The Start of the School Life part 2: Chapter 43

"Okay class, that's all for today's class orientation. Proceed to your next schedule of class on Alchemy." said Ms. Eva as she was seen more sober now.

We just finished the first class of the day and now we were going to the next one which was alchemy. Truth be told, I was a bit giddy over each classes that was going my way because of how fantastical each subject was. It was the whole opposite of what I took in my past life, where instead I was going for chemistry, it was now replaced by something more fun like alchemy.

"Oh, and don't forget Hamil, go to teachers lounge after class and we can finally figure out what element your compatible with." said miss Eva as she called out to me to remind about the elements and such.

"...*nod*." I nodded at her direction and made our way to the next class.

As we all went in a group, we could see all the other students walk pass by us to go to their next class. It was pretty crowded and a lot of the students were quite noisy from all their talking. I tried to look around to see if there was anyone there that would catch my attention, someone who were characters in the book.

After looking around it was sad to say that in my first day of class, I couldn't find a single character from the book. As I fan, I was depressed but I thought that it was just the first day…there will come a time when I'll see one of them sooner or later. After all, this part of the school was all for the First years, the second year students were located in a whole different part of the school as well as the third years and the fourth years.

I knew that the only chance of me meeting them was only when it was a mixed environment for all the students. But for now, the only people I could expect to see in this part of the school was Martha Deus Dottingham, Richard Vener Dickson and all the other minor characters…especially Ranzy.

As each of my classmates walked to the alchemy class and I slowly followed them from behind, I was unexpectedly looked at by one of the worrying students of my class.

Sarah Kenley.

"..." as she looked my way with a wary look, I in turn was just genuinely curious as to why she was looking my way.

Her pace was just as constant as the others, so any minute now and we were going to arrive at our next class. As we walked up one of the stairs, I could see that she for some reason waited at the bottom of the stairs until I came and she continued her pace at my level of walking. We were now walking together.

I didn't stop to question it but nonetheless, I was nervous. Her angry glare was still plastered on and if I were to question her, I wouldn't know what was to come my way.



We both continued to walk until we arrived at the alchemy room, but just as we were about to step in, she came forward and looked my way with a furious expression.

"...!?" I was caught off guard by what she did and only remained silent as she continued to look my way.

"...Y-you bastard!" she said.

"...What?" I said, not knowing what to say after that.

After saying her piece, she turned back to face the room and walked to her own chair. I remained standing while my other classmates looked my way with a genuine curiosity of what just happened.

I tried to go pass that event and just tried to sit on where I was assigned to.

Looking around the room, I noticed it was just like those chemistry labs you find in high school. Where there's a big experimental table along with its necessary equipment layed out before you. I found that none of these equipment were something I've seen before in my entire life.

"..." as I sat down, I noticed that the table was assigned at least a couple of chairs for one. So the people who I sat with were pretty taken aback when they found me sitting next to them. One of them was a commoner who was the ranked number one in our class, Remmy Polinske and a noble, Rebertha Don Dumis who was second in the scholastic rank.

"...What was she screaming about?" asked Remmy.

"...I..I don't know." I said while hesitantly talking back since this was our first conversation.

"I'm quite amaze to find that all the three of us are sitting together." said Rebertha as she pointed out the coincidence that the strongest and smartest of the section was sitting together.

Rebertha was a noble of the Dumis family, her very outward look was pretty unique to look at. With her hair design having ringlets shown and her uniform being more frilly than that of the other female students, she really stood out from the rest of the class. And I couldn't really complain otherwise since she was a noble.

Remmy Polinske on the other hand had spiky blonde hair with a earring on his ear as an accessory. He wore the same uniform as I did so all I could describe him as was that he was probably a bad boy type in the novel description. Something like Sarah but more akin to the rules of the school.

When seeing them talk to me, I tried to think through what they were doing for initiating a conversation with me. Seeing as how they were just smiling through what just happened, I guessed that they just wanted to talk and nothing more. But that is never the case when your talking to one of the both smart and strong people in class.

"Tell me, have you ever done alchemy before?" asked Rebertha as she looked to my direction in full curiosity.

"No, this is going to be my first time." I said.

"Me too." said Remmy.

"Hmm, lucky for both of you I'm quite fluent in the fields of magic and Alchemy." said Rebertha as she tried to sound humble and reliant.

"Does that mean I can copy your answers when there's a test?" I say while looking at her full with dignity.


"...I too am also in wonder of that question."said Remmy as he too looked Rebertha in a honest way.




"Oh, the teachers here." said Rebertha as she looked away from both of us like we were a couple idiots which in case point, I sometimes am.

When we all settled in our chairs, that was when the professor came in the room. As I looked to his direction, I noticed that he seemed quite familiar to me.

"...professor Hosea?" I mumbled his name when he walked in.

I remembered that he was the person who guided me and Ranzy through out the academy when I was taking my practical test. I remembered that he handled Alchemy, so it made sense that he was here.

"Okay class welcome to Alchemy, I'm professor Hosea and I'll be your teacher for this year. Most of you probably meet me when you first took in the test here in the academy. We'll be handling a lot of chemistry towards the focus of you creating one of the essentials of alchemy. One example is the graded healing potion."

