by a delicate voice.

***A few Days Later…


The sound of the church bells could be heard from miles on end. It signified the start for the day a celebration was held. Parades started filling the roads, the smiles and laughter of children were everywhere, stalls from simple foods to complicated artistic gifts were found stacked, Kites with a simple logo of a crown were flown in every parts of the sky, it was a busy day for a celebration in this certain town. With its celebration all for a single person. Avelor Romaroid Winstone, the third prince of Kastelyst kingdom. he could be seen on the center road waving and greeting the people as he rode on a carriage that moved along with the parade. It was clear on his expression that he enjoyed this celebration as he could be seen smiling through this festival. His white pearly teeth would glistened over the crowd, his pure crystal blue eyes would gaze over his fellow people and his white flowing hair would sway along the ride of his carriage. His very features screamed royalty to these people.

And beyond those people were a group of friends who casually stood by the side of the street enjoying the festival as well. One was a renowned student named Arthur Rhodenfield along with his friends Licia von Rosievolt who was a known beauty of the kastelyst Kingdom, Liam Deus Dottingham and Martha Deus Dottingham, a couple of siblings who were unique and known as well in the kingdom. These four kids watched as they enjoyed the parade while looking over the third prince from a distance.

Along these four group of friends who seemed to enjoy the festivities, one certain girl was a bit cautious over the view of her highness smiling like there was no problem whatsoever. Her anxious look was unnoticed because of how busy the streets were and her friends couldn't tell as well because of how they seemed to enjoy this celebration.

'Its been five days since that vision was lost…it should have been today.' She anguished herself as she watched over the laughing and cheering people who walked the streets. She feared for this day because of how the vision of a tragic incident was supposed to occur today.

This girl whose name was under the Dottingham family was feeling conflicted over the fact that something was out of the ordinary.

'At exactly 12:05, a little girl should have tripped in the in the streets and dropped her ice cream…it should have resulted in the parade to halt and the prince would have assisted the little girl and at 12:07, a woman wearing a purple backpack should have passed through the streets while the parade halted…but its already 12:15, nothing has happened of the sort."

'Was my vision wrong? It shouldn't be…my vision is never wrong. But it stopped five days ago, it shouldn't be possible for my vision to stop appearing in my dream, its never happened before…'

"Something major must happened for this whole day to have changed." she said to herself as she watched the parade continue on without an issue.

"Hey, are you alright?" asked Liam as he saw her sister show a worrying look.

" its fine." she said, as she smiled over her brother's worries for her.

"Okay then. Oh lets go to that stall next, I'm sure they'll have a credit card reader this time." he said as he pulled out a Credit card from his wallet and nothing else.

"You should have brought some actually paper money instead of your credit card." said Martha to his brother as she complained over the fact that his brother only brought with a single credit card in use for purchasing some food from the stalls.

"Its not my fault that they wouldn't let their stalls be sold to me." he said.

"...unbelievable." she said as she faced palm herself.

"Maybe there's an ATM somewhere in this street." Suggested Arthur over the quarreling siblings.

"I checked and it seems like all the ATM's are out." said Martha while glaring over her idiotic brother.

"Hmm, lets not worry over this. I still have over 20,000 ence in my wallet, so I'll pay for whatever you guys want. My treat." said Licia.

"...Thanks Licia." said Liam.

Meanwhile from afar, a boy who was sitting by the restaurant seats from outside, observe the very interactions this four group of people were doing.

"...Hmm, at this point of the novel, Martha should have told Arthur about her dream and it should have resulted in him finding where those bombs are. But its not going to happen…"

He stood from the seat and started walking away. He was contempt of the result this whole arc avoided and it was because of his involvement. As he stood away from the seats of the restaurant, two people also stood from the same restaurant and followed the boy.

One was a man who wore an eyepatch in his eye and another was a woman who had dark charcoal hair.

"..." The boy notices these two people following his way so he decided to divert his direction and led them to an alleyway.

"I already told you what I knew. I don't have anything else to say." said the boy as he stood in the middle of the alleyway and confronted the two people who followed him.

"...We know." said the woman in black.

"Then why are you following me?" asked the boy.

"The Great Saint Cathelyn would only save those people who were worth saving…she would only grant the blessing of her call towards the person who was pure of heart."


"You…it seems as though you were fated to be saved by the saint."


"In recognition of her calling, I too will recognize your worth. I will offer you a place in the Grand Service Knights."

"And with my same answer as last night, I will decline your offer. I'm grateful that I was heard of the saint and was saved because of her…but I have no intentions of joining her group of knights."


"My body was completely healed because of her blessing, and in return for this, I paid her back by working in the gates day in and day out for five days straight."

"You accumulated almost 340,000 ences worth for your hunt and I commend you for that."

"...thank you, but please leave me alone."

"...Okay then. Just remember our offer will always be open for you."

'I already got too much in my plate, I don't need these people sniffing around my business.' thought the boy as he watch the two people leave the alleyway.

This whole situation all started because of how he was saved from that night. He was brought to the Saint Cathelyn church in hopes of a full restoration. While he was being cured in the church, a group of people also came along and watched the development of his healing. Those people were the Grand Service knights, a group of people who just like the boy, was also saved under her gracious calling. Each and every grand knight was destined to have a pure heart, and if you were recognize by her calling you had the chance to join said group. Weak or Strong, it didn't matter as long as you were recognized by their saint.

They didn't know about him being involve in the pier accident but suspicions were made because of how his injuries were all a burn injury. Some deduced the he was affected by the explosion so he wasn't really a threat to society. And because he was called by the saint, nobody questioned his assuming pure heart.

In return for healing his injury, he insisted that he pays for the said treatment. But they in turn say that it wouldn't matter if he joined their group. He in turn declined the offer and insisted in paying anyway. That was how he used the remaining five days to fully pay back the full treatment. It wasn't cheap to say the least, for about 340,000 ences were needed to pay it off. It could have costed more if it was a medical treatment in the hospital.

After this whole situation subsided and when the day ended for this celebration, the boy finally sighed in relief. He realized the he was able to resolve such a tragic incident and with this realization, he came to understand the proud feeling of being able to save thousands of lives.

But it wasn't over yet…the day of the entrance exam was coming his way and the second year arc was also going to happen for the MC. At those five days he worked to pay off the debt, he had the chance to write everything he knew that was going to happen in this whole year of the novel. It wasn't fully accurate but it was enough to see the key points of the coming arcs…

"Hmm, my school arc is finally starting!" he said as he shouted in excitement over the coming days of his entrance exam.