A Spar to Grow On: Chapter 75

As soon as Hamil got back from his encounter with the sniper from class-D, he was instantly met with a dropkick to the face by Remmy.

"You bastard!" he said while his feet was burying down at the face of Hamil.

"...Ugh?" Hamil was confused by this act of violence from his friend. So as to ask for reason, he grabs Remmy's foot and locks on it with his bare grip. Remmy's head then hits the ground and stays their all mopping like.

"What's going on?" asked Hamil.

"Hmm, it has something to do with this card." said Rebertha as she handed Hamil a card that she received from Evangeline.

"Oh, and Martha from Class-A came by to give you her thanks." said Sofia.

"Oh...I see." said Hamil as he stood quite shocked from the fact that two characters from the novel came to meet with him but he wasn't here to receive the thanks. It was like that feeling of a Harem protagonist that was given thanks by all the side characters in their thanks for him saving their lives or whatever the story goes. Hamil understood why Martha came to this table, and that was to thank him for what he did at the Event yesterday.

"And this card is from?" asked Hamil as he stood confused over the given card.

"That's from Evangeline Ester Strauss from the second year." said Rebertha as she explained who this card came from.

'*Sigh*…that explains why Remmy attacked me all of a sudden.' thought Hamil while he looks to Remmy with pitiful eyes.

".…" Remmy stayed in position as he looks to Hamil with a glaring look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Hamil.

"It's because you stole my girl! My Angel!" screamed Remmy as he struggles to get off of Hamil's grip.

Soon Hamil lets go of Remmy's leg and drops him off the floor.

"Ow…" said Remmy as he hits his butt at the fall.

"Do you even know why she gave me this card?" asked Hamil to Remmy with a serious look.

"Uh..n-no." said Remmy.

"Me neither…but its probably because she saw me fight in the event yesterday. She's just doing what any noble would do at their age and rank. Their collecting talents from all over the academy so that in the future, they might be planning to create a guild or something big." explained Hamil.

"...I guess your right" said Remmy as he somewhat accepted Hamil's explanation.

"Okay then, I'll eat my lunch and after this and we can go on to our next class." said Hamil as he looked to the group with a calm gaze. The group reacted somewhat nervous like, as they know that after lunch time, the practical class was next.

There in the practical test, Hamil proposed that to prove their determination to grow, he challenge Sarah, Sofia and Remmy to a 3 on 1 fight against Hamil alone. Rebertha didn't know about this since she was preparing herself back to the event. So when she saw their reaction, she was quite curious as to what was going on.

After eating their lunch, Hamil and the group slowly made their way to the practical class.

During their walk there, Rebertha could tell just by their expression, that something was going to happen at the next class. She could especially tell by Sofia's expression which was the look of a nervous wreck.

"Sofia, are you alright?" asked Rebertha.

"Eh!..umm, nothing's wrong!" said Sofia in a rather higher tone than usual.

"Okay…Sarah, do you know what's going on?" asked Rebertha as she looked to Sarah with a curious expression."

"Hmm, is it alright to tell her?" asked Sarah to Hamil.

"Sure." said Hamil as he looked forward with a calm expression.

"Well…we're going to fight Hamil on today's class." said Sarah.

"!?" Rebertha was quite shook by the reason…as she does, she looks to Hamil with a concerning look but all Hamil gave her was a silent look saying that she shouldn't be worried of what was to come.

"Will Mr. Hoffman even agree to this?" asked Rebertha.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. But if I say that it's about learning to cooperate as team during a hunt against stronger beast, then he might agree to this fight." said Hamil.

"..." Rebertha was even more shocked of his reason, but the others stayed ever so nervous throughout the walk to their next class.

As soon as they got their, they were meet with all the other classmates and as well as the Class-D students.

Hamil immediately saw the sniper from class-D look to him in such a secretive way as well as Tyler who stood with his back facing the other class. Tyler seemed nervous as soon as Hamil went into the room, so as to not face him, he turned his back to the class C students.

Rebertha reacted a bit alert when she saw Tyler and the rest of the representatives from class D,

As they group up class by class, Mr. Hoffman immediately came by the stage and quickly started his lesson.

They listened after about thirty minutes of lecture from Mr. Hoffman on about how to properly predict a person's next move when attacking and by that, the next thing that happened in class was for us to apply what we learned.

As we did what we could, Hamil felt like it was time to ask Mr. Hoffman for the permission to have a 3 on 1 battle against his classmates.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Mr. Hoffman as he looked a bit worried over what might happen today.

"Don't worry, I'm going to hold myself back just enough that it'll act as a lesson for them." said Hamil

Hamil assured him that everything was going to be okay since he was going to hold back against the three students. Hearing those confident yet cold voice made Mr. Hoffman sure that Hamil was capable of doing something like this. He wasn't arrogant over his strength nor was he indecisive for his strength.

So Mr. Hoffman trusted Hamil and made the go ahead for the battle.

While the rest of the class was going forward with their lessons, the four students of class-C went ahead to the center stage to prepare themselves of what was to come their way.

With Remmy, he carried a short sword an d leather armor for protection.

