Preparing for a Chance to Grow : Chapter 78

It was a day just like any other…a day where it was simply to lived by many without any sort of great change.

Where a lot of students were seen happy and chatting like their lives weren't in any sort of danger.

Where cars and trains moved as how they have always had.

Where animals traverse through nature and forest, living by their instinct.

In this day, it didn't seem like much has change…

When one boy simply approached the entrance of the school wearing his usual uniform and walking at his usual place. A lot of people instantly noticed his presence, and just like any other day, he was either adored, hated or looked upon by many students.

This boy was none other than Arthur Rhodenfield.

He was known to be one of the most talented students of the academy despite being a commoner, known to have many connections with nobles, and known to have the calmest gaze in the school.

He was described by many as the calm and collected type. Where in situations from his first year as a student, a lot of things happened that caused a stir for the whole school.

In one moment, a hoard or giant wyverns came flying out of a nearby unregistered gate and it hoarded at the academy. They attacked the academy and rushed down at the guards and its security for the whole day as this tragedy caused around 15 million ence in damages, and 23 casualties from students and civilians. Luckily by the end of it all, it was fixed thanks to the brave help of the students that came upon the start of that tragedy. It was caused by a crazed monster-loving cultist that created the gate and lured the wyverns out, and it was ended by the help of Arthur as he came to meet the cultist and broke the item that created the lure and the gate.

Another incident that came on last year was with the voting of the election on the position for President in the academy. This also came with the involvement of Arthur and his sister-like friend, Ethea where they came to fight back a supremacist student who also went for president. The situation was that this supremacist was bribing out a lot of students from all over the academy and manipulating a certain Royal Prince into approving for his official position. Too bad that it was foiled by Arthur and Ethea during the final moments of the presidential debate by showing proof of the Supremacist's acts. Evidence such as r**e, d**gs, manipulation, bribery, mur**er, and showing his online blog post towards how he loves to slaughter the innocent.

Another Incident was with a Certain noble who was kidnapped by a group of black marketers of the Black Edge Market. This kidnapped person was none other than Licia Von Roseivolt, where she was mistaken to be caught because of how she disguised herself to look like a commoner in an act to enjoy life without anyone noticing her identity. During her disguised life, she meet Arthur who was making his way to the Hunter Association to hunt in a gate. As she does, she was instantly caught by Kidnappers and it ended with her being brought to the Black Edge Market. During that time, one thing led to another and Arthur was able to find her and save her from the kidnappers.

A lot more things happened last year, like the class rumble event, a saving operation inside a ruined gate, helping a drunk artistic blacksmith out from loan sharks, experiencing a Hero's gate and becoming stronger, falling in love with a classmate, having to fight off against a group of pure noble kids who think they were better, saving a prince, having to meet a king-like griffon and so many more. As During those times, Arthur was always a part of the incident. As if fate was pulling him along to these situations without his consent. But now, not a lot of things happened. almost as if it was peaceful.

The only recent exciting thing that happened was the Class Rumble event with the current first years. In it, he saw Martha become stronger and showed her growth to him and the rest. But other than that, not a lot of thing happened.

As he walked through the halls, he was sure that today was just as peaceful as any. And he was thankful for that.

But as he walked, he noticed a certain student that seemed to have been walking ahead of him. By his uniform alone, it seemed as though thus student was a first year, and by his hair that was slightly curly and somewhat blank presence, Arthur became curious as to who this was.

So he walked a bit faster than normal, intending to want to talk to this student. But just as he was about to reach out, someone suddenly called out to him.

"Arthur!" this particular voice came from Liam.

"..."Arthur turned back and saw that Liam was at the entrance being checked by the guards again for carrying a long stick that was around three meters long.

"Arthur you got to tell them that this is part of a project we're working on at our Social class!" screamed Liam as he struggles to pull back his stick.

"*Sigh*" Arthur sighed as he walked back to Liam to try to fix the situation, but as he did, he tried to look back to see if the boy was there, and to his surprise, the boy was gone.

"..!?" Arthur was shocked to see that the boy was not there anymore. But he soon focused back his attention on Liam as the situation was getting worse and worse for Liam.

Meanwhile, at the corners of the hall, one boy was found glancing at the two like they were performing a skit of some kind.

