A Strong Will Part 1: Chapter 51

From the outside of the gates, a lot less people were standing around inside the building. It made sense since it was around 10 pm.

One of them was none other than the old crazy obedient butler, Henry. Hamil has already seen him a few times now, waiting here with the same coffee that he would always sip on while he would sit on the benches.

There's only one reason why he would be here and that reason was none other than the noble, Ms. Ranzy Savez.

She along with a few people that were hired by her father would go into the gates and help her grow. Usually a kid her age would be more insistent in going with their friends but knowing her circumstances, this was her only way to go into a gate with a high chance of survival.

Looking as how he was just sitting there meant that Ranzy was still inside the gate.

Knowing this, this gave Hamil the chance to have a conversation with the butler.

As he slowly approached Henry, he could already tell that Henry had already noticed him coming his way.

"...Hello Mr. Hamil." said Henry as he greeted the boy who just came out of a D-ranked gate.

"...Henry." said Hamil as he too greeted the butler.

"It's merely been a few days since we've involve ourselves and you have already grown this much…or maybe you have been hiding your power even before those days."

Henry evaluated the clear instantaneous growth this boy showed as he just came out of a D-rank gate. He stated his clear animosity to the boy's lie when they first meet because of how Hamil hid his strength before him and the Savez family.

"...How is she doing?" asked Hamil in a somber tone as he ignored the suspicions of the butler.

"Ms. Ranzy is fine. Since the day you left, she has not questioned a single thing about your existence nor does she even notice a change in her day to day life." said Henry in a rather hollow tone.

"..." Hamil stood in silence as he heard what's not changed over Ranzy's life. He felt a bit sad but also relieved that she wasn't aware of the situation.

"I saw that she was with a pretty popular girl in our school, did she made friends?" asked Hamil as he wanted to confirm that this popular girl who was Martha Deus Dottingham was friends with the shy Ranzy Savez.

"Yes, a few days after you were gone, Ms. Ranzy came to a chance to befriend another noble." said Henry.

"...that's good to hear." Hamil smiled as he finally know now that Ranzy wasn't going to be alone in the school.

"It's almost 10:30, Ms. Ranzy is likely going to be exiting the gate right about now. You better leave before she comes." said Henry as he looked to see the time on his watch.

"Okay." said Hamil as he started walking away from Henry.

"...Henry, even though I'm not supposed to involve myself with her any longer. If the time came when she does get in danger, I'll be sure to be there to help her." Hamil said this knowing that in a couple of days, a certain dangerous event was going to happen.

"..." hearing this, Henry simply sat in the bench and sipped on his coffee with a cold gaze.

It didn't feel like saying that promise made him happy but it also didn't made him angry, it only made him give a sad look over to the gate as not a second later, Ranzy was already exiting the gate.

Hamil noticed this and turned back to see that Ranzy was quite tired and beaten up from her hunt.

He saw that her and along with the other hunters, he felt like she was quite determined. Seeing this, he could do nothing but give a sad look over his shoulder the same way Henry did.

Minutes later after coming back home from the hunter's association, Hamil was starting his preparation to undergo the challenge to get the skill "Summit's Will".

{Remember boy, my intention for doing this is so that you can attain my acknowledgement to learn one of my very valuable skills. So don't hate me afterwards for doing this to you.} said Gord as he wanted to give Hamil a head's up of how terrible this test was going to be.

"Okay...I'm ready." said Hamil as he went to the center of his room and sat down on the floor with his legs in a lotus position.

{Just focus your mind and I will invite you into my domain.} said Gord.

As soon as Hamil started focusing, he saw noticed that a ping sound suddenly interrupted his meditation.

[The Lord of the Earth element has invited you!]

Noticing this, Hamil was quickly pressed by a strong pressure that suddenly fell from above. It felt like a sudden increase of gravity was falling above him and only on him. The rest of his room didn't seem like it was affected.

".…Hmm!" Hamil struggle as the Gravity of the pressure kept on getting heavier as time went on.

1 minute later…

His nose was starting to bleed.

5 minutes later…

It felt like his entire body was missing, as if he couldn't feel anything from his chest all down to his toes.

10 minutes later…

He passed out but his body was still locked on doing the lotus position.

{Hmph! Finally, the boy was able to pass through this process.} said Gord as he sounded irritated because of how long the process was.

{This only proves of how strong his will already was even before.} said Vexus as he evaluated the strength the boy showed over that process.

{Hmm, that may be but it doesn't matter how strong his will was, the moment he'll come out of this test is the moment he will come out as a man worthy of a King's title.} said Gord.

{I just hope he won't break during this test} said Vexus.

{He wont. I can guarantee that.} said Gord with such a confident tone.


As the sound of dripping water echoes throughout a dark cave, its drip, drips down to his forehead.

"Hnn~~" this uncomfortable feeling felt irritable to a point that it woke up the boy who was unconscious.

"Ahh~~my body feels like shit." said the boy as he felt agonizing pain running through his body while he was slowly getting up from the floor.

Looking around, he could see that he was in a dark cave and behind him on the other side, was a warm ray shinning down on the cave with the littlest amount of light.

He followed the direction of the light and hoped that he could exit the dark cave.

It didn't even took seconds but he was able to exit the cave. As he stepped out, he was amazed to find that beyond the cave was a world he could have never expected to be so beautiful and serene.