Sarah went and picked a different weapon this time and instead of a normal metl bat that she would always carry, she instead changed to a more lethal weapon. She picked up a more agile sword that was called a Gladius.

Sofia on the other hand was picking her normal fencing sword.

With the three in position against the other side of the stage, they couldn't wait for Hamil to cone up the stage to start the fight.

After a minute of waiting on the stage, the contender finally approached the stage. This contender carried nothing but a staff to the fight. A normal wooden staff.

"!?" Sarah was shocked to see Hamil come up with a staff instead of his usual spear and shield. Knowing this, she tried calling out to him and asked why he came with such a weapon.

"Why are you carrying a staff? Where's your spear?…your shield?" asked Sarah.

"..." Yet Hamil stayed silent over the question.

"Fine…I'm going first." said Sarah as she made her step.

But the moment she did, an unnerving feeling came over her. Almost as if a spear was pointed right down at her neck. When she looked forward to Hamil, she saw the staff pointed at her with such a bloodcurling intent.


That sign signaled how far apart their strengths were with one another..and to have even one chance of standing toe to toe with this person would mean that she should work well enough with the rest of her team.

"...!!" but when she turned to look at Remmy and Sofia, she was shocked to see them standing with a pale face and sweat dripping down on their faces.

It wasn't just her who felt that bloodcurling intent…no, all three of them felt it at the same time, even though the staff was only pointed to her direction.

And Mr. Hoffman as well felt the intent of that staff and the strength behind those hands that weilded the staff. He could already imagine how this whole practice will end.

Rebertha on the other hand couldn't feel the intent of the spear nor did the rest of the students. All they saw was a boy pointing his staff at a girl with a sword. All except for two other people who felt nervous around the presence of Hamil. Rebertha expected that by the end of this fight, she might know how strong Hamil really was and how she could improve to stand by his side as an ally.

The other two that stood with nervousness was Tyler who felt that familiar bloodcurling intent and Eric who with his experience as a hired sniper, felt just as how Mr. Hoffman did.

"What are you going to do?" asked Hamil as he stood with his staff pointed at them.

He wanted to let the team decide what their action was and how they should coordinate themselves in a fight. It may be impossible to win this fight now since this was their second time fighting together since Tyler's rampage but not all of them were truly out of hope in this fight. With Sarah's experience in hunting inside a gate with groups, she could dictate the battle by commanding each move but it wasn't as easy as one might thought to lead a group. She didn't have any experience as a leader when in a group, she only lead the front of the fight as a offensive member.

"Go! Remmy go forward and distract him and Sarah lead on with a flurry of rampaging hits. Sofia on the other will support them with your distanced ice magic." this was said by none other than Mr. Hoffman. The man known in the class to be a professional in teaching practical fights. He has seen and experienced a lot of things inside the gates and outside the gates. It either be a monster that he fights or a man capable of murder, he has always come out of each fight alive. Right now, he was giving his teaching to the three who were facing a monster way beyond their capabilities.

If he could lead them right, then maybe they might just be able to fend off and win.

Hamil's reaction to Mr. Hoffman's orders made him smirk as the thought that maybe this fight might make the situation better, grew on him.

As soon as they heard Mr. Hoffman giving orders, the other students that weren't intrigued by the fight a second ago decided to instead watch the fight unfold before their very eyes. Some were curious as to why only one student was fighting against all three, others were simply watching from a distance and cheering like any other fight.

As Remmy heard the order to go on and fight head on as a distracting force, He first brought his basic technique towards his sword. Mana came and enveloped the sword and soon it sharpened even more into a denser and fiercer coating of mana.

"..." his gaze to Hamil made him hesitate, almost as if fearful force was behind those eyes of Hamil.

But he gripped his sword even tighter and he dashes forth without holding back for even one bit.

Sarah followed by with her arms in a weird position to strike. A strike that felt unorthodox yet menacing at the same time. This was more complicated than what she used to do with her bat, a new form that ultimate felt ravaging. Her style of fighting evolved thanks to her motivation to want to crush back Tyler. It wasn't perfect since it was just a theory she thought up during her time at the medical center but it was probably going to do good since this was a technique that Hamil hasn't seen before yet.

Remmy came and swings his sword downward and Hamil received the swing by blocking it using the staff's centre. Hamil felt the force of the swing and seeming like he was preoccupied with blocking the sword's edge, Sarah came with her move and she moved to attack the open sides of Hamil, but to her surprise, Hamil simply tilted the staff and blocked Sarah's strike.


The force of her swing at the side of the staff pushed the other end of the staff straight up to Remmy's face. It was a simple use of physics and stick logic.

"!!" Remmy was struck right down at the head and caused him to lose consciousness for a quick second. He was thrown a few meters back and he fell to the floor.

Hamil continued to use the momentum of the staff and he swung it straight down at Sarah, but she quickly caught his intent and she steps back again to dodge Hamil. After dodging a step back, she moved forward again to attack.

"Ohh!!" instead of using her new technique, she went and used her old techniques when using a bat but instead it was with a sword. She enveloped the sword with flames and soon bombarded Hamil with strikes of burning slashes. For each slash she made Hamil would simply block it with his staff. She thought that she was etching the staff to break at any moment, but for some reason it was a bit more sturdier that she thought it was.