'hehe.' he smiled and chuckled in his head as the scene was just like in the book.

Soon his smile faded and turned back to go to his classroom. As he walked to this class, his mind was busy on the presumption that Arthur was about to call out to him. He was relieved that the event didn't proceed because of Liam.

'...that was close.' thought the boy.

He determined himself that he wasn't going to interfere with Arthur's life. Afraid that interacting with the main character would probably change the story on a more drastic scale than that of what he was already influencing.

He already interfered with the story about the Terrorist bombing the festival, the fact that he had Ranzy join the group for whatever reason, and that he almost ruined the growth of Martha's fight against the orc guard by joining and protecting the bow using girl.

This all seemed like small changes to the story but he knew, some things were already not as they were.

Right now, he was at the part of the story where it was leading to the terrorist attack at the Royal Academy. If the story proceeded itself like usual, then two weeks from now the Academy will be invaded by terrorist.

He was determined to let the story flow but at the same time try to save as many people as possible, as the casualty of this story was in the hundreds.

To save the people, he needed to prepare himself for what was to come. And by that, he knew that the coming terrorist was around B rank hunters to A rank hunters. With his current strength being at C-rank, it would be impossible to stop the terrorist if he took them head on, so he needed a way to grow stronger just enough to save the people and not take out the whole terrorist group.

The Terrorist had their purpose for the growth of Arthur in the story…but for that growth to happen, a sacrifice was needed. Ethea was going to be killed in the story for this to happen.

So Hamil needed to plan a way for Arthur to grow in the situation without having to experience the sacrifice portion of the story.

He still had two weeks to go, so he still had time to plan things out. For now he had to focus on a way to grow as strong as possible.

'Gord…are you there?' asked Hamil in his head as he tried to call out for the king of the earth element.

{...I'm here boy. What is it that you want?} responded Gord.

"I know I'm asking for much right now, but I need to find a way to grow as fast as possible." he said as he called out for his character profile.



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: Ruler in Training


God's followed: The Rulers (4/4)

Mana: 50

Strength: 135.2

Luck: 5

Agility: 115

Stamina: 130.3



Bow Proficiency: 50%

Spear Proficiency: 70%

Sword Proficiency: 100%

Shield Proficiency: 50%



*Sword Ability - Swordsman's Apparel (E)

==Swordsmanship Owned: 1/100

-Basic Swordsmanship - Enlightened

*My Bow Ability - Light Reflection (C)

*Spear Ability - Impossible Accuracy (C)

*Shield Ability - Shield's Copy (D)


*Shadow Skin (F)-(0%)

*Genesis (-)

*Summit's Will (A)

He checked through his profile and saw that despite how much he grow in such a time, this still wasn't enough to compete with a B-rank hunter.

If measured right with the systems scale of power by strength alone;

F ranks are around 15 - 30 in strength

E ranks are around 30 - 45 in strength

D ranks are around 50 - 70 in strength, this major jump of power symbolizes that they themselves were superhumans.

C ranks are around 80 - 150 in strength, the same power jump goes beyond these people. As they themselves were able to crush 5 D-ranks all on their own.

B ranks were would be around 170 - 250 in strength. Another boost in power.

A ranks were around 300 - 500 in power. This type of strength was capable of destroying a whole building by his own base strength alone.

S ranks were around 700 - 1500 in power. A level fit to guard their king.

SS ranks were around 2000 - 3000 in power. a level fit for Mortal Kings that controls their own species.

SSS+ ranks were around 4000 - 5000 in power. This was the power of an Angel.

Z+ ranks were unmeasured. As these numbers would be around a King that was capable of ruling a world all on his own. He was titled Beneath a God's level.

With his strength being around 135, he was still far off from being a B-rank hunter.

{...Hmm, if you really need to grow stronger, you need to hone your power to it's upmost limit. In order to do that, you need the right environment to practice your power.}

'It's impossible to do that right now…I don't think there's a place where I can grow pretty fast.'

{...You can always come back to train in my domain.}

'I can do that!?' asked Hamil as he stood surprised by the suggestion.

{...Yes, as long as I allow your admittance…my domain is always welcome for you.}

'But you don't have mana in your domain, how will I even come to use my full power on training if there isn't any mana I could use?'

