Class Rumble - Clinical Sorrow and Conflicting Choices: Chapter 65

As I stayed sitting on one of the waiting areas outside of the medical room and I could only wait until the nurse would finally come with her findings on their conditions.

"..."What happened beyond the time when I was with Rebertha raiding the towers, Tyler on the other hand fooled us as he went and massacred the people who I trusted to watch over our base.

I've watched the footage of that event. Three minutes…that was all it took to break them and be treated like filth.

Sarah and Remmy did their best as they defended the tower from him…but it only ended in such a gruesome way.

Sofia…her eyes…the expression she showed to Tyler was nothing but fear and hopelessness. Watching her plead for her surrender and be ignored, I can't help but clinch my hand to a point that I would bleed.

"..." Anger was the only thing I was feeling inside of me at the moment and to free this feeling…the only thing I could ever relish to do was an equal amount of pain I had to do to that bastard.

If his excuse for those actions was to say that what I did to his group was the same…then I could only ever say that what he was spouting was bullshit.

I did my part event…as by the rules and as moral as it should be. It was by the competition but for him it was like an opportunity to create a slaughter.

For those times I waited, I could only hope that the doctors did their best.

Finally, the nurse came.

"They are now in a stable condition but they won't be able to participate in the next challenge. Even with our advance pharmaceuticals, they won't be awake until probably the next day. Aside from that, you can now enter the room if you like."

"I see." as she finished her report she then left, I was all alone to watch these people.

As I entered the room, the first person I saw was Rebertha. She was still sleeping and was recovering from the drawback of using such a strong skill. From the looks of it, she won't be able to wake up even if the next event were to happen.

The second person I noticed was Sarah who laid unconscious on the bed. With her left leg wrapped in bandages and her swinging arm in a cast, I could only imagine the horror of her arm be broken the same way her bat was. Her scream was something that brought me pain.

Next to her was Sofia with her sleeping face. Although she looked peaceful at that moment, the footage I saw of her in tears was something I felt burdened with.

And lastly was Remmy. He was the most desperate to protect the girls…almost as if he was like a big brother protecting his little sisters…he was the first victim to that slaughter. His dominant hand was torn off and was now at the process of regenerating…the moment I saw Tyler pull away the sword from him like it was nothing and then proceeded to beat him like a dog…I could only furrow my eyebrows in anger.

"I'm sorry you guys…" I could only apologize, I mumbled these words. But The door behind me suddenly opened and revealed that Ms Eva, our teacher finally came to us.

"...Ms. Eva." I muttered her name the moment I saw her and in turn she looked at me with a sad expression.

"..." she felt helpless as she watched her students be placed at a bed injured and unconscious.

For minutes, silence was the only thing that remained in this room. Not me nor Ms. Eva spoke over the silence.

But after a while, she spoke and through those words she looks to me with the same look as she did but with more intent…and with more hope and question.

"...What will you do, Hamil?"

"I'll do what I have to do…I'll return the favor."

"...Please don't be like that Hamil. You're a good boy…I've only been a teacher for a week with you but I know for a fact that your not the kind of boy to do something horrible."

"...You don't know me." I denied her view of me.

"...No, your right. I may not know you personally, but I know as much that solving anger with anger will only result with more pain…so please listen to me." she spoke with a concerned tone, pleading that I would listen.

"..." but I was silent and my gaze was showing nothing but an uncertain answer to her.

"...Just make him apologize…that's all it will take for all of this to end."

"Apologize…?" I muttered those words…and a certain feeling came to me…it was confusion.

I was confused. As a teacher, I would have respected her wisdom towards the situation as she tried to settle the conflict…but she doesn't know how unfair that would make me feel.

To make a person apologize, I wondered how would it go to my situation…I hated Tyler, and I hate myself for thinking that I should follow what Ms. Eva just said. Even if she tried to fix the growing grudge with her words, I could not settle my head to accept her answer.

So I left the room and Ms. Eva all to her own.

As I walked away, the conflict of two choices began to mix in my mind. One was to let go while the other tends to make me settle this with force.

"Should I make him apologize and should I just be the bigger man and let this go…no, an apology wasn't going to fix this."

The moral answer was not so clear to me but I knew that I wanted to return my friends pain back to this bastard…that much I know.

Apologizing was out of the window…

Even if he pleads I won't halt.

Even if he cries, I wont wait for them to stop.

He is the type of person who will not change if a simple apology is needed…what he needs is pain to change him.

He's a frog trapped in well…consumed by his strength…I need to drown this frog and throw him out of the well…

That much force is needed.

That much I know.