Than she noticed the staff was more blacker than it originally was. Almost as if this staff was covered by something different from mana.

"!?"she jumped back and tried to clearly see the state of the staff, but to her surprise, the staff was seemingly in good condition.

"Is that even wooden staff!?" asked Sarah.

"...yeah." said Hamil.

But as he answered, he suddenly made a few steps back as right down below, he could see the sword tip of Remmy aiming at his stomach.

"..." Hamil then suddenly proceeded to swing his staff at a completely different direction, but not because of an attack, but because he was striking down the incoming ice shards.





Four came flying at him with such speeds but each one was shattered by his spear.





"..." he looks to the distance and saw that Sofia was there with her arms ready to fire again.

"..." the two stared at each other, with one who was staring with a cold gaze and the other who looked with a nervous expression.

But soon that stare was intruded by another attack by Remmy and Sarah. Both of them continued to attack Hamil at the same time. With their movements that seemed so desperate and so willing to be able to take a shot at facing Hamil, little by little their moves were starting to sync together. Almost as if these two were completely predicting each other's move and how they would act to not go against the flow of their patterns. One was a fierce and rampaging show of will, while the other was a boy who learned the basic and efficient skill that filled his personality.

The two were so eager to feel a since of hope in being comparable to this monster that they were facing but still, the synergy of these two weren't enough to even make Hamil step back from his place, and even along with Sofia's support, it was not affecting Hamil's concentration.

Hamil saw the growth on the two who kept on the offensive and he was satisfied by their show of progress in such a short amount of time, yet the other person who didn't seem all so different made him ponder to what would it take to make her grow out of her shell.

The girl that kept on firing her magic at him was feeling less and less motivated to attack.

This made Hamil change his direction.

Without holding back, he went and dashed to Sofia's direction. Sofia saw this change in direction and it made her panic. As his image alone of a rushing boy who was full of a menacing presence made her shiver in fear.

She panicked as he went closer and closer and her aim to fire her magic at him was getting less and less accurate.

"!!" Not a second later, he stood face to face with her, almost at an inch apart to each other, and he asked for a question.

"...What are you going to do Sofia?"

"Hyaaa!!!" she screamed and tried to push him back by firing another ice shard, nut Hamil simply slapped the shard into broken pieces.

".…!" seeing as how her magic was useless, she panicked again and pulled her sword from her scabbard.

As she swings it at his side, Hamil simply pushes it away with his staff down to the floor.

Hamil could tell that in those eyes of her's, he could see both the hesitation and fear. Almost as if she was afraid of something. This fear inside of her has always been acting as a limiter to her actions. It has been there since her start at the academy. The way she hesitates during every class at practical matches, the way she acted the same way during the event at the Class Rumble and the way she acted now. All of her fighting acts seemed predictable and hesitant.

Knowing this, Hamil had to act in changing her fear.

"Are you afraid of me Sofia? Am I scarier than Tyler?…if so, I don't think you have what it takes to even help your family grow to their glory days." said Hamil as he whispered it to her.

"!?" Sofia stood in shock over those words, as she realized that beyond her fears, she remembered that her family continues to struggle by their problems in growing back as a noble.

"I'm your friend Sofia and as your friend, I'm willing to help you get through life…even if it means you will fight me."

"..." She looked into his eyes and saw a pure sincere act of wanting to help her. It wasn't the same eyes as what she saw in Tyler's when she fought him in the Class Rumble. This was softer and more gentle.

"And as your friend, I implore to not hold back against me…push through with everything you have, push through fear, push through hate, push through the struggles and push through everything, after then, maybe…just maybe…you can grow strong."

"...R-really?" asked Sofia in her nervous tone.

"Yeah." said Hamil while shields his back from the attack that suddenly came from both Sarah and Remmy.

"...!!"without hesitation, she quickly draws her sabre and aimed it at Hamil's neck, but to her surprise, it was blocked by his hand that was covered with a black paint-like substance.

"...geez." said Hamil as he was surprised to see Sofia with a bit of light in her eyes when she struck down at his neck. He knew that from now on, Sofia wouldn't just focus on simply being a support but instead she'll fight head on along with Remmy and Sarah.

He soon jumped away from the three and made distance.

Realizing that the fight was finally going to be interesting he lead on their actions by blocking their attacks and making lights jabs with his stick. If he continues on with this tactic, he'll know that in just a few more matches they'll soon grow into better and stronger students.

Rebertha saw their improvement and she felt envious of how different they were compared to before. She gripped her hands and smiled in envy towards her friends.

After 20 minutes of continues attacks, none of them made a single scratch to Hamil.

Mr. Hoffman was amaze that throughout the fight, Hamil still remained with his cold gaze.

So after a while, Mr. Hoffman decided to end the bout and called this to Hamil's win.

Everyone was shocked to hear Mr. Hoffman called off the fight, especially Hamil who didn't expect that Mr. Hoffman would decide to end it.

The three were very exhausted with the fight but soon they approached Hamil and thanked him for the chance that came.

Throughout this event, he got what he wanted with this fight.