{...During your time undergoing my challenge, you weren't given authority to use mana…but as you completed the challenge, you can now proceed to use mana as long as I stand.}

'Does that mean that I can train my power?' Hamil smiled over the chance that was given to him by Gord, as he knew this will truly help him with his plan with the upcoming battle.

{...Yes, but the abundant nature of my domain will only respond to the earth element…..for if you try to use any other element like the dark element in my domain, it will not respond.}

'I see…' Hamil accepted the based concept of each Elemental kings order of domain, he couldn't complain that he wasn't going to practice in his other element since it wouldn't be allowed at Gord's domain. It would only be possible if it was in Vexus's domain, but Hamil didn't think that Vexus even had a domain in the first place.

{...And as you train in my domain, I can teach you the rules needed to access the Genesis skill.}

{!?..., I will have to leave. I am in need of somewhere else.} Gord then cuts off his communication with Hamil, leaving Hamil to ponder what Gord was doing to leave all of a sudden.

'Gord?' he tried calling out to him, but no one responded back. As for Vexus, it seemed like he wasn't here to talk with Hamil for today. The two elemental kings were busy for some reason and Hamil understood their circumstances.

So for the day, Hamil simply lived his life like any student would live like. But as he went into his classroom, he was instantly meet with a large build boy who stood in front of the door. The large-build boy blocked Hamil into walking inside the class, clearly saying that Hamil wasn't able to enter.

"..." When he peeked inside the class, he could see three other students that stood in front of the whole class. From how their uniforms were different, he could tell that these students weren't from the first year level and more like they were 2nd year students.

"Name?" asked the large-build boy menacingly.

"Lerroy Jankins." said Hamil as he lied over his name. He didn't really want to give out his name to this person because it felt like it was an inspection of some kind.

"You from this class?" asked the bully as he stood with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, class is about to start in…fifteen minutes so I need to get in." said Hamil as he pulled out his phone to check on the time.

"Sure, I'll let you in if you can tell me where a kid named "Camel or Hammer Cross is…if you can't, I can't let you in." said the boy with a smirk on his face. He obviously couldn't get the name right so it felt insulting to Hamil.

"Oh, If your looking for Hamil, then he should be making his way here any minute now." said Hamil as he showed a smile as innocent as pie.

"Hmm, I guess your probably right." said the boy as he soon made way to let the Hamil in.

As he did, he was instantly meet with the eyes of his classmates. They all looked very nervous, as if they were being threatened right on the spot.

He could see Remmy standing in in the middle of the classroom with a cut at his cheek, Sarah who was found injured and seemingly holding on to her stomach as if she was punched in the gut, Rebertha who was sweating in cold sweat and Sofia who sat with fear in her eyes.

"..." looking at the three 2nd year student in front, he could basically tell what the situation was.

This was a call-out by the social groups. It seems as though these group of 2nd year students were out to recruit some kids in the C-class. Normally this would be done either good-like where they offer a sense of trust or the Bad-like where they use force willingly to get what they wanted.

From the looks of it, it was a Bad-like situation.

"Who are you" asked one of the second year students in the middle, as he carried a knife with him.

"I'm…Lerroy." said Hamil as he spoke out hesitantly.

As he did, his four friends were a bit shocked to see him lie in front of the second years. And from the looks of it, the second years bought the lie.

"Do you know a kid named Hamil?" they asked.

"Yeah, he sits at this desk." said Hamil as he pointed to his desk in front.

But as Hamil pointed to his desk, a sudden threat emerge behind his back and he could see a smile appear at the three 2nd yer students faces.


When he quickly turned around, he saw the large-build boy raising his two hands up high in a position to smack down at him using those two big fist.

Hamil quickly responded by receiving the attack.

As the two fist fell to his direction, he opened his two hands and caught the attack.

The force of the attack shook the surrounding that caused a dusty explosion that covered the whole area.

As the dust slowly cleared off, the three 2nd year expected that this would quickly be over, but as the hole dust cleared way, they were shock to see the large-build kid kneeling on one knee while his throat was grabbed by Hamil.

"Did my lie not work?" asked Hamil.