Hours passed and finally the second event was going to start. I didn't watch the last groups that went on the tower defense challenge because I did not care for it anymore.

I could only stay and sit by the side of the wall…I could only wait…and wait…and wait…and my resolve to avenge my friends were never fleeting.

For the upcoming event, it was going to be a monster hunting event where groups tend to hunt the monsters inside a gate and gain as much as points as they could. This was a chance for the losing team from the first challenge regain their points.

While the rest of the other groups were complete in their numbers with five members, for me, I was going to be the only participant in my group. It was understandable since the rest of my members were incapable of participating.

I explained this to Ms. Eva and she reluctantly agreed…she was worried from what I can tell but she knew she couldn't stop me.

As I am now, nothing was going to stop me.

So as the event was finally starting, I began my march to the stage to join the rest of the other groups.

The moment I came to the stage, I was looked by all of the other groups. Some were shocked, others were expecting that I would have just quit then and there, and some knew the situation.

I stood out from the rest, still I didn't care for the eyes that watched me…I only waited until the hunt was going to start.

Meanwhile, on Martha's perspective she looks to this student that stood with no care whatsoever and she somewhat felt bad.

She saw how one particular student terrorized a group of students like they were playthings so she felt sympathetic towards this person but she also knows that this student that was standing on his own was someone that wasn't showing any great skill from how his performance was shown on the raid. She was disappointed from her evaluation of this person…she evaluated that this person who she thought was a threat was nothing more than your average student, as seen judging from how he played in the game.

To her, revenge was impossible for the boy who was played like a fool. She saw the clear difference between the two and if there was a chance that this lone boy was going to attack today, he would fail and suffer the same defeat his friends took.

So she looked away knowing that someone like him would surely fail and would have been better off to giving up the whole event as it is.

As she looked to him, a certain classmate caught her staring at this particular boy…and that classmate was the female bow user that was with both Martha and Richard when they went to attack the opposing tower on their time.

Her name was Iris and she was quite the beauty in the Class A group. Her eyes especially, where they resembled diamonds.

"What's wrong?" asked Iris.

"It's nothing…its just that one kid was being a hassle that's all." said Martha

"What do you mean?" Iris asked.

"He's not as strong as I thought he was…so I was disappointed."

"..." When Iris came to look to where this lone student was, she felt weird when looking to this boy…almost as if she somehow knew who that boy was…or what he was to her…

"!!" her head was suddenly filled with pain…and it was the same pain she would experience whenever she came to meet her monthly nightmares…

"Are you okay?" Asked Martha as she noticed her friend suddenly fell on one knee while her hand was grasping tightly on her hair.

"Hnn…I…I'm fine." said Iris as she then stood from her place.

Martha looks to her with concern but Iris just stood with a brave face and then faces her front, ready to face the next event.

When Jack O' Wonder came to finally introduce the next game, she and Iris curiously looks back and saw that Jack O' wonder was coming close to interview one particular student.

"Well, how do you feel to be the only one to stand alone for the next game…How does it feel?" Jack O' wonder came to ask for tension, to see drama occur, but all the boy gave was a smile and nodded his head sideways in rejection to this public interview.

"...I see." Said Jack O' Wonder as he simply steps back away from the boy, understanding that beyond that smile, his eyes on the other hand spoke only one intent.

Jack O' wonder smiled and simply continued on with giving the instruction to what was to do inside the monster hunt challenge.

As time went by and when the instructions were given, it was finally time to go on and step in the gate.

All at the same time, each and every group was slowly entering six different gates that lead to different spots in the map.

All of them entered except for two who stared at each other.

One was smiling and another was also the same.

Tension was felt in the air…

As the two entered, the crowds cheered and everything was finally going to start it's second event.


As I entered the gate, I saw nothing but leaves, a muddy floor and trees all around me. This place was a E-ranked gate owned by the Dottingham family.

The objective was simple, gain as many points as I could with monsters that range in different points.

An F-ranked monster like a goblin was 1 point and there were 100 of these roaming in the land.

An E ranked monster was 5 points and there were 50 of these monsters roaming in the map

A D-rank monster was 10 points and there were around 15 of these roaming in the map.

A C-rank monster was 30 points and there was only 3 of these in the land.

And as a bonus, hunting students would provide 10 points for each elimination.

Using the digital watch that was placed on my left hand, I could easily see what rank a monster was by simply taking a picture of it.

As a rule, anything goes in a hunt. As by that, you can gain a point by stealing a kill.

This whole event would only last about 3 hours and after that it would be stopped.

But it was enough time for me to hunt just one bastard. Finding him wasn't going to be easy but with my enhanced senses using mana, I would eventually find him.