An Encounter part 1: Chapter 40

Robert Volde Savez jr. The only son of the famous author and adventurer, Robert Volde Savez.

He was the complete opposite of what his father was. Calm, indifferent, disciplined, cold, calculating and was highly focused on the manner of his business. With his tenacious and indifferent looking image, this man's whole presence was screaming authority, that what he says goes.

With his Mining industry namely called Bedrock Industries, he was able to lead and discover irregular and exotic minerals throughout gates and used them to improve the lives of the people as well as their own.

But aside from his all ever rising name, he was a man who loved his family. Although he was strict with a lot of things, he was always right with his family. He loved his wife, he cared for his daughters and he would do anything for their safety.

He wouldn't risk involving them with whatever problem or incident that was occuring all over his company, from politics to even the royal aspects of his day to day life. He wouldn't risk making a choice that would most likely ruin his family. He was a cautious man.

And with how high his ranking was in the influence he brought through out the kingdom, he was likely involved with a lot of families who were just as influential as them. Families who may or may not bring harm to his family.

One certain family was the Dickson family, a High ranking family on the same level as the Savez family. This certain family was always a thorn on his side as it would sometimes cause issues towards his company by being a rival company that fights through the rights of mining to any gate that had potential. Although the Dickson family focused more on the military industry of the Kingdom, their attention and need to materials were just as in demand as that of the civilians. So the fight for rights towards a gate was always a pain to deal with.

"...eight gates…its enough to last us a half year while the Dicksons were only able to claim five gates." he said as he looked through the reports on his table.

"Its been quite slow for half a year now and we've barely grown in ownership towards the gates." Said his wife who's name was Marianne as she too looked a bit concerned over the progress of their claims.

"Hmm true…through the years, there have been quite a few companies that are also rushing to claim those gates." said Robert as he agreed to his wife's say.

"Speaking of gates, you know the kid who saved her from a gate. I heard that Ranzy was able to get her friend to join her group. " said Marianne as she remembered the report she got towards her daughter's progress to her little project of social grouping.

"I know. I just got the results from the academy…He's a D-rank or so what says here in the school report but in the Hunter's association, he was an F-rank." said Robert as he showed a bit of concern towards his daughter as he found the potential of the boy a bit suspicious.

"Was he hiding his power at the association?" asked Marianne.

"...Probably. I've read his background."

"And?" Marianne asked again, as she tried to press the question forward.

"He seems like an 'Okay' kid. But his familial background seems to be quite suspicious.

"What do you mean?"

"He only has one relative…it's a Clinton."

"A Clinton?" Marianne was curious why her husband called out a surname that was quite common in the public.

"...Yes. To be more direct, its Mary Clinton."

"...Mary Clinton? THE Mary Clinton!? The S-class hunter known for her deadly dark arts and assassination skills!?" Marianne was shocked to hear this name came out of the boy's profile.

Mary Clinton was a famous hunter that worked under the kingdom. She personally worked under the king's group of highly trained operatives because of her potential to clear a mission with a 90 percent success rate. She was known throughout the royal families as the 'Royal Beheader' for her ability to kill corrupted royals.

Although she was famous in the Royal side of things, she was quite mysterious when it comes to her personal life. Not a single person knew where she lived or what she was doing right now because she was already retired in the field of assassination.

"...Yes, this profile matches with that Mary Clinton."

'its strange…no matter how much the Royal family looked into her whereabouts, no traces were found. How is it that her name was just plastered in a public profile but was never found by some royal investigators? It wasn't until this boy was brought out that her name was easily found.' thought Robert as he showed a frowning look upon his face as he thought deep of this coincidence.

"But they don't have the same last name?" said Marianne as she pointed out that Hamil's last name wasn't Clinton but instead it was Crux.

"It says here that She's his Aunt." answered Robert as he read through the boy's profile.

"...that makes sense." said Marianne.

"Anyway, Ranzy texted me that they were coming here today to celebrate." said Robert, thinking that he should divert the topic unto a more safer direction, seeing as how saying the word Clinton was a bit ominous to say knowing this persons occupation.

"Really? That's great! We should definitely celebrate this occasion. I'll go to the kitchen and instruct the maids to prepare a feast right away." said his wife as she happily went and started her plans for the feast, leaving Robert all by himself in his home office.

"...Why is her name just plastered here?" said Robert to himself as he read through the profile once again, thinking if this was just a coincidence or not.

As he kept looking through the profile of the boy, he suddenly had an urge to drink some brandy, so he went and got up from his desk and started walking to the shelves that were storing the brandy. As he went to reach for the bottle, the lights were suddenly turned off, leaving nothing but dark room that Robert was standing on.

"!?" Robert was confused and shocked. As a man with great power and influence he had many experiences in life that would usually remark itself as a life lesson. One example was the moment where he was almost assassinated by a Hitman. The experience of having killing intent directed over his head was a moment he had memorized over his whole body. So when the lights suddenly went out, his body suddenly reacted and shivered over the remembrance of a certain experience. Killing intent was pushing through his body like it was a running train with no brakes. The pressure alone was making his whole body suddenly kneel down on one floor as if a dumbbell was over his shoulders.

The killing intent was surely suffocating the man but it wasn't enough to make him pass out.

He tried thinking through the reason why such pressure was on his shoulders…then the thought of a recently called name was brought to his attention.

"...Mary Clinton." As he said this name, a few footsteps were suddenly tapping down at one of the corners of his office. The darkness that surrounded the room was keeping him from finding out who it was, but knowing that a certain dangerous name was said in this room, he could only guess that the person who was on that corner was simply the same person he was thinking of right now.