"Hmm, its obvious it wouldn't work. After all, all of the desk in this class were already full and it leaves only with your chair empty…Hamil." said one of the 2nd years.

"Oh…then what do you want with me?" asked Hamil as he tightens his grip along the students neck as a form of threat.

"AAAhh!!" the boy struggle to let Hamil go of his neck, but his grip was to strong.

"...We've been hearing a lot about a kid that was strong to a point that he might even be considered one of the rising top students of this year. We just wanted to see if that was true. And judging by how you can hold yourself against someone like big bill, will you're as strong as they said you would be. It makes coming here worth the walk."

"Join us kid, join our group." said the student who carried a knife.

Hamil stared at the group and his friends…to see them be harassed was one of the things he hated to see. So with his stance, his presence grew with bloodlust that grew to a point that the 2nd year students felt alarmed.

"...No thanks. I still have a lot of shit to clean up at school before class starts." As he said this, he pulled up the big large-kid and threw him out of the class.

"You bastard!" screamed the two 2nd year students as they ran to Hamil's direction.

But right before they could even reach him, someone suddenly shows up to class, and that person was none other than Ms. Eva herself.

With her maddened expression, she conjured her magic and three chains came out of her circle. The chains wrapped around the second year students and she threw them out of the window.

As the window broke and as they were thrown, she then proceeded to fix the mess by arranging the chairs and fixing the window.

Not a minute passed, and everything was back to the way it was before everything got ruined.

"Remmy, get yourself to the nurse's office to get that cut check and please can anyone carry Sarah to the medical room to see if her condition is okay." said Ms. Eva as she proceeded to manage the situation.

Hamil tried to assist Sarah to the center but Ms. Eva stops him before he could even assist. As Ms. Eva wanted an explanation as to what happened.

"Can anyone tell me what happened to this class?" she looked a bit agitated and worried, so Rebertha came and explained the mess.

It was just like what Hamil expected it to be. It was a call-out recruitment. This group just all suddenly came and wrecked the place to find Hamil. Hearing that, Hamil couldn't help but be mad for what happened in this place.

"Sigh." Ms. Eva sighed and looked to Hamil to see what he thought of this situation, but all Hamil gave was a glaring look, almost as if he was thinking that he was to blame for all of this.

"Hamil, meet me after class." said Ms. Eva as she started her lesson soon.

As time went by and class ended for the first subject, Hamil approached Ms. Eva at her desk and asked what she wanted from him.

"Am I in trouble?" asked Hamil.

"Hamil, things will get rougher and rougher for you in the coming days. A lot of people will try to either recruit you or ruin your day by harassment. So I need you to do something for me." Ms. Eva came with a serious expression.

"...What is it?" asked Hamil.

"The only way for you to end this nonsensical call-outs is to either prove your strength by showing everyone that you can't be controlled by social groups or…you join one that has a major influence in school."

"Yeah, I thought of the same thing." he thought that to stop this from happening all together and regain his peaceful days, he should pick between the two.

In the first choice, this was shown by example of how Arthur Rhodenfield Stopped the proceeding call-outs by showing his strength to the whole academy.

The second choice is to simply join a group that has a rather good influence that it stops all of the upcoming problems that might come his way.

"The first one is kind of a hassle since I don't like to stand out…so I guess I should pick the second one then." said Hamil.

Ms. Eva smiled over his choice and soon gave him a piece of paper that had a list of names that was all filled with social groups. Some had good influence while the others were a bit rebellious. Almost around thirty names were in the list but Hamil didn't accepted the list. Instead he looked to the teacher and said.

"I'm joining the Student Counsel Committee."

"!?" Ms. Eva was shocked.

"Mr. Hoffman already said that he would recommend me to them, so I guess I can end all of this before it becomes a big deal." said Hamil.

"When did you guys talk about this?" asked Ms. Eva.

"Yesterday…I think it will help well with my situation and I can probably help the school." said Hamil.

Deciding to choose to join the counsel will surely help him acquire a little bit of freedom when walking all over the school. No one would suspect of his actions too much. And since Ethea was the president, he might find a way to help her when the terrorist arc begins.

Being close enough to protect her is one of the things that he needs to do, so he was able to acquire such chance simply by joining the counsel.