"Professor, Why should we focus on creating a healing potion when the levels of science are already beyond that of a simple potion?" asked one of the students.

"Hmm, it is true that science has gone past the limitations of healing. They are even to a point that regrowing simple parts of a body is now common and relevant but Alchemy is also just as important as that of science. Although science focuses more on the health benefits, we channel our efforts in the path to progress in whatever aspects of life. It is because of us that we are able to progress in the creation of skill in Magic , it is because of us that we are able to create weapons that go beyond that of a simple steeled blade. Alchemy is the Father of both fantasy and magic." he said with full pride.

"..." the student was quite silent after that explanation.

"Now then, Will proceed with our orientation and move on with discussing the simple levels of alchemy."

As the discussion began, I was left with taking every notes Professor Hosea had spilled out. I had a thought at the very start of today that I needed to study more often because of what image the past Hamil gave out to the academy. The moment I knew that Hamil was in the top 20, he already brought out the image that he was a studious kid. It would be suspicious to my classmates of I lacked the knowledge to answer any upcoming test and fail, this would would lead to a suspicion that I probably cheated on the entrance exam.

"Okay then, that's all for today. And since its break time, you guys can go and have your lunch. Don't forget that tomorrow we'll proceed with creating the basic healing potion and explain its properties on why it does what it does." as Professor Hosea finishes up his lesson, each and every student went and packed their things and made their way out of the room.

"Oy, Crux." suddenly, while I was packing my things, Sarah walked up to me and called my attention.

"...Y-yeah?" I didn't know why she called out to me but I worry that maybe she was asking for lunch money like your typical bully would do.

"Follow me." she said with her agitated voice.


"I said follow me." she sounded more agitated than last time, so asking again would probably cause trouble.

I looked to Remmy for help but all he did was look at the situation with glee. He simply shrug his shoulders over my plea for help.

Having no choice in the matter, I simply followed her.

While we walked out of the room, at the last second, I saw that Sofia was showing an agitated look towards my way. But that probably didn't mean anything.

As we walked out of the room, she walked a bit faster than I did, so I picked up the pace and followed her. I was clueless as to why she called out to me at the very first day but it probably isn't something serious, after all, it was the first day. We didn't knew each other and that was a fact.

After walking for a while, we both arrived at the cafeteria.

"...What do you want?" she asked while looking through the menu of cafeteria.

"What?" I was curious so I asked.

"I'm treating you, so pick a dish."

"Again, Why?"



While looking through the many choices, I decided to choose the most basic set there was.

"Here, I'm picking the Lasagna set."

"...Okay, I'll get the chicken set."

As we both got our order, we then went to an available seat and sat down. And when I was about to chow down, I hesitated and tried to call out the 'situation'.

"...before we eat, can I ask why your doing this?"

"..." but she didn't stop to look at me and instead ate her meal like I wasn't there. And seeing her response to my question, I doubt I was getting an answer soon. So I pick up my spoon and ate my lunch.



It didn't took a while before we both were finished eating. It was after that that she finally said something.

"...My mother told me that to grow is to challenge a person who was one step ahead of me."

"...hmm?" she called out to me while I was sippin on my chooky milk, so I was kind of caught off guard.

"The next class is a practical class."

"O-okay and?"

"I heard that the teacher will always ask for a pairing between two students. Once they do pair, they can have a test of battle."

"Ohh…I see." I was starting to see where this was going.

"You were ranked ahead of me. So I want you to be paired with me at the next class."

"Why not go for Remmy Polinske?" I said, suggesting that she should just go for straight number one.

"Oh I'll go for him next, after I finish with you!"

"..." I was quite amaze by her mentality to bridge up in glory, from always choosing to go one enemy at a time. But choosing me as her first challenge was a bit risky.

"You better accept my offer or else I'll flip this table in." she said with a rough voice.

"...okay." it was a bit threatening but I complied to her request since she treated me to lunch and thinking through it, I thought that it wouldn't hurt to fight a person in a long time. I wanted to test how strong a student like her was.

"Good." as she said this, she went and picked up her tray and walked away, leaving me with my chocolate milk on hand.

"...what a weird kid."

After sipping all of my drink, I went and tried to look around the cafeteria to see if there was any characters in the area. And luckily enough, I found Richard Dickson with his group all sitting at one of the tables. They were all pretty rowdy for a bunch of first years. Looking at the group itself, it was a mix of people that I found to be quite annoying to look at. It was more a troupe of both jocks and egotistical nerds living in the same atmosphere, both sickening to look at. It numbered around twenty students so I was surprised to see that he was able to gather that many in the first day.

"...!?" when I turned my head a little, I noticed that someone else was sitting at a different table. Someone I knew full well. It was Ranzy. She wasn't alone per say but her expression itself was a bit worrying to look at. It was as if she wasn't happy at all for her first day and it wasn't sad either.

"...!?" then for a second, I noticed that another person was walking up to her.

"...Martha?" it was Martha Deus Dottingham, one of the main heroines of the story.

Once she approached Ranzy, I noticed her smile a bit more now that she had a companion by her side. And it made me smile knowing she wasn't alone even after I abandoned her.

I didn't know how they were able to be friends with one another since the book never entailed that that ever happened but this kind of change should be fine.

PS. (this is what Sarah Kenley would look like:)