The world felt so bizarre that Hamil couldn't help but to blink twice to see if he was dreaming. As beyond him were separate mountains that stood so tall and so rigid that this place could have been the paradise for mountain climbers. It was very similar to the Tianzi mountains in china back in his past life. These were Mountains that were tall enough that it would reach the heavens and skinny but also rigid that it could stand for until this world would exist.

With clouds that would stick to the sides of the mountains and the vegetation that spread through its beyond, the boy was feeling pretty relax as he saw this view before him.

Aside from the mountains, he could also see that fantasy aspect of this world.

"...Ah." he said as he saw a magnanimous being before him.

As the giant head of a turtle stood over the fog at the left side of his view. Only his head was seen while the rest of its body was covered by the fog that was beyond the mountains. This show of his distance made it even more ridiculous how big the giant actually was. Its yellow gaze was surely directed at Hamil's direction and the feeling of having a giant beast look over him felt so intimidating that he couldn't help but feel his cold sweat dripping down his body.

He instantly knew that the beast was none other than Gordeseus.

{Boy~~} as the giant spoke, the wind of its voice's direction pushed through the forest below and shook the trees. As by his size, just talking alone shook the very world he made.

"...I AM HERE, GORD!" Hamil shouted to the giant so that he could make his voice known.

{Your challenge begins~~}

{Climb the peak of the highest mountain~~ }

{Beyond the heavens~~}

{With the sins and suffering you must carry~~}

{Only then can you meet my level~~}

{Be wary of the challenge, as many obstacles are there to come your way~~}

"What do you mean by my sins and suffering?"

As soon as Hamil asked this question, a basketball sized rock suddenly falls from the sky and lands right in front of him.



{This boulder will represent your very sin and suffering~~}

{As it is my world, I will also remove your ability to call upon the Ruler's weapons as well as your attribute to create darkness and most of all your mana~~}


{What remains is only your ability to live with your current strength~~}

"...Apolo" As he called out his spear, nothing happened. Hamil was shocked to know that his powers were taken away, so this challenge seemed even more challenging now. But he didn't feel as low as he could be because his current strength was already that of a C-ranked hunter.

He shouldn't have much problems over the challenges if he tried his best. Is what he thought.

"*Sigh~* I should be well enough to survive this." he said.

{Five days~~}

{Come to me in Five days~~}

As Gord said this, his head along with his body started moving away from Hamil and into the fog. Not long after, his presence was gone. Almost as if he was never there to begin with.

Gord left Hamil with a basketball sized rock by the side of his feet.

Having left alone, Hamil's first thought to do was look at the rock.

"...so this is my sin and suffering? Its much more smaller than I thought." he said to himself while doubting that this was his actual sin and suffering. He thought that maybe this was just a metaphor given by Gordeseus. But since it was a challenge, he couldn't object with what Gord had told him to do to complete the task.

So as he bend down to pick up the rock, he went and reached to pick up the ball.

In his mind nothing particularly dangerous came to mind when he came to pick up a rock that fell from the sky and was given by Gordeseus, he didn't took caution of what that rock could actually do to him.

he was unaware.

The moment he touched the ball with the tip of his fingers, he suddenly felt the two most negative emotions that were beyond his life experience.

Anger and Sadness.

But more specifically the thought of Regret was the first to come and with the thought of Suicide coming next to his mind.

"..." he was silent as he continued on to hold on to the rock. With nothing on his mind but those two thoughts, his eyes start to water and his mind starts to tell him to kill himself.

"...W-Why?" the tone of his voice was so low as if throat was caught with the emotion to cry.

"..!?" suddenly a certain memory came rushing to his mind like a crashing wave.

On his mind, in his thoughts, a man was sleeping in the most whitest bed he could ever sleep in.

His mouth was covered by something that helped him to breathe. A machine that continued to make the man breathe. A machine that continued to make the man go on living.

This memory was something he was somewhat all to familiar with.

Suddenly another memory came to fruition in his mind while the man was in view.

A gun that was placed on his desk. A gun that seemed all to familiar to Hamil. With this memory, comes with a dialogue that he for sure didn't remember saying.

"Why….why won't they leave me alone…why can't they just disappear."

As soon as the dialogue finished, Hamil awoke from the memories and he found two meters away from the rock.

He thought that maybe his body unconsciously pushed itself away from the rock.

As he slowly got up from the floor, a lot of questions came flowing into his head that were pretty much natural to think of.

One of those questions were…

'What the Fuck!'

But aside from he's complaints, he still had a challenge to complete.

So he had to think of something that would help him bring the rock without touching it. As he did so, he complained how pretty fucked up this situation was for him. Because compared to Arthur who got it from a dungeon, he had to suffer just to get this skill.

Then he remembered that his Luck stat was pretty goddam low so it made since that he was suffering. This whole situation boiled down to him being pretty goddam unlucky.

As moments passed, he finally thought of one thing he could do to bring the rock along with him to his journey.

"Hmm, well the only thing I could think of right now that could practically work is Kicking this goddam thing until I could find a satchel or something." he said this because he found out that this thing could only ever traumatize him if it could touch his skin. All the things he wore in the real world came through to this world. So him kicking a ball shaped rock with his shoes didn't seem like it could pose as a problem.

So his journey finally begins with him kicking a rock.