"Hello Mr. Robert Savez." a feminine voice was heard at that corner.

" it you? The Royal Beheader?" asked Robert as he struggled over the pressure if this woman's presence.

"Do you know why I'm here?" asked the feminine voice.

"I…I have done nothing Wrong! I have worked purely for my family and for the people." said Robert aggravatingly as he was panicking over the situation right now.

All he could do was say direct answers that were honest and true.

"...I have come with a message from the Crow Talon clan."

"...Th-the C-crow Talon clan!?" Robert was clueless over this said clan. He could not think of a single clan that purely named 'Crow Talon'.

He did not know that such a clan existed but he did know that if such a dangerous person was bringing the said message then it had to be taken seriously.

"Do not involve the Boy into the affairs of the Savez family."

"The boy?" Robert was a little confuse but it took him a second later to figure out who this said boy was.

"Cut the ties and let him wander on his own." as soon as the feminine voice said this, the presence of killing intent was gone and the lights were turned back on.

It left Robert with nothing but a pale face that was filled with cold sweat.

"...Cut the ties." Robert mumbled this words once again as he laid kneeling on the floor.

He slowly got up from the floor and went to sit down at his desk.

".…" it took him a couple of minutes before finally regaining the color of his face and his thoughts.

It was clear that the one thing needed to be done was simple.

"...My daughter will surely hate me for doing this." he said as he stayed sitting down at his desk.

A couple Hours Later….


As we slowly walked through the hall, I could see admirable artworks plastered all over the sides. Artworks like paintings, vases, jewel-like rocks and even a lined-up row of empty armor of knights were displayed in the very hall we walked in. It was like walking at a museum filled with various genres of arts in various generations. Just looking at those works clearly showed an image the Savez family was clearly conveying.

A Powerful family that admired pure art to be nothing but an accessory…well at least this was my thoughts on their image. And sense they managed a large percent of the mining industry in this kingdom, it made sense that rocks that were unique to look at were also placed in the halls.

As moments pass, we finally arrived at the dinning hall, and what showed before me was a table that displayed a lot of extravagant and exotic looking foods layed throug out the table that could easily fit twenty people. From a couple of fruits that looked expensive and roasted turkeys that seemed to glisten like it was a jewel to a cake that towered itself like a mountain…everything before the table was extravagant.

"Hamil, you sit with me." said Ranzy as she and her family started sitting down at the table. While I was seated next to Ranzy, her father sat at the middle with his wife that sat at his right side and their youngest child that sat at the opposite of Ranzy which was at also right by her father's side.

"Well then, Shall we say our grace?" Ranzy's mother went to say this after we all went and sat as the table.

""We shall."" and in response all of the family went to say the same thing.

They started praying while each of their hands were holding on to one another. And from what I could tell, it was a prayer over their food. I really didn't expect them to do this. And since they all raise their hands, I just went and followed suit. I too raised my hands but didn't said a single prayer since I didn't knew one that was common in this world.

Since this world was Polytheistic, a lot of prayers were said different for each and every gods that ruled over this world.

"May you bless this food with grace and health, Aruh" said Marianne over her prayer to the food.

""Aruh."" her Family in response also said the last part of the prayer.

Just like how I used to say amen in my prayers, they say Aruh. It was a unique comparison that I had no idea what its meaning was.

After the prayer, they all started eating. After hearing that one part of the prayer, I couldn't figure out what God they were worshiping, but it didn't matter at the moment so I let this thought go.

As they ate, they all talk to one another like it was a fun genuine moment. it was topic of how their day was going and what were some things they did at this day. Sometimes they went to me for a conversation and in response, I answered honestly. Mostly it was Ranzy who talked about how amazing the result was from my exam, I in turn just smiled over her every word.

Moments later we were all finished eating but Ranzy and her sister were still talking to one another like how sisters usually would. I could see that Ranzy was a kind sister who cared for her little sister while her little sister was somewhat shy around me and it was understandable, knowing her age and all.

"Hamil." Robert suddenly called out to me, which also caught the attention of Ranzy and her mother.

"Yes sir?"

"Can I speak to you in private." said her father in a somewhat nervous tone. In all that moment we ate together, this was the first time that Ranzy's father who was usually calm and collected was showing a nervous tone.

"Okay sir." As soon as I said this, Robert got up from his chair and started walking away from dinning room. I in turn followed him to the hall. Seeing this happen, Ranzy was surprised to see that those two were walking out of the room right after the celebration just ended.

As much as she enjoyed having a conversation with her family, she couldn't help but be nervous of that happening. The fact that Hamil followed her father into what seemed to be his office, only one thing was brought into her mind.

'...Is he finally going to accept Hamil to be a part of my social group!?' as she thought of this, she couldn't help but be excited over the expectation of it.

Moments later, Henry the butler went to approach Ranzy.

"What's the matter Henry?" asked Ranzy in a curious tone.

"...Your father has called upon you." said Henry in a composed figure.

"Oh, I see." said Ranzy in an excited tone. As she got up from the chair, she walked up to her father's office door and knocked on it three times.




"Come in." said her father behind the door.

When Ranzy opened the door, she was meet with her father who was sitting on his desk with a serious expression while Hamil was sitting on the sofa couch with a complicated expression.

"Why did you call for me dad?" asked Ranzy to her father.

"Ranzy, please understand that what I'm going to do is for the safety of our family."
